Hello and happy Saturday! It is Donkey/Libbie day... and right off - no new photos of Libbie today - sorry, please don't leave yet! But she just wasn't in the mood for any photos last night or this morning, she had serious business of chasing and eating the cat! Then the flip over and the cat chases her - I really need to figure out how to do my video camera for you - it is a scream - and honestly yesterday I was ready to scream, they were driving me nuts! :0)
Ok so to the donkeys - No new donkeys this week. And I am really ok and happy that they didn't. Since I was so sick the first of the week, and so behind the rest of the week, there was no way I could have spent anytime spoiling a new baby, and we all know when a new one comes I spend lots of time loving and holding the new little one. I mean I have to you know, so they will be friendly - not that I enjoy it or anything - :0) Actually I adore oohing and ahhhing over all of my babies!
So here are my three Mom's to be - they are all neck and neck in the race to who will be first. Jazz really was close this last week, but I think the 103 degree temps really did a number on her, his week we have a real cool front heading down - will only be 98 most days!
Maybe with that and the slight chance of rain... PLEASE RAIN!!! they might decide it is time and go ahead and have a baby this week. And yes that was begging for rain - if we don't get some decent rain soon - things will get really bad around here. We are already nervous at what the price of hay is going to be this year - we are getting low as it is and with out some rain soon we will have to sell an arm or leg to get some!
Remember last week I showed you a photo of Jolene, my beautiful dark face little donkey. Well look how gorgeous her baby Josie has turned out. She doesn't have her Mom's dark nose, but she is still a pretty little thing. And Little is the word here... man she is tiny!
Here is Gloria and Lina... "Dad" had just put hay in their hay rack - and yes, they make a mess pulling it out... Lina is funny, she is eating what fell into the bowl - they sometimes get treats of grain in those bowls, so they hay must be better in the bowl. And Gloria... well she just decided to wear some of her dinner.
Hee - Haw .... Black Jack talks all day and night - he is my talker. Screams all hours... A wonderful Stud... and pretty funny, even if he is being serious.
This is the hanging plant on my back porch that I have told you about. Please don't judge that it has a few dead places... I haven't been watering it - as it has a family that has moved in. The sweet little wren started building a nest a couple of weeks ago... then there were the cutest little spotted eggs.. and now we have children. Oh and this planter hangs right next to my back door where we go in and out and is head high so we can watch these little ones each day.
Now mom doesn't stay around for photos... but the babies.. they have no choice but to smile. Hubby figures they will be gone in less than a week -
Hope you have a wonderful day - and weekend. I have some friends coming over - better get the house cleaned!
HUGS and-
Lovely photo's looks like we should be seeing some babies soon.
Sorry no comments this week.. I have been having a quick look everyday at your wonderful cards. Think I may have a touch of this swine flu thing but I am just looking after myself not bad enough to bother the doc.Sue :o)
My goodness, those moms look as wide as they are tall. I bet when the rain hits they'll have them. This being without rain is horrible. I'll pray that you finally get some down there. BTW love the cards too!
Thanks for this wonderful photos Michelle :o) I look forward to show them to my daughter, she loves to look at them and follow the donkeys babies growing up and now a birds babies too.
I am so glad that my children both are animal lovers and have been from their birth.
We got a trip from the "Special Childrens Fund" (from Iceland air)for couple a years ago. It was in the name of our daughter so it was her decision to make, where to go to. She choosed Florida to see all the animals there. If it had been my sons decision to make, it would have been The Galapagos islands :o)
I would have loved that too :o)
Have a nice weekend,
hugs, Jóna
Wow Michelle,
Looks like we should have babies sometime soon. Those baby birdies are just the sweetest!! I love your little animal reports!! Brittany loves looking at the pictures!! Hugs, Cathy
Oh how I love donkey/libbie day its my favourite day of the week. I'm really feeling it for those poor pregnant ladies in that heat, phew. I really wish I could send you some rain Michelle, we seem to have too much of it here. We had about a week or two of sunshine in May, and about a weeks worth of sun in June, its been pouring practically every day since then tut. I love the little wren babies, how fortunate you are to live in such a wonderful place. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx
oh hun what a fab blog you have just wanted to say thanks for coming over to my blog and leaving such a lovley comment that was so kind of you and to follow me to i am really honoured as you are some fantastic crafter lots love cheryl xxxxxxxxx
Hi Michelle. Glad you feeling better now.
Your three lovely ladies really do look about fit to burst!!!!!
Hope the babies come soon!
Awww your donkeys look ready to have babies!!!
How cool would it be to see a video of Libbie and Gato!!!
Have a great weekend
thanks for the fabby donkey pics Michelle, wow doesen't Gloria look all 'grown up' now! Wish I could send you some of the rain we've been having - my poor plants have been drowned in their pots!
hugs, annie x
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