Wow summer is here! Went out yesterday afternoon and the heat was horrible! Ok heat was bad humidity was horrible! In my little walk the goat pen is always first, right out the back door. Lizzie trotted over to the fence to see if she could get a little head scratch. Ok she was seeing if I brought any treats, they are always looking for treats, but let me think it was just for me ok?
Now isn't a face you just have to love! Look at how beautiful she is! And sweet! Those eyes just melt your heart... she got those from her Momma you know...
Daisy has those same stunning blue eyes!
She always does give us stunning babies! She is on the fall breeding list for sure. Heck Lizzie is old enough too.. maybe she should be on that list!
Now after I left the goat pen I passed by the back "mens" pen. Wish I had volume on my camera!
Wow Sergio was really screaming it out "HEEEELLLLLOOOO" sounded more like a Hee Haw but I know it was Hello. He is my special guy you know. My orphan that became my baby years ago is still very attached.. as I am to him! Sorry he was talking with his mouth full...
Then I walked back to the back pasture to see if by any chance I could find the girls. Now it was mid afternoon so my chances weren't good as it was pretty hot and sunny, usually they are far back in hiding.... But look at what I spotted!!
Shhhh they don't know I can see them! Now I am pretty sure the one on the left is Jazz... and I think that one on the right is Lacey... maybe. LOL Hey if it keeps them cooler to hide back in there I am all for it.
Found Juliet sort of in the shade...
I bet she was totally in the shade when she stopped there, but when I first saw her she was asleep in her standing pose. Shade moved past her... and once she saw me I barely got a chance to snap before she was right there at me pushing shoving and insisting on 100% attention. Hard to take photographs from then on but Love Juliet!
Then on my way back up front I checked on Raffie... now yesterday was his first day back into bachelor status. Yep his three ladies were released back into the girls pen. We are pretty sure they are all pregnant now... Oh I so hope they are, they should be!
Guess he is a man to the end huh? LOL Too hot for new lady friends now Raffie... Fall will come soon and then you can have new girlfriends!
One more photo... an update on our little Keets.
They are doing great! A little bit bigger, not much. They are still very skittish but getting very chatting for sure!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend, hug on a furry or feathered friend!
HUGS and
It is always fun to stop in and see the furry and feathered cuties.
how do you ever get anything done. I would want to spend all my time loving on them . ;) LOL Have a great weekend and try to stay cool. Looks to be getting really hat and humid here too. UGH.
Oh they are all so adorable. I love there names. It sounds so peacful in a tranquil kind of way on your farm, even with the animal sounds. Have a lovely weekend & try to keep cool x
Made my Saturday-as always. It is such a joy to see pictures of all your children-thank you.
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