After going through the photographs I took last week there were too many others that just needed to be shown... And Lizzy wanted to say HI first!
This girl is the photo bomb Queen! She loves to pop in front of the camera to see what I am doing. You never know... some sort of treat might come out of the end of that lens! LOL
Speaking of treats... Since the grass has been growing so long so fast around here and you know nothing has even a remote chance of growing in the goat pens, long grass is a very yummy treat for the guys! Doc is a nut job begging for a hand fed wad of grass every day. He loves for you to hang on tight and pull it away from you. When you just throw in a handful he will eat it but not until he gives you the look of " Now where was the fun in that? " ...
Love this shot of Miss Gabby...
It has been such a blessing that all is so wonderfully green here this winter. Spring is already popping up everywhere. Hubby has even started putting in our garden! Yea! Not that Gabby will get to enjoy that...
Felicia was half asleep here.. afternoon sleepy time I suppose.
Love this gal... she is built just like her Momma Macey. Short and Wide. Or excuse me "big boned". Has her beautiful eyes too.
Miss Jolene is a beautiful thing too.
It amazes me how Jolene's coloring is so fair and light all but that stunning black velvet nose. I showed you Pepita last week, she is Jolene's daughter. But got all her coloring from her Daddy Black Jack as she has grown to a really dark coloring. Both are gorgeous! Jolene is such a sweet girl and very loving and calm for attention. I remember back when we first got Jolene, she was so skinny she would walk through the spaces of the gates. And was so timid and skittish we could hardly pet her. Now she is one of the first up for her hugs and ear scratches.
We are going to try another video this week. From what I have been told some browsers won't open blogger videos at all. Some Mobiles either. So hope most can see this one as it is a cutie...
Hubby caught this one the other morning while out feeding breakfast. Luna was doing a little "head butting" with our old lady Paintbrush. Showing who is boss you know. Of course Paintbrush is smart and very good with the little ones so I think she was just letting Luna think he was doing well in the war... LOL
Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned... a little time with some furry friends maybe?
Have a blessed one!
HUGS and

Fantastic video, bless Paintbrush for letting Luna think he'd "won"! Your photos and videos are wonderful, thank you.
Every one looks happy and healthy. Love the head butting video! See you next week.
Love your photos and video! I just want to hug them all! I love how you share a little about each of their personalities. So fun!!
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