This week we are taking special care of Miss Macey. And asking for prayers that she will heal and get back to normal.
Macie has injured her back leg. Not sure if it is a sprain or a bruise, some times she is limping, some times she steps oddly and then will totally three leg it. So we are praying that it isn't something worse. We love this lady so much. She is one of the very first girls we purchased years ago. I feel in love with those giant big brown eyes the very first time I saw her. A totally sweetheart. So please add Macie to your prayers and she will recover soon. For now she is up in the small Momma Pen getting lots of extra attention. And lots of hugs.
The goats were all taking it easy yesterday afternoon -
Lucy, Chloe, Jennifer, Annie and Frankie were all taking advantage of the shade yesterday. It was hot in the sun, but wasn't horrible in the shade. Actually… this is pretty much their afternoon every afternoon… not much else required of them… eating, sleeping, rubbing their horns… not too much on their schedules… LOL
Abigail is such a beauty…
Not in the shade, but still taking it easy… LOL
Spartacus was talking a bit… chewing on whatever is left in his mouth and basically looking like one good lookin' dude…
He is you know… LOL smells terrible… but is a cutie!!
Speaking of cutie… My baby Autie got his last hair cut of the year this last week.
Hubby didn't want to do a full cut, said it was getting to close to fall… but seriously we are in Texas here and it has still been in the 90's here…. I am sure he will grow out a couple of inches before COLD gets here. And he really needed it. Look how adorable he is… we cut a lot more around his face and ears this time. Now when he looks at you and turns his head he really does have the puppy look. Love my baby!
Some good new! We got our first egg from the youngest chickens! Finally!
Egg production around here has been horrible this month, but maybe now that the young gals are going to contribute things will pick up!
One more this week…. Hubby found a friend…
The guy loves bugs! We were leaving the other day and he stopped the truck and jumped out. I thought something was wrong with the truck… but nope. He saw this Praying Mantis on the truck and wanted to make sure it got off safely "at home" instead of flying off the truck down the road…. my Hubby :0)
Hope you got a smile this week… prayers from Macie.
HUGS and -
Many prayers and much love for Miss Macey.
sorry to hear about Miss Macey! Hopefully she is better quickly. Love the goat pictures. They are so nonchalant and happy with life. Your husband is like mine! Has been posting signs in the yard in Spanish so the yard guys don't kill his spiders…Vickie
Poor Macey I hope she heals quickly. Love those praying mantis, yep Dh and I would have wanted it leave it at home not off somewhere else!
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