Well if you have been watching the news since last weekend you probably know that Texas has had more than its share of rain. For those that have emailed asking about how and where we are - we are fine - Our farm sits up on a small hill. The wort part of the flooding was not too far from here. It has been a horrible thing to see and we pray for all those families that lost loved ones or still have loved ones missing.
Here on the farm we have had lots of rain but we are all good. Mud is primarily what we are dealing with. But yesterday the skies cleared and the sun came out and for all the animals this was a great time to do some sunning.
Our oldest Goat - Paintbrush and one of her daughters. Olive Oyl is a an adult but she doesn't know it. She is her Momma's girl and always hangs near her and ALWAYS sleeps with her or ... on her. LOL
Miss Chica was enjoying some outside time as well. Now is that a happy lounging in the sun face or what? LOL This girl has so many wonderful expressions.
Miguel was relaxing in the sun as well.... then he saw me walking towards him to snap a photo and jumped up and came too me. You will have to just take my word for it, it would have been a cute photo.
Rico now he didn't stop having his afternoon meal for any of my attention. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence -
He has lots of grass in his pen, but it isn't as good as what is just out of reach of the fence.
Now Leon he was out strutting his stuff and telling all the girls that he is one hot rooster.
He is good looking. Not that we have to tell him that -
Then found Cocoa enjoying the breeze under the tree - One of the standard Donkeys She is the leader - of the group.
We have no idea how old she is. We rescued her as an adult. We have started noticing that she is greying now. Donkey's live long lives - so I am not worried that her years are short. But do hate to have one of my kids getting "older". She is such a beauty -
Hope you have nice weather where you are and have wonderful plans for your weekend. Make sure to hug a furry friend.
HUGS and-