Now Lillie's milk bag was enormous. HUGE and I never thought about her having any problems with that. But it seemed that it was so large, that one the babies can't find the end to eat as it is literally touching the ground. And two, so large it has gotten hard and painful for Lillie. So I worked with her all night and then was up at dawn and out there trying to get the babies to eat. Finally with Hubby's help we got one side "working" and got the little guy eating, and man was he eating! But our little girl, she just can't get the hang of it, and the other side is just not letting the milk out... I will spend the day working on it, massaging and putting warm wet towels to hopefully fix things. The little girl is weak, but moving around great and has her lungs working just fine. That is a good sign, and hopefully today we will get the food source going and help them figure out to look lower than nature's instinct has them looking. Until then I will have to keep trying powdered newborn goat milk.
ok... wanna see them after all my rambling? (sorry lack of sleep)
Despite Hubby rolling his eyes at me... I named them Johnny and Sandy. So who can tell me where I got those names from? Anyone? LOL .... OH my I am editing this to say I know I am an idiot... Of course it is Danny and Sandy.... The other names I was thinking of had Johnny in it.. and with my lack of sleep.... Duh.. DANNY and SANDY....
Totally love this photo - Lillie and her giant bug eyes cleaning on them, and Daddy Peso in the background in his own pen that we refer to "Peso's Pad" just watching and keeping an eye on everything.
Little Sandy's ears haven't perked up yet, I am hoping that we get some meals into her and they will. She has one leg that is still not 100%, but it is getting better the more she is moving around. I just pray that we can get everything working well and normal. These are my last two babies for a long time and I don't want anything to happen to either of them!
Oh and just in case you haven't figured out where the names came from... I saw the movie "GREASE" this weekend. :0)
HUGS see you tomorrow for Just Magnolias and Hanglar challenge -
So sweet!
Wow... what a story Michelle! I hope Sandy perks up and pulls through with flying colours. They are as cute as can be, aren't they?
Congretulations! they are so cute!
Good luck with your new babies. Hope everything goes well for them both and especially little Sandy.
Love n hugs
oh my what a story had me rivetted to my chair.reading near to tears...poor baby's and poor mum to knackered to push but so glad all seems ok and they are a pair of sweet i want one...and brilliant names i thought it was from grease as soon as i red it...hugs all round toall of you you did a grand job hugs sassyxxxx
The minute I saw the names I thought about Grease (was the first movie which I watched with my teen friends - long time ago .....). Good luck with these precious little ones; they are so cute and lovely and what a story again. Cross my fingers and lots of big hugs.
They are both so beautiful! Hope Sandy pulls through like a big strong girls. Poor mama and babes.
I sure hope everything gets working right-they are absolutely beautiful!
Oh my goodness, what a drama! You must all be exhausted. I hope Sandy is getting stronger & managing to feed & I hope Lily is doing better. Keep us posted.
Michelle, I immediately thought Grease too, but then that was Danny and Sandy so I guess I'll have to wait till you reveal your answer. Beautiful photos.
Kasey ~ in Oz
The Babies are adorable Michelle. What a good job you and hubby did of saving them. Things can turn in a hurry if your not around. Your such a "Good Mommy to Many". Hope every one gets settled in and gets a good night rest tonight.
as soon as I seen the names I thought of Grease. Love that movie. I hope Sandy is doing better for you today. They are both Beautiful
beautiful new babies. Will Sandy stand still for you to milk her? OMG I remember as a kid having to milk the goat for a cousin who couldn't tolerate milk, formula etc so Grandpa got a goat. Hope everything gets settled in and babies and Momma get better! Love hearing about the critters. Vickie
I'm crossing my fingers that everything will work out okay! Cute new baby goats ♥.
Jay Jay
Unbelievably cute, Michelle. Makes me wish we still had all ours. Poor Lillie looks as if she has forgiven her babies for causing all the trouble. As for Peso, he doesn't look too guilty for having the easy (and fun) part of it all. Hope all goes well with little Sandy.
Jennifer. x
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