Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Celebrating 75,000 Hits with some Big Blog Candy!

This post will remain ontop until the end of the candy - for newest post please scroll down ;0)
YEA! I finally got all my stuff for my blog candy together - I know I have been telling you it was coming! Well here it is and I have to say I am wishing I could win it! LOL!

So what we have here is:

1- The NEW HARD TO FIND Core'dinations 12x12 Whitewash card stock stack

2- FIVE sets of Pink Cat Studios Stamps - YES FIVE FULL NEW UNCUT SETS!

Hearts, Doodle Garden, Baby, Background and Crafty Kitty!

(A special thank you to my wonderful, generous, friend that donated these to my candy!)

3 - A Uniball Gel Pen - yes the same pen I use for all of my Gel pen stitching I do so much of! Well except this is a brand new one! LOL

4- TWELVE of my MIL's crocheted flowers! Ouch that one hurt to put in.. I had to beg and then didn't want to share them LOL! But so many have loved seeing them on my cards to I decided to add them to the loot! Isn't she sweet to have made these for the candy? Thank you MIL!

5- FOUR bottles of the New product SMOOCH by Clearsnap - I have heard so many wonderful things about this new must have product - I got it special in for the candy - well and a few more for me too ;0) Can't wait to try this stuff!

6- and then a pile of jewelry spacers! Another must have for embellishing your flowers on your cards.....

So what do you need to do to win all of this?

Spread the word of my Candy with a link to my blog on your blog.

If you don't have a blog then please let the world know by telling your friends or shouting out on whatever forum you belong.

Leave a comment here with a link to where you spread the news

If you would like to be a follower that would be great - if you already are - Thanks so much! But not necessary to winning ;0)

And that is it! I'll ship world wide so no worries there -

I'll do a random number generator on June 24th and announce the winner that evening!

Hugs and Good Luck!


1 – 200 of 506   Newer›   Newest»
Annita said...

wow I got to be the first one to comment.... cool :-)
Congrats on your hits, I love your work you're very talented.
hugs Annita

christina d said...

Wow, that's alot of hits! I don't have a blog so I'll share this with my yahoo groups and friends as well. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I know all the people that follow your blog will be happy for you and for being a part of it.
I love your blog and all your animals.
Amazing blog candy.

Cynde said...

Michelle you are so generous! You give of your time and talent always. Your so great to share all your lovely pictures and loving posts about your animals. Thanks so much for all you do! Your a very talented artist and I love your blog...Hugs Cynde

Rachelle Christensen said...

Looks like a fun contest. I sent you an email using your addy on the sidebar, about another giveaway. Did you get it? Hope that was the right address.

Kristie W. said...

Wow! 75,000 hits is very impressive!

I'm now a follower and have posted your candy on my blog:

I'll be back to visit now that I'm a follower and subscriber!

Jenny V. said...

Congratulations Michelle! Wow 75,000 hits and many more to come. Thanks for sharing your creations with us and keep up the good work. Wow SMOOCH by Clearsnap, I would love to win this and give this a try. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy, you are so thoughtful. Have a great day!


Petra said...

Ohhh..that candy looks good.

Hope I'm lucky and will put a link on my blog


Suzanne said...

Ohh Michelle so many gorgeous goodies and some things I have never seen before, that card stock looks lush!!!Congratulations on all the hits I will link you on my blog. Sue :o)

SkyleRae said...

Wow! What a blog candy! I will link you in my blog! Thanks for all the great stuff!

AnnS said...

Congrats on the hits. Thanks for the opportunity to win such nice candy. I have linked you on my blog.

tracy said...

congratulations on so many hits thats fantastic!
You have an love MIL will have to borrow her lol lovely candy thanks for a chance to win
tracy x

Anne said...

Well done on all those hits Michelle. I'm not surprised though as I love to read about your lovely donkeys not forgetting your cards lol
Thanks for the chance to win, I'll leave a link on my candy bar for you
Anne x

Amanda said...

Congratulations on your blogging success! 75,000+ hits, wow! That is wonderful. I have added a link to your candy to the sidebar of my blog. I am also a subscriber via Google Reader so I never miss a post! Many thanks for the chance to in this very generous candy! :)

Diamond Doll said...

WOW 75,000 Hits and i,m just nearing 5,000 Doh!!! Congrats on such a fab blog,I have linked your candy on my sidebar and am all ready a follower.Thanx for the chance of winning some Yummy candy.I just love your Mil crochet flowers.
Trish (-:

Froggy said...

Wow, this is yummy candy!!
I added your link onto my sidebar here:

Thanks for the chance to win!

StampinCathy said...

Congrats!! Congrats!! Wow you know how to spoil us with this fabulous and fun celebration candy. This candy is on my diet too. (teehee)
I look forward to your updates everyday. You are one very creative and inspiring crafter.
Here is the link on put your candy on PCP.
Thanks so much for a chance.

Sheri said...

WOW! What great blog candy! 75,000 hits - that a lot! Congrats on such a wonderful blog. I am telling all of my friends. In fact I am meeting several of them tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday for a stamp convention and believe me after the hellos and hugs, I am telling them to come to visit you!

Anonymous said...

Hi...and congrads to you! WOWSER! so many hits..but..not surprised...we all luv your blog! you are so full of ideas and inspiration...ty for being YOU...ty for the chance to win! I do follow and have spread the word via email as I have no blog...ty ty ..yummy candy...and I want to win! ty again Cher

Frogs-n-Butterflies said...

Congrats on the hits!!! I think your blog is super fabulous and visit often! I have linked back from Thanks so much for the chance to win this wonderful prize!

Anonymous said...

Woowee what a wonderful accomplishment to celebrate.Plus what delicious treats expecially those beautiful crocheted treats!

I'll let my friends know about your site-it is great!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Congrats on having 75,000 hits (I'm one of your followers). I don't have a blog but, am going to tell my girlfriend about yours.

Sandy D.

sdul at insightbb dot com

Unknown said...

wow....well done on your hits...fantastic and your log is a credit to you wouls love a chance to ein all these yummy candy...will link you to my side bar already sa follower..thanks fo rth emost generous candy...scrummy...hugs sassy x

Claire said...

Love your blog, subscribed a while back. Don't have a blog but I did spread the word around to my card maker buddies.
Congrats on your 75,000 hits

Jingle said...

I posted a link to your candy over at All Moments Remembered! I follow your blog, too!

crafty amy said...

Oh my this is such a yummy lot of candy! I can see why you have had so many hits I have loved your work ever since I first saw it and have been a follower ever since. WEll done hun I am sure you will have loads more :)
I have linked in the side bar of my blog.

X Amy X

Crazy Creations said...


Wendalyn said...

Congrats Michelle on all those hits but your cards are fantastic. I added you to my blog

Anonymous said...

I'm totally talking about this on my blog and I'll be sharing it on too!

And just because your blog is so stinkin' cool, I'm following it.

A Soul's Heartbeat said...

What a great gift you're offering! I have you on by blog sidebar so hope it gets you some hits!

CraftyC said...

Wow Michelle, Mega Candy and its super fantastic. Would love to be in with a chance. Will add your link to my sidebar
many thanks and fingers crossed!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Count me in! I'd love to win. I'll list this candy on my blog sidebar Here and I do follow!

Diane S said...

count me in too!! will spread the word to all my stamping friends.

Sheene said...

What wonderful Blog Candy. I love checking on your blog to see the wonderful cards that you have made. I have added a link to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a wonderful day! Smiles, sheene

Kelly Schelske said...

Oh wow, fabulous blog candy Michelle!!

I am a follower
I have posted a pict and link on my sidebar as well!!

Hugs, Kelly

All About Me said...

Wow!!! Congrats on your 75,000 hits. I can remember when you first started your blog and we would get regular updates during our crops. I love reading your blog, no matter what is going on or how bad my day is your blog always makes me feel better. Congratulations again.

gocanucksgo said...

YAY! Congrats Michelle =) Quite an accomplishment. I don't have a blog but i'll let my friends know to come visit and enter! Keep up the great work and good luck =)

~*Joni said...

Holy Smokes! That's alot of hits Michelle, but soooo well deserved as you are incredibly talented. Your blog candy picture will be on my sidebar with a direct link to your blog. I'll be sure to give you a shout out on my next post! And btw, your MILs flowers are sooo beautiful. :D

slbt17 said...

Well, you certainly know how to celebrate! That Blog Candy really does look neat - and your mil flowers! They would of been enough to make people line up!

I don't have a blog, but told all of my friends over at the ConnecticutScrappers Yahoo Group about your great blog candy.

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

WOW Michelle, 75,000 hits. Congratulations my dear. You have made alot of us out here in Blogland very happy reading your Blog and esspecially seeing all the babies of your on Donkey Saturday. I hope we see 75,000 more hits too. You Rock!

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

WOW Michelle, 75,000 hits. Congratulations my dear. You have made alot of us out here in Blogland very happy reading your Blog and esspecially seeing all the babies of your on Donkey Saturday. I hope we see 75,000 more hits too. You Rock!

cabio's craft corner said...

Congratulations Michelle, for your big hits. Thank you for offering a chance to your blog candy. Added myself to your follower list~


Angie... by the said...

Dang girl! I'm so excited to find this, and will tell it around. Thanks for being so generous, I'm learning a lot about how to have a great blog by checking yours out!

TA Carbone said...

I wasted no time sharing the good news with everyone. You can check it out on my blog.

Have a nice weekend and just want to let you know that you are so generous not only with your blog candy but just by what you share with others.


Pam said...

WOW...75,000...way to go...congrats!!! I don't have my own blog yet, but will tell my crafty friends about your awesome candy. I already follow you on google reader, but I also signed up as a "follower" on your site. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful work. The more blogs I follow, the more inspired I am getting to start my own blog...I am just so darn computer illiterate...LOL...that is scares me...LOL. Thanks for the chance to win such great treats.

Moni said...

Waw congrats on the huge hits! I am already your follower and linked you on my blog! And would love to win this fab candy, I know I am not very lucky, but will try! I linked you here:
Have a nice day! Hugs, moni

Sonja said...

I'm reading your blog whenever you post something about your creativity or donkeys. Like it.
But I like your blog candy also, so I have posted it at my sidebar.
Thank you for teasing us with such a great products :)
Best regards,

tami said...

oh my goodness. I hope I win. Tonight was my first visit to your blog. I likey!! Thanks.

Tami said...

I forgot to leave my address and I did link your candy to my blog. I will be keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that I win!!!

Veerle said...

I love your blog and the stories of the donkeys! Your blog is in my bloglines so I follow your messages!
Lovely candy you give away, fingers crossed!

I've linked you on my blog :

Greetings from Belgium

Fi said...

Wow- congrats on all those hits!! You've got a fab blog, so it's no surprise really!

I've added a link to my blog and I'm already a follower!


Jayne Hayward said...

Thank you for giving us a great opportunity to win some lovely candy.

Well done on achieving 75,000 hits you deserve it with such beautiful creativity on a truly wonderful blog. I have placed a link at the side of my blog to spread the word and already a follower.

Jayne xx

daisy said...

wow what a great number of hits!!!!! you have a lot of surfers every day. hihi thanks for givin up such candy for grabs! i'm alreaddy a follower, and i WIL spread the word treu my blog.

and good luck daisy

Annelie said...

Congrats to all the hits! I´ve just found your blog and signed up as a follower. Your cards are really great and I think your donkeys are adorable :)
Thank´s for the chance to win the amazing candy!
Greetings from Annelie, Sweden

Christine said...

I just started hanging out at your blog and you're already offering candy. I can't remember where I came her fun but I've been enjoying your dokeys.

I added your candy to my sidebar.


ILONA said...


wow, 75000 hits....congratulation....I´m a follower....and i have a link on my blog...thanks for the chance to win the great candy....

ILONA (Germany)

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Congratulations hun! And how wonderful is your blogcandy?! I added it to my candy jar and also wrote some lines about it on my blog.

Jay Jay

Ksenia said...

Congratulations! Fantastic candy!
My link is

Tanya said...

Congratulations on the SUPER hits!
Your donkey soooo sweety!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win your great candy. I've added a link to my sidebar and I'm already a follower! Welcome to my blog
Thanks again
Hugs from Israel

Jilli said...

Congratulations on all your hits! I've linked you on my sidebar and i'm already one of your followers! Thanks for the chance of winning this awesome candy, gonna keep everything crossed ... fingers, toes, legs ... even eyes! Jillix

Anonymous said...


what a great Blog-Candy and congratulation to
your blog!
I´ll tell all my friends about it.


Daniela from Germany

Unknown said...

Wow Michelle, what an amazing giveaway, I've put a link to it on my blog & thanks for the chance to win these fantastic goodies.


Jan x

ribenaruby said...

Wow! Brilliant candy Michelle, love all your talented work and huge congratulations on your milestone. Link is on the right bar, wishing you a fantastic day!

Nunt said...

Oh my, this one kicks some butts! You dear girl are really generous with this lot! Thank you for this chance, and congrats on your hits - and cheers to another 75.000 ;) I linked you in my blog and joined as a follower, as I must admit I am curious about those miniature donkeys!

nunt from Norway

blueberry said...

Congratulations! I just discovered your blog and registered as a follower immediately - you make great things! :)

And your candy is very generous - thank you very much! Of course I hope to win all those lovely things... so I've put a link on my blog.

Have a lovely weekend

Mephisto said...

Wow, thats so a fab Candy!

I have posted it on the Sidebar on my


Marja Sch said...

Congrats I always love to read your stories when they popup in my google reader. I have posted your blogcandy on my blog in the sidebar. Hugs Marja

Kristin Lindstrom said...

Congratulations on 75,000 hits! Thanks for sharing your talent with us! (and the chance to win the great candy!)

MarieMc said...

I just bcame a follower. Your blog candy looks delicious. I don't have an active blog so I will tell all my yahoo groups!

Esme said...

Ooh what lovely candy!!
I'm a new visitor to your blog, and I love the donkeys!!!

I've put a link on my blog to your candy!!

Esme x

stella said...

Congrats on the hits. Your blog candy looks delicious. Your MIL is generous by making you those flowers and then you are sharing some of them. Does the niceness ever stop? I am so thrilled to see the photos of the adorable donkies when you post them and your creations are always beautiful. I don't have a blog, so I am telling my friends today about your candy. Thanks, Stella

sandyh50 said...

Awesome blog candy! I follow your blog on my Google Reader. I don't have a blog so I will post a message on my Fiskateer message board! Thanks for the chance!

Joani McDonald said...

Michelle ~ 75k hits is awesome! Congrats to you! I love your blog!! Not only the great and inspiring paper crafting but I just love the donkey's!
Thanks for sharing with us.
p.s I've got your blog candy on my blog but I'm not sure how to creat the link on "links to this post".

Ms. Jackie said...

thanks so much.
Here is my link for your blo

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for a chance to win!


Linda said...

WOW 75,000 really ROCKS.....Congrats!! I have become a follower and linked your blog candy to my sidebar.
Thank you for the chance to win your FABULOUS yummy candies. :)

Donalda said...

Wow big congrats on your hits dear
And I have linked you on my blog dear Hugs

Dawn said...

Hi Michelle
Wow great candy and well done on all those visitors!!


Anonymous said...

Mmmm... fantastic candy!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar.

Mommy said...

Sounds great! I've added you to my blog.

Grandma - Bear said...

I left a comment on my blog @
I also post a link on Facebook also.
I luv UR donkeys!! That's why I keep checking Ur blog along w/ Ur cards.
Do U call the babies Colts? or is that for horses only?
Put me in for Ur genrous candy giveaway.

Chris (catt871) said...

Holy Schmoley girl!!! 75,000 hits?? THAT is AWESOME!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!! (lucky #83 here we come!!!) I added you to my Candy bar!

Lene said...

Waiting anxiously for Vicki's baby! Love to see the photos of all the donkeys. They're all adorable!
Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance! Left a link over on my blog.

Siri Fjørtoft, kaBoks said...

Congratulations on your 75 000 hits! That is amazing :-) I love your candy, thanks for the chance to win. I´ve made a link in my candybar :


Brandi said...

This is such an awesome blog candy giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win! I have posted a link in the sidebar of my blog.



Linda w said...

Michelle I will use good ole word of mouth to pass the information on to my stamping friends. I would sure love to win this.

thanks much
Linda w

Natascha´s Werke said...


what a nice blog..

the candy is great, i hope i ve chance without a blog..


mckinkle said...

Hi, WOW all those hits! Amazing but I can see why! Ive added your candy on my blog - not for the candy - but so that more people can enjoy your beautiful donkeys! And your craft Michelle of course!!
Keryn x

Tab said...

Hey Sweetie, wow gorge candy, thanks for the chance to win, looks super delish!
Hugs Tab xxx

Pamela said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I have forwarded your blog to some friends through goggle reader.

pscole3467 at gmail dot com

windchase said...

I love your blog! I don't have a blog to link to yours but I will e-mail all my card-making buddies so they can check it out. Thank you for the chance to win.


What great candy!!!, Love your blog.

Denimo said...

Wonderful candy Michelle! Would be lovely to win it!! Oh... and your cards ain't too shabby either. Really, they are delightful! Thanks for the chance of winning!

Andrea said...

This candy is so great! Thanks for the chance to win. I post it on my blog here.
Hugs Andrea

Krista, Ontario said...

Congrats! Your cards are beautiful. I don't have a blog...but thank you for the chance. You are too kind.

Angua said...

Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :)
I've linked your candy on my sidebar.

Susanne said...

Hi, you have a wonderful blog. And what a amazing blog candy! Would be nice to win.

I've linked this blog candy to my blog at the sidebar.

Greetings from Germany

Kim said...

Michelle what fantastic candy you have! Thanks so much for the chance to win hun! You are so kind and generous to be giving away such fantastic goodies! I would love to win! Thanks again! I have posted a link to you in my sidebar! :)
Big Hugs~ Kim

Katie L Oakley said...

Amazing number of hits Michelle - I know why though! I love visiting your blog! (Already am a follower!). I have linked your candy in my sidebar. Goodluck everyone xx

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Wow what a fantastic blog, this is my first visit so I have lots to absorb.
I have become a follower. Congrats on all those hits.
I have put the photo and link to your candy on the right hand side of my blog Hugs Julie x

Annie said...

Michelle, I have just discovered your wonderful blog. I don't have a blog yet but would love to have a chance to win the bundle of stamping swag you have put together. Yor blog is in my favorites and will be a new source of inpiration.


Sharon said...

Congrats on your blog hits

Sharon said...

sorry forgot my blog link

BlueRose said...

Congrats on your blog hits ! Great candy as well.......

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

I just found your blog and what an adorable one it is! Love the donkey!! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win the fabulous blog candy!

Lacey said...

Great blog candy. I am now a follower (although I have stopped by often before now). And I linked you in my sidebar! I also have blog candy so stop by and enter!

Carole RB said...

Hi Michelle
Congrats on your 75 000 hit. I don't have a blog but I'll tell my friends. I'm a follower Thanks for a chance to win!

Renee said...

Soooooo much candy. Thanks for sharing with us. I linked you from my blog.

Jacquie Hart said...

AWESOME goodies gf thanks for the chance and I love your blog

I posted this in the sidebar of my blog


Jacilynn said...

Super CAndy! I've linked you on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Elaine said...

Michelle....WOW! I can't believe all the goodness here! I sure hope you pick me! ;-) I'll post on my blog too, just so you know that I'm serious about wanting all the goodies! :)

Fiese_Friesin said...

Oh wow Michelle, congrats to youre clicks. Youre blog candy is amazing, I hope I can win it.
Big greetings from germany

Fiese_Friesin said...

Oh wow Michelle, congrats to youre clicks. Youre blog candy is amazing, I hope I can win it.
Big greetings from germany

Uschi said...

Oh what a wonderful candy!!!!!
Big greetings from Austria

Angel Bobbie said...

I just found your blog tonight but I know I will be checking it from now on. I don't have a blog but I will let all of my friends know about yours.
angel Hugs...Chemo Angel Bobbie

Jelenka said...

Wonderful candy! Thanks for the cahnce to win.I've linked you through the sidebar on my blog.Greetings from Estonia.

TimmyK said...

Wooow, what a wonderful candy!
I´ve linked in the side bar of my blog.
Hugs Kerstin

mueppi said...

Congrats on the hits!!
What a wonderful candy!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I linked on my sidebar!!
Hugs Gisela

Zarah said...

Congrats on all the hits!! :D

I have linked to your post here so now I'm just keeping fingers crossed. :)

Nicki said...

Wow, lovely candy and well done on all your hits. I've added a link to the candy list on my blog. Thanks, Nicki.

Tanja said...

Wooooow, what a great candy Michelle! Thanks for the chance to win!

I linked on my sidebar!

Hugs, Tanja

Basteltiger´s Welt said...

First of all congrats to so many hits.

Thanks for that great chance to win your candy, it´s stunning.

Here is my link:

Have a great day.

Andreja - kokos said...

Waw congrats on the huge hits! I linked you on my blog! And would love to win this fab candy. I linked you here:
Have a nice day! Hugs, Andreja

Ingrid said...

This is a very great Blog.
I love it.
I have linked your blog to my Blog.
You have a nice package to win.

Best regards.
Ingrid ( from the Netherlands.)

Wendy Swenne said...

Wow, this candy is just awesome! Thanks for a chance to win.
I linked your blog on mine.

I just love your blog. Love the pictures of the donkeys. And al the pretty things you make.


Wendy (from holland)

.:♥Marit Pettinga-Meijer♥:. said...

Congratulation on your amazing amount of hits! Thanks for offering this great candy! I'd like a chance to win! I've linked you on my blog!
Hugs, Marit.

Mouse40 said...

Congrats on your 75000 hits!!!
Great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm your follower now and I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog

stempelfeest said...

Wow, what a candy! Congrats with all the hits. Love your craft style and will promote your blog (and candy!) on

Christy said...

Wonderful accomplishment, here's to another 75,000.

Lisa said...

congrats and wowsahs great candy, I added you to my candy bar and thanks for the chance to win

Anne said...

Such AWESOME candy! I'm definitely going to spread the word to my stamping friends! Not a blogger, and don't subscribe, but I check in quite frequently! Absolutely LOVE donkey day :-)

Sandy R said...

Great blog!! So glad you were recommended by a friend. LOVE the donkeys!! My dd and I are both fans now! I've posted a link to my blog. Thanks for the chance to receive the awesome blog candy!

Niki said...

Love all the pictures! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great candy!

Mel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mel said...

Wow cogratzz on all your hits
but no suprise as your blog and all your creations are fab.
Such fab candy too iM so luck to be in with a chance i have a pic with link in my sidebar you can see it here
Thanks Mel x

Ksenia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara said...

Congrats on the massive hits! I don't have a blog but I do send others your way to see your beautiful creations. Love the candy! To many more celebrations of this sort!

Mina said...

omg Michelle what fantastic candy, and how much of it is there...thank you so much for the chance to win all this yummy stuff...I have linked you on my blog xxx

Unknown said...

Congrats with the hits!! And what a fab blog candy you got!!
Hope I win....

I've posted a link to my blog.

Hugs from Tine

JenRaff said...

I have been following your blog thanks to Club Anya ~ I don't have a blog myself but belong to a scrapbook club and will spread the word about the blog candy.
Love seeing your animals!

Ann said...

Wonderful blog candy!! I keep checking back to see if you have had that baby yet. I really enjoy your narratives on life on the farm and your great pictures. TFS Ann Lind

Stinne said...

tillykkke - that you're doing is great and inspiring to me. I often look over and see what you have done: It is great that you now have over 75,000 hits ... here is my link

amanda stokes said...

Hi Michelle!what lovely candy and congrats on all those hits!
i'd love to be included will pop a link on my blog
thanks amanda x

Ellis said...

Congrats on the 75 000 hits! =)
I just posted about you faboulous blogcandy in my blog and linked to you! =)
Haven't heard about Smooch before so that sounds really interesting! =)

Hugs, Elenor

Annie said...

Wow congratulations on having such an amazing blog and I'm not surprised you have so many visitors. I always love to look at your designs.
Candy is just wow - my fingers are crossed.
Ann xxx

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 75000 hits.
Great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I posted a link on the sidebar.

Hugs Sonja

Kristin said...

Congratulations with 75.000 hits! That's really a huuuge number, but with all the nice cards you're making, it's no wonder you're so often visited! ;)

I've spread the word in my blog, of course! ;)

Have a nice day!

Di said...

Wow this is just awesome candy, i've spread the word fab blog by the way i have become a follower.
my blog link.

hugs Di xx

Shauna K said...

Wow! What amazing candy :D And congrats on 75,000! I linked up your candy to my sidebar post! Thanks for the chance to enter :)

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Congratulations on your huge number of hits Michelle. Very well deserved! I have posted a link to your candy in my sidebar and I'm already a follower. :0) Hugs, Lainy xxx

Lynne in NI said...

Wow Michelle thats a lot of hits - congratulations! Your blog is lovely and your header is totally gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance of winning your yummy candy. I've linked you on My Blog

vicki said...

Wow fab candy.Don't have a blog but will spread the word.

Vicki (kraftykatz)

NormaJean said...

wow thats alot of hits!! and congrats and thank you for the chance to win your blog candy it looks awesome, Im a follower and linked your candy from my blog
My Blog
thank you again
Hugs normajean

Kim. said...

I love your candy which I have added to my sidebar. I thank you for the chance to join in, I am already a follower and thank you also for your lovely Saturday stories on donkey updates, they always give me a smile. You can find my blog at this address:-
Kim xXx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful candy hun, i hope you dont mind me entering, i have posted about your candy on my blog here ,big congrats on the blog hits darlin, wow so many, but i am not supprised, your cards are all amazing and you are super talented, i am sure you will be getting more and more blog hits :)



Susan said...

Wow, so many hits!!!!! Congratulations!!! And so very generous of you to celebrate by giving one of us the present!!!!


Chook said...

Congrats on 75000 hits and what lovely candy to celebrate, thanks. I have put a link on my sidebar.

Michelle said...

oh! such gorgeous candy! and i am LOVING your MIL's flowers! theyre beautiful! how kind of you to part with some! IM happy to post a link to your candy on my blogs sidebar!

Denise said...

Awesome amount of hits! I am newer at the blogging! My blog can be found at
I have not figured out how to put the side bar with candy! One day somehow I will get that figured out! Anyhow this is some awesome candy! I sure hope I win this because we have not had a paycheck since December and getting new crafty things is just a big no no right now! I have looked for the smooch paint to even see what it is but as usual nothing around here!

Denise Wells

Susan said...

I enjoy your daily posts....seeing your creations and I love reading about the donkeys and Libby. Thanks for the blog candy opportunity. I have posted a link on my blog sidebar which you will find here:

frogers said...

Womderful blog. I am now a follower. Thanks for the chance.

yoorah said...

Following your blog is a treat in itself !

Marie said...

Congrats on your hits! Count me in on this grate candy!

Nikki said...

OOh What a wonderful array of Candy Sweet's
Thanks for a chance for your candy
Nikki C

Iris said...

Brilliant blog and an amazing candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

I´ve linked your candy at my sidebar.


Michelle said...

WOWZER this is some fantastic candy. I have become a follower as your blog is fantastic. have added a link on my sidebar.

Good luck to everyone

Karina said...

Hi Michelle, wow... so many comments already... I just landed on your blog occasionally and love what I see here. So I will visit you again from time to time to see your news. And perhaps there's a little chance to win your lovely goodies. I just added you on the side bar of my blog.
Love from Switzerland, Karina

Chrissy said...

Congratulations on 75,000 hits!!! Thanks for offering such awesome blog candy and I'm linking you from blog right now. :o)

TaNusha said...

Congratulations on 75,000 hits!!! This is fantastic!
I am now a follower. Thanks for the chance to win. This candy is very sweet!!!
My link:

PaperSunshine said...

Wow! 75,000 hits! Your donkeys and stories are so interesting (and of course Libbie!) besides your beautiful card so I can understand why!

Here is the link on my blog:

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lovely Linda said...

Wow - fabulous Blog Candy - thank you for the opportunity to play. I have linked your Candy to my Blog:
and would love you to visit sometime!
God bless you!

Leslie said...

Wow what a great site and beautiful donkey:)

I have posted on my blog here... about your blog candy.

Would love to win:)

Nicki said...

WOW would i love to win this lot! have added to my sidebar on my blog to spread the word.
good luck everyone!

Penni said...

Wow Michelle congrats on all your hits.

Fab blog, I've added my name to your followers list.

Great Blog Candy too - I've added it to my sidebar for you.


Nicola said...

Congratulations on your hits. I put a link to your candy on my blog. I just love your cards and your donkeys.


Unknown said...

I came across your blog after seeing one of your cards for a Spoon Full of Sugar challenge, which I really loved. I have added a link to your candy to my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win!
Louise Z

vikkithescrapjunkie said...

Wow super candy with things ive never seen tried or heard of. Thankyou for the chance to win, i have done all you asked to enter the draw.
Love n hugs
Vikki xx

Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

Wow, what a hits! Always love to see your cards and the donkey story's. Your candy is on my blog!

Linda said...

This is just a real nice blog candy, some real good stuff, some I´ve never seen before, hope it will go to Denmark:-)

Scrap love linda

DART said...

Congrats on this magnificent milestone being met! I'm doing my part to spread the word of your blog (and wonderful blog candy) via my blog at: and am keeping my fingers crossed!

Donna : )

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your hits hunni very well deserved lets get the champers out and celebrate!

thanks for the chance to win
some lovely things

carly xxx

Evelyn C said...

Great blog and some fab candy too,no wonder you'd like to win it ! will add a link to my blog and spread the news

flatis stempelwelt said...

Wow, this is yummy candy!!
I cross my fingers ...
Big Hugs, Sonja xx

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Wow, Congratulations on all those fabulous hits Michelle, Thanks for the chance to win sweetie and i'm off to post on my blog, Big Hugs, Nikki x

Shannon said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I've linked you on my blog.

Cheryl Walker said...

OMGOsh Michelle, I love your blog candy hun!!! Love all the stamps and the extra goodies you have put together!!!! How fun :)

Just had to stop by and say hello. I will have to post your candy offering on my blog for others to have a chance at this wonderful assortment that you have:)

Now im off to check out your post for the challenge:)


cr8iveme said...

Thank you for the opportunity it's great blog candy. I posted about it on my blog and added it to my sidebar.


Gurkiss said...

Congratulations to 75,000 visitors :)

I ám a follower now :)
I really liked your blog.

I have borrow the blog candy picture and I have put it into my sidebar.

I hope that´s ok.

Hugs Gurkiss

shinz @ cosycabin said...

wow! such a high hits and awesome candy! congratulation! Thanks for sharing your joyful moments and the chance to win. I've linked your candy on my sidebar.

shinz xxx

Laney said...

I added your candy to my sidebar. Thanks for your generosity!

Cathy Spicer said...

WAHOO to you on your success. It's easy to see why you are so popular - because of the AWESOME creations you post and the great photos about your four legged children (I have seven furry babies of my own). I just posted your info on my blog HERE. I follow you on Google Reader and would LOVE to win the candy.

Anonymous said...

Glad to find your blog Michelle and have a chance at your awesome blog candy! Congrats on your 75,000 hits!

Char in So Cal said...

CONGRATS on 75k in hits!!

I don't have a blog of my own but I do have e-mail and I have sent a link to your site to all my crafty gal pals!

Thanks for the op to win some YUMMY blog candy and CHEERS to your next 75k in hits!!!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}

Natalie Z said...

Hello! Congratulations on 75,000 hits!!! This is fantastic candy! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for a chance to win!

Hugs Fifi.

Monika said...

Congratulations on 75,000 hits!!!
What a great candy, thanks for the opportunity to win :)
I have post a link on my sidebar.

BezVesla said...

Hi, I just landed occasionally on your blog and fall in love with it! So, i`ve become a follower and posted your candy on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win. I`m from Russia.

O'Shelli said...

Congratulations on the SUPER hits!
Your donkey soooo sweety!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win your great candy. I've added a link to my sidebar and I'm already a follower! Welcome to my blog
Hugs from Russia

Davadoo3 said...

Your blog is wonderful! Congrats on all the hits!

Tip Top said...

Congratulations on all the hits! Your blog is wonderful and very inspiring - thank you! I've added a link into my sidebar. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Tip Top said...
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