Howdy -
Well Thursday it was gorgeous - sunny and 80 degrees. Beautiful! But then Friday... rainy, windy and in the 40's when I headed out to take photos. brrrr... Chipmunk said no thank you - unless you have something worth coming out for, I'm staying in my hut!
It's ok Chip - I understand completely! My photos with the fur children will be done pretty quick! I don't like cold wet wind!
Domino decided to come out - very brave!
oops good thing I snapped that one quick as he went right back in as soon as he saw I had nothing for him. He did make some noise at me to let me know he wasn't happy with me.
Jackie was out roaming. Boys are such babies.. I know that was what she was thinking. But she was out getting some breakfast and soon after she headed back to the large hut as well.
I'm telling you ... it was rainy and cold! Not the weather that goats or me for that matter, are happy to be in!
Most all the Donkeys were out in the back pasture or behind trees or buildings staying out of the wind. But I did find Jorge out. And honestly it was a rare time to snap a photo of him without his head poking through the fence. It is a nice posed full body photo. His fur is all puffy to stay warm in the wind! He isn't cold at all.
He is so handsome. And it is really so hard to snap a photo like this. He did come to the fence for me, and I loved on that silky velvet nose.
As I said Thursday it was beautiful - 80, sunny with a slight breeze. Libbie loves that! Totally blind now, and pretty much deaf - laying in the sun with the breeze is a happy place. She has her farm smells and enjoys the weather.
I will admit I sat out there with her for a while. Was really relaxing and peaceful. Friday morning though was a different story for our Miss Libbie... yep Hubby had to carry her out to do her business and she was right back up the stairs and inside. Her warm bed inside was calling her, and that is where she planned to stay most all day.
This next photo is really not a great photo. And excuse the mess on my table. But it was such a moment to capture I just had to share it! ALL the kitties in one shot!
Of course Porsche was charging towards me so she is a little blurry. But everyone else was sitting in the windows and enjoying the sun and views. I did get almost all of them to look my way, but as it is with photographs, animals or children... you can't get 100% often! Darn it Ferrari!
And I hope you aren't minding the flower shots each week lately. But it really is so pretty with things all blooming and Spring coming. This is one of Hubby's rose pots. There are so many buds coming as well. So beautiful and happy to see all the color!
He has such a green thumb - and they are all gorgeous. As long as I don't touch or water anything! HA!
Hope you have your Animal Crackers Saturday Smile - and hope you have a furry, feathered or nature in your life to make you smile as well!
HUGS and