Howdy -
Went out very early one day this week to snap some photos. And the sunrise light was great for some portraits.
Valentine was right outside the back gate. Look how handsome he is.
This angle makes him look slimmer than he actually is.. LOL But this big boy is really good looking. And he wears those ears perfectly!
I tried to get a photo of his Mom, Cocoa...she would have nothing to do with it. Breakfast time, not photo time! We went around in circles a couple time trying to get a photo, then I just gave up. She usually wins.
Ted always will pose for me. Still a little dark for a photograph but he is still stunning.
He knows it too... I can't get over how grey he is getting. And that the grey is coming in spots. He really looks polka-dotted. Love him so much silly guy.
Headed out to the Ladies pen. All being very calm and waiting for breakfast. It was still early so maybe they were still sleepy. But that made getting in and snapping photos a little easier. Sometimes they are so excited about feed that they make it hard and honestly I just don't go in the pen. They are not dangerous at all towards me, just very pushy and well very heavy to be shoving me. Especially in my flip flops!
Patti looked very pretty in the morning sun. Her angle does show a bit of belly though. Next time more from the front for her to look slimmer. They don't like to look bad on the web you know.

Again this week Macie was being very friendly. And she was off by herself so it gave me a chance to love all over her.
She is such a sweet loving old lady. Shame there was a shadow on her! This would have been a perfect photo of her.
Bella was off in the shade of the barn. This portrait really makes those ears show off doesn't it?
Now she doesn't need an angle to look slim. She is very trim. Always has been a skinny girl. Well other then when pregnant she really gets wide when carrying her babies.
Lacey pushed her way to the front of the girls for some head scratches.
She too is really getting grey. But still young at heart. Very active and always front and center.
As I was working my way back towards the gate Jolene wanted her portrait as well. Problem is that she would not work with me and the 8 foot distance to snap the portrait shot... She wanted a close up!
Funny girl!
Hope you have a smile again this week. They were all in great spirits and happy to have photos taken this week. Well until they saw "Dad" coming out to feed. Then all the screaming and movement started. Got loud standing within them all. So I decided to make my way out of the pen and save my hearing!
HUGS and