What a week! "We" started the clearing as I shared last Saturday.... Hubby Loves how I say "We" while I was in the air conditioning... LOL ... Anyway the huge piles of brush were all around the property, and wide beautiful areas to have grass for the donkeys to have in the coming months were gorgeous. But then came the time for the burnings. Thankfully it was nice days and rainy nights! Friends came to help during it all. And their young daughter came to "help" by entertaining the donkeys. I say young... when did early 20's become so young? Well Madi entertained the donkey's ... or they were entertaining each other. She snapped some photos. And I had to share a few with you as they are fabulous! And such a different view of my fur kids.
Seriously how can you not smile! Juliet, Patti and Irene must have loved taking a selfie with Madi! Special! I know they were really enjoying the attention.
Juliet wanted a private shot with her new friend!
We all know Juliet is special and has that fun out-going personality!
Now Vicki... she has that bit of Royalty to her. With the Blue Ribbon Family background she has it is bred into her to always look great and show your best side!
I love this photo of Vicki! Gorgeous!
And then the smallest three stooges on the farm!
Oh my these three are adorable... sweet little men.
Then back to my normal views - I went out yesterday before breakfast had been served. I love the serious look Cocoa gives and how she just won't move until "Dad" feeds her.
This girl could stare a hole in a wall! Large and in Charge!
And Lacey... we are still waiting... Hello... Baby??
But it is really soon... milk bag is full she is waxing up and baby has moved and is lined up to make its arrival... so soon soon soon!
How can you not love a man that has a obsession with roses? I send him to the grocery store and he brings these in this week. He loves these small roses and potting them up in the backyard.
He could be coming home with worse I suppose... (oh he did get the candy and root beer he was wanting too.. LOL) Gotta Love Him!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend - Hug a fur baby! It really does make life so much better!
HUGS and