Howdy -
Rain was coming - it was drizzling and I could hear thunder in the distance. Did I have time for photos? Darn it I knew I should have taken my photos before we left to run errands... but as we were coming home I knew the drizzle and coming rain might ruin my photos. I made my way out and hoped that I could find some fur children to snap photos of.
Jorge came out and to the fence for me. Handsome man, and always will make sure to come to me for some head scratches. The drizzle is no big deal for him. He loves standing out in the rain. So I knew he would be a great starting photo!
Behind me was the goat pen, and Penelope was far enough from her Momma to sneak over to me and get lots of loving! This girl is so sweet. And beautiful.
She is the youngest girl in the pen, and still acts like a "kid" lots of the time. Even though we have a few years on her now.
Crissy on the other hand has become our old lady in the goat pen. How did one of my babies become the old lady? Time has gone by to fast and so many of our babies are too old, or already gone. Crissy is such a timid sweet little lady. And she has stunning horns and a long luxurious beard. If that is a beauty marker in the world of her goat friends.
She has a special bond with "Dad", oh she is sweet with me and doesn't run, but her and Daddy talk and have a special bond.
That would be my bond with my big stooge. Valentine. Talk about being a baby! He is such a big baby.
I still remember when he was born in the back pasture and I was worried about a huge storm coming. Cocoa would not move him up into the barn. So newbie that I was, decided I would pick him up and carry him across the pasture and into the barn, and Mom Cocoa would just have to follow! Later I found out that being that Cocoa was a new family member here and we didn't know her attitude or personality, probably wasn't the best idea to have done that. And the fact my back was out for a few days too as he is a full size donkey so even as a newborn he was a pretty good size. But hey ... I slept good that night knowing that he was safe in the barn during the thunderstorm. That was many many many years ago now and he is a big boy. Probably weighs in now at close to 800lbs. So no carrying him - heck you couldn't push him anywhere if he doesn't want to go! LOL
By the time I talked to Valentine, Cocoa and Teddy it was starting to rain. So I gave up on photos as most everyone was running for shelter, including me. I through the back door and heard this tiny high pitch meow. Momma Cat has the sweetest tiny meow. I love it! And her. Hard to believe she was the total freaked out feral cat - Now she is my little nuzzler in bed and has to be right against me at night.
Porsche and Momma have a love/hate relationship. They get along about 85% of the time. Even can catch them playing together once in a while. But then that 15% of the time you hear the tiny growl and hiss and know it is serious and better split them up.
Hope you have a smile - sorry the rain ran me in too soon, but hey we love the rain!
Have a blessed day -
Thanks for the update. You are so wonderful with your animals. I always enjoy your pictures and coments. 😊
Rain is a good thing, if it is not TOO much ALL at once. I am sure the grass will love it and then the goats and donkeys will enjoy it too.
Loved the pictures from this week.
Chrissy certainly has got beautiful horns and Valentine is so handsome.
You are lucky to have rain.
I wish it would rain here in Australia.
It is so hot.
Thank you
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