Saturday, July 27, 2024

Animal Crackers - Silly drinking

Howdy - 

I love that silly look while she is taking a drink. Not sure why they hold their tongue out while they are enjoying a cool drink in the afternoon, but they all do it. So cute. 

And speaking of cute. Look at that face! Juliet and her long pretty ears! She is such a sweetie! A silly sweetheart! 

And standing right next to Juliet was tiny little Josie... pushing her way to get her share of the attention!


 She may be all grown up but she is still my tiny girl! Love her and all her whiskers! 

Turned around and saw Miss Jackie watching me.


Such a pretty old goat! And her great long beard!

 Walking back towards the house saw my three standards enjoying an afternoon snack. I love how they are always "The three Stooges" all for one and always lined up together! 

I wish this photo did the color justice! It was so amazing! Bright Bright Yellow and Deep dark red! Was gorgeous! 


Hubby and his flowers ... I am not allowed to touch. Not good with plants. But I love to enjoy how great he is with them... so I photo them! And do not touch them! LOL 

Hope you enjoyed this week! And hope you have a blessed weekend! 

HUGS and

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Animal Crackers - Blessed with Summer Rain

Howdy - 

We are blessed with some Summer showers! Green in July is a rare thing here! It's mostly weeds growing but hey its green weeds! LOL This coming week they are calling for some pretty heavy rain. Hoping we get some of that. So far we have just been getting light showers, but very happy with those! The boys are loving their green and the lower temps! Its been in the lower 90's so much cooler than normal! 

We came through the gate and found Cocoa drinking over the fence stealing water from the boys tank. I guess water on the other side is better? Kind of like grass is always better?

Hubby has to make sure and feed the boys hay farther in the pen than her use to. She is tall enough she will stretch into the pen over  then fence and take their hay if she can.... Funny old girl!

Found Valentine closer up by the house standing in some weeds. My lumpy big boy! 

Still can't get over green weeds in JULY!

Teddy came in for a close up and lots of ear scratches. He is such a sweet guy. Man he is turning so grey though! His face use to be all brown! But it is a distinguished good looking grey! 

Coming through the back gate I had to ask Grey Beard to back up he was blocking the gate and I couldn't get in the yard. I got a meow... then a yawn. I think I had disturbed an afternoon nap. He is such a sweet guy especially for an outside feral kitty!

Like his Momma.... Now she is very skittish! She is getting much better. Heck she actually stayed still while I snapped a photo of her within 10 feet! But as I stepped into the yard - she was gone!

If you are wondering why she is laying next to a tool here.... Hubby had to work on the Jeep this afternoon. Battery went dead.... sigh. Always something isn't it? 

Hope you enjoyed this week - have a Animal Crackers Smile. Enjoy a furry friend where you are! 

HUGS and

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Animal Crackers - Between the Showers

Howdy - 

 Yesterday afternoon I got busy and was late getting out to take photos. Then it started raining. I waited for that shower to stop, and then was going to go out and was working and by the time I realized it stopped raining another shower was almost to us. I grabbed some shoes and my camera and went out try and get my my photos. It was thundering... and was starting to rain. Most everybody was already heading for cover. Chipmunk was trying to get some of his remaining breakfast  before it was too late.


He is so sweet though he just had to come and see me for some loving too. Love this guy! Even if he is totally stinky!! 

I heard the chickens making noises. You would have thought that they would have been in their huts. But nope they were getting perched up and hunker down for the shower coming. They crack me up! 

They are not afraid of the rain at all and just sit there and take the rain... they stay out in it. They do it for the rain, the snow whatever. My chickens are strange. LOL

Now they aren't afraid of the rain.... but me with my camera.... that spooks them and they fly off!


Sigh.....  Like I said strange chickens.... 

I turned towards the lady goats and man it was dark over the hay barn. And then it thundered LOUD. But you can't hear that in the photo.... I don't think I am going too far out to take photos I don't want to get soaked. So I headed in!!

 I came in and found McLaren sitting on the end of the bed in deep thought. Do I want to know what she is thinking about? I don't really know, her nickname is "Crazy".... I might be better off not knowing. LOL


Hubby picked up a great old concrete bird bath this week at an estate sale! We haven't had one in years. Just in time for the summer heat for the birdies!

Now I need to catch some our gorgeous red cardinal birds getting a drink! 

Hope you all are having a wonderfully blessed weekend. We finally got a little  bit of rain so we are feeling blessed this weekend! Hugs from all of us here!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Animal Crackers - Keep a close watch!

Howdy - 

As I went out to take photos of the ladies they were much more interested in watching "Dad" as usual. Things are hot and dry now so getting their hay is much anticipated each day, than in spring when they have grass to graze.


They were not too happy when he went off in a different direction.... LOL but he was cleaning out the truck to go and get a load of hay from the field so it was going to be promising in the end for them, right? 

Bella still keeping a watch as the truck was backing up and diving off to hook up the trailer. Just in case it was a mistake and he was going to come her direction. Such a sweet pretty girl with her long slim long ears.

One of my main goals was to get a photo of Josie and Hannah and show off how shiny and slick they both are right now. I found Josie first... sigh just after she got up from a nice wonderful dirt roll!!! You can sort of see how shiny she is... but my she has lots of dirt and dried grass on her! I guess I didn't warn her I was coming to take her photo.

I tried to explain that is not so lady like and she should stay clean and pretty - but hey it must feel good to them because they all love a good "dirt bath" roll!

Hannah was off standing behind some of the girls and she too had evidently had a good dirt roll this morning. But you can still see just how slick and pretty she is! 


Then the fences were started banging and everyone was shoving for attention. Since "Dad" wasn't coming they all wanted their personal attention. Patti was really making sure to push up front even if it meant getting squished!! LOL 

Made sure to really give her some loving for working so hard for it! Such a sweet old girl! 

Just had to show off Hubby's Hibiscus flowers that opened up yesterday! They are so stunning! and huge! 

As hot as it is and they love it! Me I'm wilting... but they thrive! Photo really doesn't show off just how stunning the red is. 

Yesterday we spent some time in the hay field like we promised the ladies... bringing in more hay! Always have to bring in more hay.

We are so blessed that Hubby is such a hard worker... `100 degrees and he was loading up the 75-100 lb hay bales on the trailer. I know I kid and say I am there helping. But seriously, I am driving the truck in the AC with the windows rolled up. So I am not suffering at all. He gets in the truck soaking wet with hay and dirt all over him. I love this man he takes care of ALL of us!! 

I hope you all have a blessed weekend - and that you have an Animal Crackers Smiles again this week. 

HUGS and