Frio has become the center of attention in his pen... he DEMANDS all the attention once you enter - he is beyond friendly and really just adorable! He is a little trooper too - his Mom, Darlene will stand out and eat at the bale no matter what the weather, and that is why she is so "Big Boned"... yesterday during the hardest rain when every other Donkey and Goat on the property were in the barns... Darlene had her son out at the bale eating... He just stood there in the poring rain next to his Mom... gotta love this guy!
And he is doing a great job making friends... Carlos seems really interested in who is taking up so much attention.
And Pepita and Jolene, now these two staying in the barn most all day... they did get out in the light rain and ate and moved around, but Jolene doesn't like hard rain - so every time it would pick up she would head back into the barn.
We are still having issues with Pepita and her being skittish, and two days of heavy rain didn't help. But slowly you can tell she is wanting to get loving. And when we "force" ourselves on her, she does like it. Jolene has always been the same way - she loves the attention, but you have to really work at giving it to her - We are determined to get Pepita to be a loving little girl though - we have to she is so stunning I want her to be the best in attitude as well as looks!
And my two inside tornadoes... how can two such little things make such messes!! OH my Libbie I guess is going through some sort of jealous issues, cuz she is doing things she has never done! Pulling trash out of the can, dragging laundry around the house, getting way to rough when playing with the cat and running and barking through the house. And he shadow is right behind her at all times - :0) They are both adorable and cute as well... and we have many hours of laughter and pleasure with them...
I just love this shot... Can't you just hear Autie "ATTACK!!" and then there is Libbie... "Oh no, here he comes again..."
Well I am really starting to panic here... I leave in just a few days for CHA... and am I ready? Uh NO! So I am hoping today I can get all the laundry done and start packing. How do you get 10 days worth of clothes into one suitcase and stay under 50lbs? I have found myself holding up sweaters and trying to figure out which one weighs less.. LOL
Now because I will not be here next Saturday there will not be an Animal Crackers day, but I will be blogging from California and showing photos where I am, who I meet and most important.. maybe some of what I see new and great while there :0) Please visit me each day to share the fun with me...
HUGS and

The doggy pictures are pricelss.
I'm going to have to send Frio a Valenitne card-he is definitely my new heart throb. And Autie and Libby surely brighten my day.
Thanks for the very nice pics!! Love the first pic of Autie en Libbie, they both look as if you "caught" them. Good luck with packing. Yvonne
Love it, love it, love it!
Hi Michelle! fab piccies today, those donkeys are getting cuter you know! and your little tornados must keep you on your toes, how will your DH manage without you! Enjoy the show and I look forward to reading all about it.
hugs, annie x
Hiya Michelle, fabby Animal pics once again,i think frio is just adorable and the pic of Autie and Libbie is just fab.Enjoy CHA and i,m sure you,ll be ready in time.I,m looking forward to your posts.
Trish (-:
Will miss my "Crackers" fix next Sat. But will look forward to your report on CHA, since I can't go! Fio is the cutest thing! And little Pepita, well you just want to give her a cuddle. As for Autie and Libbie, LOVE the attack pic!! Bet DH is gonna miss you, I know all the 4 legged kiddo's will. For packing just remember coordinating colors so you can mix and match, makes a few pieces seem like lots! Have FUN!
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