Being the week of Thanksgiving - Hubby and I have been talking about how Blessed and Thankful we are to have so many wonderful fur children and live on this farm. Now this week I went into some sort of Turkey Coma and lost track of days and didn't get any photos this week.. (duh didn't remember it after dark last night) anyway I ran to the computer and decided that we would have a little hike down memory lane for some of our favorite photos...
Now it is really hard to narrow down favorites... but seriously this has to be a top of the year!
Baby Penelope and her Mom Abigail - She LOVED to stand and lay on her Momma.
Alvin - this boy screams personality and loves attention ... and always gets it!
Same as old man Frankie... he moved into the Ladies pen this year... and he is loving it and I think he tries to thank us every time we come by him. LOL
Domino has a great smile for the camera... I think he is trying to let us know that he is ready to move into one of the "Stud" pens...
Juliet is one of the standard donkeys and her claim to fame is being the best photo bomber here! She can come out of no where and suddenly be right up on the camera lens! Love that!
I went through a million photos of the baby boys Junior and Chipmunk there are so many great photos of them both together and individually. But this shows just how sweet and loving these two really are.
This face loves to pose for the camera - this photo with those big brown eyes talking and that little tongue sticking out... precious!
Now I have LOTS of great photos of the doggies ... this one of Autie I do love... I made it the photo on my watch face :0)
I am sorry about the loss of days and going so absent minded with the photos this week. Hope these favorites make up for it. And I do hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving in the US, take time to be thankful for the blessings of our fur babies!
Have a wonderful weekend -
HUGS and