It is amazing how fast a year goes by - 2017 is just about over and now we will be looking towards the blessing of 2018. 2017 has given us lots of memories and I like to review the photos of the past year on the last Saturday of the year. The problem is narrowing down to just a few photos…
I have to first mention our very first homemade chickens… It was such an exciting evening to see those two sweet little chicks peck out of their eggs with their Momma Jet looking over them.
We added a new large pen on there front of our property to become a home for the Men. They love their new large pasture -
It brings joy to us to see them all hanging out as we come and go from the pasture and the neighbors seem to enjoy them as well.
We were very happy to add Flavio and Patricio back into our men's pen after the family we sold them to could no longer keep them and needed to find new homes for them.
I was happy to have them home rather then worry about where these two boys would have ended up.
Handsome sweet boys - Maybe one day a new home will open up for them but for now they have a place here at our place and in our hearts.
Jorge got his own private bachelors pad.
Was for the best to separate Jorge and Sergio as these two 1/2 brothers were just too manly to get along when the girls came near. Now they run along their adjoining fence and talk big on who is the best looking and who the girls like most.
We put three ladies in with Raffie to bred this year.
Lacey -
Pepita and
We are so excited to have bouncing babies this spring! Pray that they are three healthy happy babies and look forward to all the smiles and fun with them!
Paintbrush gave us a bit of a scare this year. Our old lady is getting up there in age and when she got so sick it really worried that we would loose her.
But she is strong and pulled through and is doing well now. I so love this old old girl!
I suppose the most exciting thing that happened this year was the highly unusual freak snow storm just this month!
No measurable snow here in Texas in over 35 years!! And without it forecasted… bam snow! They are saying we may have wintery mix here on New Years Eve… wonder if we could actually get snow twice in such a short time?? That would be really freaky!
And just cuz I had to have a doggie photo I chose this one of Autie… Those eyes seem to be looking deep into 2018 don't you think?
Love my baby boy… those eyes really do melt my heart!
I do hope each of you have a safe and happy New Year and I hope you will all continue to join my and my furry and feathered family here -
Blessings and Hugs -