Saturday, March 8, 2025

Animal Crackers - Afternoon Stroll

Howdy - 

Afternoon and found some girls out for a stroll. We love finding Turkeys wandering - we couldn't find their TOM he must have been just off in the brush. But these ladies were finding lots of snacks and making all kinds of noises. We pulled over and just watched for a bit. They are so cool to watch!


Crazy weather! This week it has been all about the WIND! WoW!  One afternoon the winds were gusting over 40MPH and that with very dry old trees equals lots of mess! On the way home one day this week my Sister called and she had down trees on her drive. We went by there... Helped with what we could but her main down tree was too big and needed bigger equipment so had to move on. Luckily her neighbor volunteered to bring over his tractor so Hubby could then deal with our driveway when we came through our gate! We had quite a few limbs and trees down. This weekend is suppose to be more high winds. Hope it isn't nearly as bad!

Went out to the see the girls while they were finishing off breakfast. I know... they pay no attention to me when that is their focus. But they are so cute so even if I don't get snuggles and head scratches they are adorable. 

Lacey was done with her breakfast but still was busy doing some scratching and grooming... Those long necks are a big plus it seems! Wish things could be so easy when my itches come up!

Short post this week - Computer crashed this week.. My track pad mouse died... it has been a tech mess! Have a new computer on order. Because according to the very young smart tech-y guy at the store my computer is VERY old and I have to let go and move on. So I am working very slowly on a not so happy old computer that I completely understand how it feels! LOL

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Me... I am pouting about my computer that I have worked on for many years and loved. I will learn to love the new one... I hope

HUGS and

1 comment:

Carol Dee said...

Ugh, I also need a new computer, Not fun. Sorry about the tree mess. At least there are always Donkey smiles and hugs.