Howdy -
It was gorgeous here yesterday! And everyone was out enjoying the warm sunny weather and early Spring. All though not officially Spring just yet everything is blooming and turning green.
Snapped a photo of handsome man Flavio - Such a looker!
He really is good looking isn't he. I think he knows it. Him and his 1/2 brother Patricio are both handsome, and are BFFs. Always together and when they get playing they really play hard and rough! It freaks me out how hard they chase and bite on each other. But they seems to think its fun... sigh... Boys.
Patricio wanted to make sure you saw him and agree he is good looking too..
I found old man Miguel standing just past the guys watching.
Its ok Miguel I think you are a looker too... a bit heavy, but always handsome. And you do seem to be enjoying all that new green! So much so that you we not really interested in going out of his way to come over to me for closer photos.
Was out in the back pasture visiting the fur children. Nothing makes me happier than my kids -
Bella was doing a bit of chatting with me, and begging for full 100% attention. Not easy to do with everyone around but we try... special moments that really warm your heart!
Hubby sent me this photo yesterday. Gorgeous!
This is a native wild cherry on our property. Was a bit concerned about a few trees around here after the freeze. But looks like most everything is blooming out now. A little late, but happy Spring is coming!
Sharing another Antiques/Collectibles this week. This is in my kitchen.
I've shared a couple of things individually here I think. The large Donkey cookie cutter that Hubby gave me for Christmas a few years ago, and maybe I showed the stoneware Rooster? But here is the entire shelf. I LOVE cobalt blue graniteware - one of my favorite pieces is the skillet with the original label still on the bottom. Never used. Oh and love the muffin pan, it weighs a ton. The Dairy Ice box is a favorite as well. Might have something to do with the fact that the old Dairy shares our last name. I guess you can tell we are not minimalist here... not even close. ha!
Hope you enjoyed again this week. More smiles from my fur family to you -
HUGS and