
Monday, May 15, 2023

Cole's Laid Up

Howdy - 

Went to make my High Hopes Stamps Card this week and this image just seemed good for me this week. All though my issue isn't leg... its arm. LOL This is Cole's Laid Up -


We had a car accident this last week, minding our own business and BAM - and we are fine but man I am sore and my hand is still hurting and hard to color... but I kept going cuz I really wanted to see this little guy all colored up and pretty.

I colored with my Copics (colors below) And then found some papers from Echo Park Just be You collection. I LOVE the patterns and colors. I sewed down layers with my sewing machine - and then used High Hopes Stamps sentiment "Back on Your Feet" - perfect! 

And with that flower pattern paper, I went and found more flowers - mulberry roses, Prima green flowers and Martha Steward leaves punches. 

This one makes me grin... even in pain! LOL

Copic colors used - 

No matter what - coloring always makes me feel better - how about you? To find so much to make you smile and color click HERE to get to the High Hopes Stamps Store. 

Have a blessed day - COLOR! 

HUGS and

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