Howdy -
Well Momma Cat has been inside for over a month now. I think she has decided it really isn't so bad living inside.
Now this photo she wasn't thrilled with me - I woke her up from her afternoon window cat nap. But overall she doesn't meow in the windows like she was in the beginning. ok... once this week she was very vocal at a squirrel outside that she couldn't go out and chase, but other than that she has been pretty happy. Now that weather is starting to turn I'm sure she will be even happier. And also - she and Bubba (Mercedes) have really been doing some insane playing lately so she is getting some chasing exercise with him! LOL
Abigail was out keeping a close watch on me. All the goats were a bit nervous as the wind was really blowing hard. Spooky? For a goat it must be.
If only the rain that was predicted with the wind had showed up... sigh... just short again so far! Maybe next front -
I was getting the same exact look from Jackie... "I got up and out of the hut in the wind and you have nothing for me??"
Sorry old girl. Just photos today, no treats. LOL While I was out taking photographs "Dad" was getting a couple of round bales for the donkeys in the back. So I am sure he will be throwing hay to these demanding goats at the same time. They can be quite convincing, and very loud, when they see others being fed.
I went over to love on our "senior" donkeys... LOL Black Jack and Darlene are side by side now. Hubby thought it would be nice for making sure they get enough to eat and keep a closer watch on them going into winter weather. Much easier to take out the batches of geriatric mush when you can take it to one place. LOL
Black Jack was wanting scratches between his ears and on his nose. I was good with the head and ears... but he had something sticky on his nose. Possibly some of that geriatric mush?
I made sure he got extra ear rubs though. He sure is getting gray - but still trotting and running his fence lines! Its super vitamins in that MUSH!
Darlene then made her way from the tiny bit of green grass growing in her pen to get some loving. She has been doing so well lately. Especially since she is getting quality regular mush. And some alfalfa between as well. That is a big plus for her!
But Darlene gets special treat and loves - she deserves it now that she is over 30. :0)
Now once we got home from our antique show we found that the tomatoes had gone from green to red!
I had hubby stop at the little local market and got some fresh salad fixings! mmmm can't wait for dinner! Darn should have gotten some cottage cheese too... I love garden tomatoes with cottage cheese? How about you? yummy!
Hope you enjoyed - Have your Animal Crackers Smile this week!
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and