But here are a lot of the babies from 2011
Yolanda - She is sold... we are just baby sitting until Estella is old enough to wean then the two will be moving next door - She has turned out to be a really friendly girl.
Belle - She is the only one out of the triplets born that we still have. I am hoping she gives us more blue eyes in her babies. She isn't the friendliest, but she wants to be. Hoping she decides to be a bit more outgoing -
Fric and Frac... ok so these went to auction, they don't live here any more. But man they were cute!
Daisy Duke - The only one of triplets we kept. Total freak she will barely let us touch her. I really really am hoping that we get some gorgeous babies from her. She is bred now with Peso grey and white... with her gorgeous black and white and those blue eyes. If I can't get her babies to be friendly she may go in the future. I can't stand unfriendly children. But she was so gorgeous I had to take a chance we can tame her and/or her kids.
Louie.. born on the 4th of July. He should have gone to auction, but well.. he had so much personality and was so friendly Hubby just couldn't send him. So he was "fixed" and now is basically wasted space, and a pet. We love him totally :0) I just wish he would stop growing! He is now wider than he is tall... LOL
Rhett and Scarlet - the two friendliest goats in the world. Obnoxious friendly. These two are keepers for sure! We have to remind them that they really shouldn't be lap climbers now that they are now full grown, but hey.. they are dwarf goats so they aren't too too big I guess... LOL
Libbies summer puppies. Both have great new homes now. We wanted to skip this last cycle and give her a rest, but oops... time got away and it was here and out of control. So we will have this next litter and hopefully Hubby and I will have the strength to actually follow through and get her and Autie fixed after this - I'll miss the puppies, but not the noise and mess. And Libbie has had her share now -
Gabriella "Gabby Gabby Goo" My sick girl. She started off life aging me - ran high high fevers that first month. Many times getting up to 107! I spent a few weeks there icing her down more than once a day and taking her temp every 4-6 hours. But when it leveled out at normal - she was fine and hasn't had an issue since. She is really a gorgeous red/brown girl. And looks so much like her full sister Rosie. Since we lost Rosie this year - we think we will probably hold on to Gabby... I hope.
Sonia and Ramon - born just days apart from each other. Funny... Macie and Jazz ALWAYS deliver within a week of each other - last time with in an hour! Makes great playmates! Sonia will probably stay to see if she is a good breeder donkey - Ramon will go into the sale pen. He will make a great friendly pet for someone.
Jose - Now this guy... he really needs to be a stud! Solid black, great confirmation and SMALL! I hope we can find someone that needs a stud like him. Hubby says maybe we should keep him for when we retire Black Jack Jose's dad. But that is a ways off.
Estella - we believe she is sold and going with Yolanda next door. They think that is who they want to take as Yolanda's BFF. We have nick named her "Parana" - yep she is a biter. Just like her older sister Irene.. who was nick named "Shark" - So they may want to rethink taking Estella the land Parana!... Ha!
Cleatus - this guy seriously cracks me up! I can watch him for hours he is so funny. Not that he means to be at all. He thinks he is the biggest goat in the pen and picks fights with everyone....and boy does he stand his ground even if the other goats are 10 times his size.
And the last baby of the year. Leticia - Oh this girl is unbelievable! So so so tiny, and so gentle and friendly. She will stay on our not for sale list - future breeder - she is so gorgeous, and has lots of color in her background!
So for 2012... Well first up will be Libbies puppies... goats for sure LOTS and LOTS of goats. New Buck Peso has really been doing his job and I can't wait to see what color babies we get. And the only donkey. Well Annabell is it - she won't be due for a long way off, but that should be our only baby donkey for the year. We have had some population control in effect. And this year we really want to thin out and sell a bunch of our babies from the last 3 years before there are more. Just way too many to feed - Hubby is wanting to look into getting Boar goats this year, breeding them for selling more off. They are a great auction goat, I just don't want to think of where they go from the auction. But if we can sell more that will help with the feed bill right? Well that is what he keeps telling me anyway - And with all the donkeys we have they will start doing a job in the pens with the goats and keep the coyotes away. That is the biggest problem for people with boar goats in our area. Shouldn't be an issue at all here with all the donkeys!
Hope you have enjoyed Animal Crackers in 2011 - and I look forward to a great 2012!
HUGS from all of us here!