Well last night I pulled out those giant Fancy Pants stamps, I had colored one of my favorite little angel stamps, Magnolia Stamps, I purchased this guy ... just cuz he was fishing and knew I could make cards for my husband. Anyway I colored him in and used my Nestibilities. I wanted something simpler, but using just the Studio K pattern paper wasn't enough. I pulled out those giant stamps, that I had to have and hardly ever use. I kinda like it. Let me know what you think - Sorry about the dark photo again today, it is just so dark outside and I am having a hard time with photos, someone call my hubby and tell him I need a light box please ----
I got a new phone! I absolutely love it! A Pink, yep Pink, Palm Centro. Wow so much in such a little phone! I was showing hubby all that it can do and was getting the "yea, neat... yea, cool" The weather channel video he actually looked over at it. But then I showed him where he could get the latest baseball news and actual video highlights - he took it out of my hand and was really impressed. He has needed a new phone for months. Guess what we will be out getting - yes, and new phone for him, but he wants black not pink, imagine that.
Today my hubby is home, rain day. So we will probably work around here and run some errands (most likely getting him the phone). The blog candy is going postal today so keep an eye out if you were the winners.
Card Info:
Stamps: Magnolia; Fancy Pants; See D's
Ink: Brilliance Graphite Black; ColorBox Cats Eye
Accessories: Spellbinders Nestibilites
gorgeous I am sure hubby will love it!! Sue :o)
can not believe you got only two comments on this card.
keep going
I like it~ the flourish is very pretty underneath!!
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