My Wyandotte Chicks arrived!!! I didn't order them special - but I checked the feed store website for updates and waited and waited for their shipment of wyandottes to be scheduled. Then on the morning that they were to arrive we made sure to get there as soon as we could. They run out of the baby chicks for the most wanted varieties. And Wyandotte Chicks are those that just do not come in often and go quick! The plan was always to try and get a dozen total chickens... 1/2 Rhode Island Reds and then the other 1/2 of Wyandotte - I was not happy about having to wait so long for them, but now that I have them they were so worth the wait!!! Can't even tell you how cute they are... oh love my reds, they are gorgeous. But these little Wyandotte chickies are ... well... you look -
They are just adorable! I asked the girl how old they were - she said "Today" I said no not when did you get them how old? "Today" I said cracked out of the egg? She said yes "Today" ... it would have been easier to say "one day old" wouldn't it? Now they are 3 days old and just growing by leaps and bounds every day! They are very friendly - I love that!
Look how pretty their back sides are -
They are actually formally called Silver Lace Wyandotte Chickens - They will be pretty black and white feathers - very striking. But for now adorable!
I held my phone in to snap the photos... they are very friendly ... a few wanted close ups and to peck a hello to you -
They kept coming up to my phone and pecking on the face. Then running away and looking at me. Then they would do it again and again... Don't know if they thought it was special food or were being really brave and attacking the odd object that kept making snapping noises at them. :0)
Can't wait to see them grow up and how pretty they are gonna be! Just hope we don't have problems introducing them into the chicken coop with all the others - Everyone better be nice!
Now I have more photos from my photos last week - I took a ton, when working with animals you have to take advantage to good photo shoots as they don't come very often!
Annie - I have no clue what she was licking her lips for. LOL I didn't have anything yummy for her, and it was still a while till dinner time -
What ever she had must have been good.
Speaking of eating something good... Love this photo of Leticia!!
With the little bit of rain we have had we are getting some GREEN growing! Little Leticia was really loving the weeds growing under the trees! She is all grown up... over a year old now. And she is still a little thing. Hubby still calls her "Little Bitty" She sure is a pretty little bitty one!
Hank was enjoying the shade -
He is looking much better now that we took the black mineral buckets away from the boys. Why is it that the buckets are in the girls pens and they don't look like they have rolled all in it. But when ever we put it in with the boys they have to wear more than they eat!! Oh wait... They are boys!!!
Found Raffie trying to get as close as he could to his barn for some shade.
Now that sounds really sad - like we have him in a hot zone with no shade to relax in. But not so... just around the corner of his barn there was 1/2 a pen of shade! For some reason he likes the shade here better... you would think he could see the girls better from here or something... LOL
Here is one of the girl kids...
Jennifer - she is one of Annie's girls. Not the friendliest - like her Mom she is only friendly on her terms. She is a pretty thing though. And she is staying small - Really a gorgeous odd buckskin color, not at all like her Mom or Grandma... She was funny here. She popped her head out just to see what I was doing. "Uh.. you giving out treats? any Food?.. Uh no?" and then she went back in. Need to get some treats they are just so deprived you know. :0)
I have lots of house work to do today.. blah. The weather is gorgeous - I really would love to take a chair out and sit and read and watch all my fur children. They are really loving the weather! I may have to just sneak some time to enjoy them today - can't spend all day inside can I? Just not healthy.. we need fresh air! LOL So what are you looking forward to this weekend? Share some fun with me...
Have a wonderful day -
HUGS and
Good morning from a beautifully sunny UK, I'm heading out in a few minutes for a long walk & then I hope to get some crafting done when I return.
Your new chickies are so cute! It will be great to see them grow. Terrific photos of both goats & donkeys, Jennifer is gorgeous.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Those chicklets are adorable! You know, I got such a good feeling from your post today Michelle... it's like if you have to be a goat, donkey, chicken, cat, dog or whatever... you want to be one that lives with Michelle and her hubs. If you do, you have the best of the best!
Aaahhhh those chicks are soooo fluffy and their back side photo looks as though a white garland has been hung over their tails! Nice to see Hank's cleaned up for us this week LOL. I love Raffie's face, I could stand and stroke him all day.
Warm-ish sunshine and blue sky here in UK got me outside in the garden earlier, looks like Spring is here at last (all 13 degrees of it!). Crocheting this afternoon, tomorrow I hope to be in the mood to tidy my crafting desk!
Ellie Maggie x
Fianlly a break in out BAD weather pattern. It has been wet and cold. VERY wet. Flooding. Dry and sunny today with 50 degrees. Should get out and pick up some winter clutter from the yard. YEAh right. I still want to get up to my craft room and make cards and play with a new stamp set :) The animals all look so happy and content. Why not... they have you to spoil them. :) LOL
Oh those chicks are sooooo cute! Hope they get along OK with the others. We got two new young pullets a couple of weeks ago and one of the 'old' chickens is being very unfriendly - pecking them hard and running at them :(
Hi Michelle, your new chicks are really cute! Can't wait to see them growing :) Your weather looks great. We also have sun these days - it's finally spring!
Jay Jay
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