Howdy -
Hubby's Jeep has been parked all month. Now if you knew my Hubby you would know he LOVES his Jeep - and loves driving his Jeep. But we had guest that were growing in the spare tire on the back.
A sweet little Carolina Wren built a nest in one of the holes in the wheel. And she had worked very hard for that nest and those 4-5 eggs! So for the last few weeks he has let the Jeep stay parked and been watching that little Mom go in and out of the tire.
They hatched... still watching but keeping a safe distance. They started growing their feathers and now I think they are getting close!
We are keeping a watch to see when those baby birds will be adventuring out and taking their first flights.
They are really cute... zooming to get a photo of them.
Snapped a cute photo of McLaren this week. Hubby was working on an old bucket for our antique business... McLaren decided the best place to watch him work was from inside the bucket.. LOL
She is so funny -
Went out to the goat pen yesterday - I was a little under the weather, and we had some rain the night before so it was muddy... so I just stayed up by the house for a few photographs.
As always old Miss Scarlett "Red" came to say hi. We are keeping a close eye on her, she is getting older and so so skinny. Still very active and Still in charge of the pen though!
I'm not sure what Jackie was doing on the far side of the pen. Most everyone else was either enjoying breakfast, or lounging in the huts in the shade. It was a LOUD Stormy night so they were all a bit sleepy and slow to get out -

These are some cherry tomatoes.. so we might start seeing some turning red soon. I will say with the rain and all the lightening everything is growing like crazy!
Hope you are having nice weather where ever you are - Get out and enjoy some nature and some furry friends!
HUGS and