Saturday, October 19, 2024

Animal Crackers - Round Bales

Howdy -

It's that time of year - We brought in round bales for the ladies pen in the back. There is nothing for them to eat back there now. It is all pretty much dead now. And they eat our square bales way to fast, so round bales as much as they cost are better for the larger group of ladies. All though I do wish they would step away from the buffet for a bit now and then! Sigh... 

They stick those head in and chow down! I finally got Patti to turn and look at me for a photo. She snorted at me then went right back to her hole and started eating again.

Found Chipmunk snorting as well... He was really in a mood! Flirting big time with the girl goats! Who didn't give a care at all that he was working so hard to get their attention. Was really kind of sad... Poor guy. Snorting, Rolling his Lip, Banging his horns on the fence... and then finally giving up and going to lay in the shade. Dumb Girls....

Went to see the Chickens. Our neighbors have LOTS of chickens, and LOTS of Roosters. Who "visit" quite often and make lots of noise. My girls try and ignore them. But you know how hard that can be with obnoxious young boys ... especially for the older ladies like Spec. 


We really don't now how old she is.. she was full grown when we got her and we have had her for years now. We love her, she is such a sweet friendly chicken. 

The other chickens are great - but none are sweet as Spec... ;0)


Now Hubby and I needed our little cooler this last week. Pulled it out and left it on the kitchen floor. Um..... I think Bubba likes it and decided it was a very soft bed! But then again he will sleep nearly anywhere!

 Hope you enjoyed this week and have another Animal Cracker Smiles! 

HUGS and

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