I had a bit of a messy break down last night. I sat down at my desk, where I have been working like crazy to get some special DT stuff done, and just flipped out. My desk was a total wreck. I have been looking at getting some sort of hutch or something for the back portion of my desk, but just am not seeing what I like out there. So last night I took everything off my desk and... hold on to your hat here.... and I CLEANED it! It took me a couple of hours, but I feel so much better, now! I have more than a 6x6 space to work on! LOL I also removed half of my Copic storage boxes, it was just too big, stood up too tall on my desk - they are now just in three boxes, lets see if that works out, or if I go back to the way they were... HA! (you can see my old version

I also re-organized my Copic Refills - before they were also in the clear storage boxes, taking up lots of vertical space on my desk. For something that really isn't used that much. I had picked up a those Walmart CD boxes a while back, and decided it was time to give them a real purpose! I'll show off the other ones later...

This is what the boxes look like. Clean and I love the metal tab on the front. Once I have them all filled and in place I do matching labels. I got mine on clearance last fall for I think about $4.00 -

Here it is open. Right on top I keep my Copic Book - So far.. knock on wood.. I have been really good about keeping it up to date. In the beginning of purchasing my Copics I didn't really keep a good list of what I had. Yep... I got me a few extras a couple of times :0( Now when I am ordering my markers or refills I just take my little book and no worries!

But seriously now.. how happy does that look? Love Love Love seeing them all in order all the pretty colors. Hubby thought I was a bit nuts last night when I showed him my refills and my Copics all lined up. LOL hey his fish flies make him happy... my markers and refills make me happier! Cuz I can use mine everyday!
I love how these fit perfectly into the CD Box standing up and can be sat closed up on the shelf. Why didn't I think of this when I got the boxes months ago? :0)
Now for my personal item this week... How about my hearts?

Ok, I collection Donkeys - and I also love to get things with hearts. (Married on Valentines day so it is fitting) These are two hand blown heart paper weights I got forever ago at a craft show. I totally love them. They are just so pretty and shiny. They are always on my desk.... sometimes really buried but they are there - peeking out to me. I don't think I have ever used them as a paper weight... but their real purpose is just to make me smile. I mean these are some serious bling hearts don't you agree? If you look at my desk photo above you can see them :0)
Hope you enjoyed today's Me and My Space - I have something really fun to show off tomorrow! So pop back ok?
HUGS and

Pretty hearts, I often buy things with no real purpose but to make me smile! Like flowers from the grocery store *You have to feed the soul, too*.
Great way to store your markers. Great bargain find, gotta love that. Hugs...
Do you want to come clean my studio? Yours is so lovely and clean!! Not to mention organized, did I mention organized?? Impressive!
ooo so tidy Michelle! I have to sort out my Copic storage, and something for the refills too now I've started to collect them as well. love your comment about the fishing flies - I'll remember that one! but does your hubby pinch your pens to colour his fluffy bits to make the flies?!
hugs, annie x
Love your way of storing your markers. I need to think of something for mine as I have some of the newer oval shaped pens and bought some of the old square ones by mistake! So they're awkward to store.
Love the hearts too!
Thanks for sharing!
Sheena # 133 (I think!)
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