Howdy -
This week I wanted to introduce you to this guy!
The other morning I was sitting at my desk early and hearing the rooster next door in the distance.... and then this tiny little sound answering back... then it clicked! Wait that was coming from our chicken coop!
It was so cute! And then I decided that he could just introduce himself right? LOL
Oh I hope that video works for you guys as it just makes me giggle every time I play it. And I have played it A LOT!!
He is one proud little dude!
I had to have another talk with another guy here. Oh my Domino ATTITUDE!!
Why does he have to act like a total Bully!! Head banging the fence and screaming out. I have learned my lesson though I don't lean down next to his fence anymore... literally head banging me! But still even just walking near him he rams his head on the fencing. So I tried to talk to him and explain he was such a sweet cute little guy... where did that cuddle bug go?
He was adorable... LOL Still is handsome... just way to much ATTITUDE!!!
Every morning while Hubby is getting all breakfast ready for the doggies and kitties together I sit at the table and talk to whoever visits me and wants to chat. Yesterday it was Miss Porsche - and I did have something to talk to her about!
The last couple weeks she has been very cuddly and wanting head scratches and loving. Well that is just wonderful. EXCEPT at 2 am! She starts head butting me. Pushing on my hands, purring and climbing on me. Why does she not bother "Dad" ??? LOL I usually can pet her a few minutes then she will lay down and go to sleep next to me. But she really needs to stop waking me up in the middle of the night! I don't sleep that well as it is... But I love her.
Then we discussed that her nose has finally healed. She had a nasty scratch on the end of her nose this last week. We didn't know for sure who caused it, but had an idea...
Her Momma Cat! Momma gets along with all her kids very well... except Porsche. Before Momma came inside Porsche was the leader in charge of all the kitties. Momma, once she got use to "inside", decided that she was MOM... and all that means. But Porsche still tries to be the boss and Mom puts her in her place.
Momma seems to fit in perfectly other than that. She loves her spots inside. And they are her spots. And despite that she doesn't have the big wide world outside to roam in, I think she has discovered that things are good for her. No worries for danger for wild animals, no finding comfortable places to sleep at night. (She sleeps next to me in bed most nights) And no dealing with the weather - rain, cold and extreme heat.
She is a happy cat. And very loved along with her kitties.
Not loved though was this sight...
Oh Hubby was very excited and came in screaming to come out quick and see... He knows not to tell me cuz I might not come if I know it is something... well like this! A large Black Rat Snake - I snapped a photo and went back in. Hubby chatted with him a while and then waved him off into the brush. As long as he isn't in my chicken coop he has a purpose - just not near me!
Hope you got a giggle smile this week - ok other than the snake... But Little Dude Rooster for sure!
Have a blessed weekend -
HUGS and