Howdy -
McLaren was sitting on top of one of the cabinets looking so pretty and posed. I went and got my phone to snap a photo as she doesn't sit still and pose much for me. And I get this ...
She is always reaching out - walk by her anywhere and she reaches out for you. I loved on her and had a little talk about sitting sweet and letting me get a pretty photo.
Her response...
She is so funny. Really is the silly girl in the group of siblings.
Now I jumped out of bed before 7 am to get out to snap photos. First while it was cooler, and second before Hubby feeds. I hate only getting heads in hay photos.
But I didn't make it.... At least Chipmunk looked up for me while I passed by.
He is such a striking handsome man isn't he? And he has those pop eyes like his Grandma Lilly had. I love that I can see her in Grandkids and great Grandkids. Chipmunk is so sweet. But wouldn't leave his breakfast for me - so I moved on.
As I got back to the Ladies pen I found Patti had claimed her own private pile of hay. Not sure why they let her eat alone, maybe they were giving her some credit for being one of the oldest in the pen?
She is keeping a watch and enjoying her own pile though it is a rare treat to not have to squish in and get breakfast.
Her daughter Irene had pulled out a piece and was eating off to the side of the group. Now the funny here... I snapped about 12-15 photos to get this one. She was off to the side, but Juliet's tale was just causing me all kinds of issues. She was swishing it back and forth and causing me to not get a good photo of Irene. This was the best I got... notice that swishing tail top left? :0)
I then walked around the group and got these three - Lacey, Vicki and Ellie Mae. No worries Vicki's BFF and shadow Pepita was just behind her - close as always. Don't you imagine that this group is the little gossip group in chat here?
I am so sure these girls keep up with all the juicy facts on the farm!
Wait Wait... Jolene is going to come and see me and get a photo taken!!
Never mind ... she went for a drink and then went straight back to her breakfast.
I have got to beat Hubby out next week. I can't get photos after mid morning it just gets to hot and they all are off in the shade. And getting me up any earlier than 7 to get out there is really rough. LOL I may have to just remind Hubby to let me out first to snap photos, before he feeds that is. I am sure then they will all be at the fences ... begging for food... but at the fences! Ha !
Hope you have your Saturday Smile from Animal Crackers this week. They love making you smile you know!
Have a blessed weekend -
Hugs and