Well today is the last day of 2016 and I thought that would be a great time to look back to a few of the favorite shots of the year.
So lets take a look back... and how can we not first look at our only baby donkey this year -
Mr. Sebastian
This guy just oozes personality! Still does all grown up... LOL Such a handsome little man, this boy has been the center of attention since the moment he was born. Love this guy to pieces and for sure a favorite photo of the year.... But this second photo is my all time favorite of the year.
Hubby sent me this selfie this summer to cheer me up and make me grin. It still does!
Now we had three baby goats this year... all three little boys that now have new homes and families. But these three brought so much joy to us they had to make our favorite list for the year -
Luna - named for that cute little moon shape on his nose.
Such a sweet boy...
And his half brother Uno... this guy's eyes just melts my heart. So pretty he should have been a girl! LOL Very sweet as well.
And then a little later their larger little half brother Centavo... this guy was a BIG baby and very funny!
A stunning boy with tons of personality!
We added quite a few chickens to our family. The Bantams a true favorite new addition.
Sadly we lost Frizzle and Spot to some bad varmit... But Red the Rooster and Jet his girlfriend are doing well. Jet has actually started getting regular with laying a few eggs! We will be adding more chickens to our family this spring, I am pretty sure more Bantams will be in the order!
I could go on and on showing off my favorite kid photos of the year. I found about 20 right off... but I can only show so many in a post....
We will close with one more favorite photo - two of the standards Cocoa and Valentine in a field of Indian Paintbrush wild flowers...
I know you all know how much we adore our family and love sharing them with you each week. We are blessed to have each of you visit Animal Crackers each week and hope you will continue to visit in the coming year -
Big Hugs -