No cards to show. I had a Midnight crop last night, I know I sometimes show what I did at the crop. But I am not happy with how they turned out and I am going to try and redo them. I just wasn't in the best creative mood. You see my package from Fiskars for winning their Sketch contest last month was to be delivered yesterday. And it was... just not to me. And they don't really know where it is. The Driver (FedEX) says he is pretty sure he was at the right gate. He described my road right, but not my gate. And as I only have two other gates on my road. I just don't know were my package is. He says someone stole it. But I got the email notice saying it was delivered at 10:22, I went out just after 11:00 to get it. And it wasn't there. I live down a long very bumpy dirt road, that is a dead end. No one stole it. He didn't take it to the right place. I was sick, Was on the phone all afternoon trying to get some help. Nothing. They tell me now that if it was taken to the wrong place... they should call in and have it picked up to deliver to me. Yea right... that is going to happen! All those cool things as a PRIZE in a box, delivered on the same day as I was going to a crop... and it is missing. Fiskars says that if it does end up lost, that they will put something else together for me. They are truly a wonderful company. Just makes me ill, and very angry that they would need to because someone else didn't do his job right and really didn't act as if he cared. I want to scream!!!! But then I can go out side and hug on this....

May not fix the situation but it sure makes me smile. This is Angelina... she is just sooooo sweet and lovey. I am going to try and get some photos of Rosita tonight. She is so active she is just a blur. And right now she is a mess. Active and very dirty but still sweet and funny. Angelina is an angel, we named her right, calm and very loving.. Hope you have a great Saturday... and if you see my package will you let me know?
Such a cute face!!
I could cry for you!!! I hate waiting in anticipation for something only to find out that someone didn't do what they were supposed to. Figures it would be your PRIZE, right? I guess from what you wrote, you live on a rural route and the carrier cannot drive onto your property without you allowing him in? Hope you get your package soon.
Aww! She is seriously adorable!!! Get some rest so you canget back to stamping soon, and I hope your package arrives Monday! ;)
Oh my heck....I just hate that they lost your package...Man and all those cool goodies..Maybe they will show up I sure hope so. You are right Michelle Fiskars is a very awesome company..Angelina has the sweetest face and looks like she has the personality to match. have a good Sunday!!!!Patti Smith
Sorry to hear about that happening to you - I hope it all works out.
Angelina sure is darn cute!
I do hope your package turns up - how frustrating for you! but Angelina would make anyone smile, so soft and fluffy!
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