OH my this is getting so hard to watch and wait... Bella is still looking like she will deliver first. And I finally got a photo of her! She doesn't look as wide here as she does most of the time. I think the baby is rolling around and maybe working its way into position. I so hoping!
Hard to believe she doesn't look as wide as normally... LOL she's still pretty wide here!
Ellie Mae was the only donkey I could get to look over at me, while calling out acting like a nut trying to get their attention to come to me.
All the other Ladies were keeping a close eye on "Dad" to see if they were going to get anything good to eat.. Sorry girls you have a little bit left of your round bale...
Patti is looking pretty wide too... So hoping for a spot baby from her. But healthy and bouncing around is good!
Every baby she has given us has had more personality than they can contain. Getting excited!!!!!
Headed over to the goat pen... is it just me or does it appear the ladies are lined up waiting for "Dad" to bring food to them? LOL
You can tell that they expect that hay to be tossed right in front of that imaginary line there... trained well!
My little screamer.. Louise.
She just went through her season and she likes to scream out .. I mean 24/7. She didn't get pregnant last time we tried to breed her. I think she is such a screamer the guys are a bit run off by the noise. We are going to try again for her to have a Fall babies.
And then there is the leader .. the Queen of the pen. Scarlett or "Red"...
In charge and always at the fence begging for food, attention, head scratches whatever she can get. Love this silly goat.
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend and enjoyed a few smiles with my furry children.
HUGS and