This is the view coming into the room -
While looking to the left - you see one of my favorite pieces - Hubby painted this cabinet a few years back as a anniversary gift. It use to be our computer cabinet. Now it is storage and a place for Hubby to work on his fly tying. I love it and how well it went into the room. You also see the "pet" corner... Gato the Cat's Window bed... cat scratcher, and Libbie's bed :0) Everyone has a place in this craft room!

I wanted to point on one of my new things I just love!! I found these tiered baskets recently at an antique store. It is really an old one - has a few little issues.. but nothing I can't make work. It is now holds all... scratch that... some of my flowers - and best yet.. I only paid $10.00 for it! Love it!
If you turn to the left you see the stamp wall I showed last time... the new 6 drawer cabinet Hubby got me and you can better see my storage closet - much needed. On the door of the closet I have my some of my punches - this is a new system for me.. not sure if I am liking this or not but we will see - to the right of the door is the paper cabinet I showed last time.
And this is my desk!! I am so happy! This is a desk my father made years ago - he was a graphic designer, and he made this drafting table to work on and the small rolling cabinet next to it. He used it forever - Funny thing is that as a kid I remember this desk being HUGE.. and now it just doesn't seem that big.. LOL But Hubby has cleaned up for me, and added a glass top to it, and it is perfect and makes me really happy to be using it! I just wish my Dad knew how much I loved it and that I am using it...
the top of my desk is full... :0) I like to have my most used items close! Sewing machine, Copics, punches, the list goes on and on... But I still have lots of creative space - this is something I have never had before - my little desk before was not very big and I had a lot on it - so I had a 8 x 8 working space... good things my cards usually are 6x6...LOL Now I can work on anything!

Above my desk is shelves Hubby put up for me.. one for some of my 3-d projects I have made recently - and the top one one of my favorite shorebirds his father carved. (Hubby and his Dad were both bird carvers for years.. their stuff really is amazing. If only Hubby didn't have so many house - barn - fence - donkey - goat - dog projects he might do more of it! LOL)
I forgot to take a photo of our computer desk.. it sits just to the right of my craft desk on the other side of the doorway. Not missing to much, it is just a desk with a computer on it -
I found it not easy to photo the room... I may try and do some better ones as I get things more organized on the shelves and such, but at least now you can see how wonderful it turned out. I am so proud of it and really hate to mess it up... I use to never clean up after myself well.. now as soon as I use something it goes right back into place - hope I keep that up! Thanks for all the patience and waiting for me to get my act together while finishing it -
Have a wonderful Sunday... me I am in my craft room :0)
HUGS and-

Oh wow, what a gorgeous craft room. Hope you have many, many happy hours playing in there - I'm just wondering if your husband will be able to drag you out!!!!
OMG !!!! This is sooooo great !!! Now I have turned totally green, not just in my face !
This is stunning craft room !
Congratulations Michelle :o)
Hugs, Jóna
Hon this is just awesome!!! I know you are so excited to have it finished dear.
Wow!!! It's wonderful, Michelle! You and hubby did a fabulous job on it. It's beautiful as well as functional. I like all of the special little touches you've added to your room to make it your's.
Oh my Michelle - you are so lucky and I am so jealous (but in a nice way of course lol!!!_
Michelle this is fabulous, I can understand why you are so excited about it and I love the pets beds in it!! My cats are usually with me when I craft they just love the company. Enjoy!! Hugs Jo x
Wow Michelle what a great room, such beautiful furniture too..
You will enjoy meany hours in there for sure!!
I am speechless! This is amazing!!! How I wish to have a room for myself as well, but this room has "flair" and I just love the pets places =) It is always so interesting to see other storage systems or just to have a llok what others have! Oh my...I am just at the beginning with my Copic collection and I simply love the Martha Stewart punches corner!!!!
I am so happy for you Michelle, your craft room is stunning and you must feel like you have so much space now. What a clever hubby you have and I love the story of your desk, its so nice to have something with history attached to it. I think I may be moving in soon rofl. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx
Michelle these pics are wonderful! I LOVE craft spaces with personality, as it is a true reflection of the crafter. Yours is beautiful, full of love and memories, keepsakes and antiques. No wonder your cards and projects are so amazing!! TY for sharing!
OMG Michelle!!!! That is the most wonderful craft room I have ever seen! I'm delighted for you that it's now finished & I'm sure you're going to produce even more stunning creations. AND I bet your dad knows you're using his desk & I have no doubt that he is delighted. Hope you are having a wonderful crafting Sunday.
Wow, what an awsome craft room, Michelle! It's beautiful.
What a great job you and hubby did on this. Organized, functional yet warm and personal. I like how everybody (furred and non-furred) have a space in the room! No wonder you're so happy with it! Enjoy it!
It's fantastic-you have done an outstanding job. I must admit I'm jealous-but still very very happy for you.
It looks fabulous Michelle! I wish my room was that organized!
Well Michelle it looks like you have a slice oh heaven. I hope you enjoy your room.
Awesome craft room! You are so lucky - and wow you got a few supplies huh? :) Have a blast with it, hope you get as much time in there as you can because it sure it nice!
Looks great Michelle, can't wait to use it. I am so happy for you.
TFS :D how fun! love all the personal touches and those great hardwoods :)
Awesome craft room Michelle i love that cabinet.welldone Hubby.
Trish (-:
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