One day last week I heard some real loud chatter coming from the chicken pens. I found one chicken having some sort of attitude issue!
Her neck was stretched out like a giraffe and she was telling off one of the chickens in the pen next to her. Every once in a while she would peck at the fence, then fly up and use her feet to make sure her point was made. Not sure what the discussion was all about but I made sure to stay out of it!
I snapped a few photos of the girls trotting towards us that I thought were cute.. Bella was the funniest. I don't think her feet were on the ground she was coming in so fast. LOL
She is such a pretty thing. And she does not like to be the last one to the party! EVER!
Right behind her was Pepita. She was at a fast walk pace.
So hoping this little lady is pregnant. She won't show for a long while so we just have to wait and see. I adore her dark face. Reminds me so much of her stunning Daddy Black Jack.
And then Fancy Pants... time was at a very slow pace here. VEEEERRRRY SLLOOOW!
Why hurry if we are willing to stand there and wait for her? She has us all figured out..
Love this shot of Jill.
Enjoying one of the best shade spots that gets a nice afternoon breeze. She is a sweet pet now, after a really bad pregnancy a couple of years ago it is too risky to breed her again. Shame she had beautiful babies, and they were always sweet just like her. So I just have to love her now and love on her lots.
Speaking of loving... Miss Libbie. She cracks me up sometimes.
It has been really hot here, and I guess she is not happy with my energy conservation and not letting the air conditioner run 24/7.. so that furry bed that she loves so much must have gotten to warm, so she flipped it over to the silky side. Well after she pulled both beds to the corner so she can control who if anyone is allowed to lay down on that one.. then she flipped hers over and climbed on! The girl may not see well anymore, but she still the boss of all things around her! Absolutely adore her!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend and that you have something furry - fuzzy - or feathered kids to love on!
HUGS and-