Howdy -
Isn't it hard to have to grow up and be a big girl. Josie is doing pretty good. I had no worries about putting Hanna in the Ladies pen, she is a larger girl, and well.. she has her Momma's attitude, nothing bothers her and she thinks she is in control all the time. But little Miss Josie is so small, and I was worried that maybe she would get chased or beat up on. I mean really... isn't that a sweet little face?
But I really don't know why I was concerned... I forgot that her Momma Jolene is a really good Momma. She is always near her little girl, and if you mess with her.... well it isn't pretty. While outside taking photos Vicki tried to tell Josie that she was too close to her pile of hay. It really is everyone's hay, but there is a pecking order. Vicki shoved Josie... and then Jolene shoved back. Now it is calm and everyone has a place at the hay nice, quiet and happy.
Good Momma Jolene .. watching over your girl Josie and taking care of her.
Its ok Vicki.. you are still beautiful and I know you weren't really being mean. Just protecting your dinner.
She really is a sweet donkey.
Another sweet girl.. getting towards the old lady category. Fanci we lovingly call her "Fanci Pants".

In her youth this girl was the one that was always in control. She told everyone where to move to, where to eat, She never was able to give us babies sadly as she really is a great donkey, color and personality. But she has always been center of attention and loved. She has drastically mellowed as she has gotten older, and lots of grey has been coming in around her face. We love you Fanci Pants!
I was out for a while with Hubby and the Donkeys - and after about an hour the sun started to set. I turned around and saw Juliet with the glow around her. Beautiful.
I have no idea how long she had been standing there behind me... but her head must have gotten heavy. Good think that fence panel was there to hold it up for her.
This week I thought I would share a couple of my old postcards. I sell LOTS of old postcards in our Antique Business, but never any with donkeys... I've been collecting them for probably near 20 years now and have I think way over 100 of them.
Now how can you not love the Momma and baby donkey one? Donkey Hugs are the best! Then the one on top is an older tinted photo postcard, with a sense of humor. "Look Pleasant, Now --- Don't Smile" Those old cameras took a little while to take the photo, and holding the smile was hard to do without moving and blurring your mouth. It wasn't the style to smile in photos then, So this Spotted donkey was just reminding these two to hold still and look happy. Smart Donkey Photographer.
Hope you did smile this week. Got a little happiness reading and seeing our fur children. We are truly blessed to have each and everyone of them in our lives and I love sharing them with you.
Have a blessed weekend where you are -
HUGS and
Good Morning. Every one looks happy and healthy. Love the sunset photo. Be Well , hugs from Iowa,
OMG! Look at this ears! I love the picture of Juliet in the sun...looks so warm and relaxed! Josie is a pretty baby! I drove by a farm yesterday that had a herd...must of been 50 or more little donkeys in the field. I have never seen them there before so many and so cute! Vicki is a beautiful girl with that brown eye patch. I love seeing your pictures each week. Thanks for sharing...Vickie
Each one of your babies are beautiful in their own way.
I’d have to stand and watch them all day.
Thank you for sharing them
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