A few photographs from last week as I was out enjoying the weather and chatting with my "kids".
Now I had to have a long chat with Chloe... you see she got herself into a little jam. We have nice fencing around our goat pens, smaller square panels to protect the goats and make sure they are safe and do not get themselves stuck. Well somehow.. we have no idea how... Miss Chloe figured out how to get her head into a 4x4 hole! Not sure how with those gorgeous long horns, but once through the fence... yep those horns would not let her come back into the pen. Sigh... So she was stuck for just a little bit. Hubby or "Dad" went out early and got her loose, but seriously girl.. how did you do that? Those horns are really a problem sometimes! Ok.. useful at times too..
Yeah there are times that would be nice to scratch your own back like that!! LOL Seems to really feel good too...
Well a couple of weeks ago I showed you Malory... today I thought I would show off her sister Jennifer.
How can such a beautiful striking goat be such a skittish girl? Just like her sister she has never been overly friendly or even a little friendly. Still a good looking girl even if she won't let us scratch on her.
Speaking of scratching....
Our old man Black Jack was heading towards me... he is loves his scratches!!
Now not like you may be thinking...
All he needs is a beeping sound once he gets close to you... beep - beep - beep - beep... yep he prefers to come at you back end first!! He loves hiny scratches. Right there above his tail.. yes.. right there! Ha!
There will be no scratches, rubbing or touching from me to "Red". This is how I have chats with Red. Fence between us!
He is a riot. Smallest little rooster, but attitude like a bull elephant! He was so mad at me here... the noises and movements from him were hysterical. If you listen you might hear it.. "Move away from my pen and all my ladies!"
Then as I made my way back into the house this was the face I found just as I opened the back door... I am such a mean mommy....
I didn't let the doggies stay outside while I was out for so long. I am so sorry Autie.. but you had a bath and you are so soft and clean. No smells... I didn't really want you outside rolling in who knows what covering yourself in dead grass and "things"... so unless watched like a hawk outside for a few days you have to stay inside. Man those big brown eyes melt me...
Hope you have a blessed weekend planned - hug someone furry or feathered!
HUGS and