Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Anniversary Candy!

this post will stay on top until the drawing... newer post just below -

I am one year old! Where did the year go? Seem's like just a few weeks ago that I was trying to get the courage to put my stuff out there and go with a blog. I did it and I can't believe how many wonderful friends I have made -

Well now it is time to celebrate - and I hope you like my candy -

What is up for grabs?
I found some new things and some of my favorites -

1- a 12x12 Making Memories Sabrina Paper Collection
2- Making Memories Sabrina Mini Brads Collection
3- FOUR full rolls of pink and black Ribbons
4- BRAND NEW in package EK Success Birthday Candles Border Punch
(so cool you can see it on yesterday's card, it locks closed!)
5- More than FOURTY Stampavie Stamped images
Sarah Kay, Leere Aldrich, Lelo Designs and Rachelle Anne Miller
and a bunch of Pink, Black and White Bridal Flowers!
What do you have to do to win this? It would be nice if you could help me spread the word in your blog or where ever you chat. If you would like to follow me that is nice to, but not neccessary. Then leave a comment here under this post. That is it - I'll do a random number generator drawing on March 14th... and announce the winner that evening -
Thanks so much for making the last year so special! You are all wonderful!


1 – 200 of 380   Newer›   Newest»
DawnMarie said...

Hi Michelle, Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! I really enjoy reading your blog, your cards are such an inspiration and I just love donkey day, I will put a pic of your candy and a link to your blog on mine. Thank you for the chance to win, going to read about the donkey's now. Hugs DawnM.x

Lorraine A said...

Lovely candy Michelle :-) Happy blogoversary :-)
I'll post this on my blog :-)

Ms. Cheryl said...

I have linked you here:
I love visiting your blog. I think you make the best cards. You are so creative.
I am , however , in love with the donkeys and libbey. I would appreciate a video. I had horses and goats for several years and had to give them up due to bursitis and arthritis. Visiting your blog and your donkeys filss that void to some degree. It makes me happy and warm inside.
Thanks for all that and the giveaway, ms.cheryl

Annie said...

Congratulations on your Blogging Birthday Michelle! enjoy your weekend, hugs, annie x

Kirsten Alicia said...

Hi again Michelle, happy first blogoversary! Thank you for offering such gorgeous candy. I have written a post about it & linked you on my sidebar. Kirsten x.

Sheri said...

Happy blogaversary! I so enjoy looking at your blog daily and love the way you mix up the donkeys, puppy and cards. It never ever gets boring. I share you blog with my friends who also love looking at your creations and creatures. Love the goodies you have chosen for the candy.

Anonymous said...

That is some delicious candy. Happy 1st year Anniversary. I have not been following your for the whole year but since I have, I have enjoyed every bit of it. From keeping up with your donkey family to your other furbabies. I have been scrapping for 15 years and card making for 6 and it never ceases to amaze me from your blog and others that I follow what new and creative ideas that I can learn. Thank you for the first year and good luck on many more. Happy Blogging and Creating.

SueH said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations! I check your site everyday and especially love the donkey pictures and Lilly pictures. Your cards are great. Will spread the word on my email to my friends.

Linda . J said...

Happy blogaversary and a great candy to go with it, thanks for this chance to enter, I shall add your link in my candy jar.
Hugs Linda

Samantha Carlton said...

Happy first Blogoversay!

I love all the lovely photos on your site and of course your cards are fab!

Thank you for the chance to win

Sam x

Jingle said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I subscribe to your feed already! Love it! I posted over at my favorite hang out, All Moments Remembered!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love your work as well as your donkey stories! My daughter loves donkeys and you put a smile on her face! I don't have a blog and frankly, have no clue how to get one (I'm pretty computer illiterate) but I'd love to win some stamping goodies!! Judy Terrell

Petra said...

Congrats to your first year..I love your work and visit your page almost every day.

I hope I yummy stuff..

SemSee said...

Many, many congrats! And what delish candy - thanks so much for the chance to win. I'm now a follower and I've popped you onto my Candy Bar (will write a post tomorrow - a bit tired now!!).

Hugs, Sem x

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary and Thank-you for all the inspiration your blog provides.


Anonymous said...

Wow Congratz!! on the first year.... I want to tell you I LOVE you blog back ground!!

Tracey said...

Happy blogoversary Michelle!! Here's to many more years of you sharing with us!! :)

Great candy! Thanks for the chance! I have linked you up on my sidebar! xx

PattiM said...

Thats some yummilicious candy.... "DROOL!" I added a post on my blog so everyone else can come and drool, too. HERE IS MY ENTRY.


(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!

Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Denise said...

Happy blogoversary!
I love the blog and just bookmarked it!

StampinCathy said...

Happy Blogaversary! Lovin the new look. I'm a subscriber and love your creative and inspiring projects. Wow this is some MAJOR FUN celebration candy you have to share. Count me in and thanks so much for a chance.

Harley Dee said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I posted about your giveaway on a message board I frequent :)

Erin... said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Such yummy candy!! I love those images:) I linked you on my blog. Thanks for the chance and all your fab designs:)

Suzanne said...

Happy blogoversary and here's to the next year of wonderful cards and donkeys and other animals!! Great candy will link it now. Sue :o)

TA Carbone said...

Happy Anniversary Michelle. Wishing you the best for the coming year and more Donkey Smiles


Ingrid said...

Hi! Congratulations! Happy bloggoversary. Kisses. I'll post the picture on my blog.

jessicamae3 said...

I am a follower! Thanks for the chance to win your delicious blog candy give away...I mean seriously, could my mouth be watering anymore???

Amanda said...

Happy Blogaversary! I subscribe to your blog through Feedblitz and enjoy each of your posts. Wonderful blog candy! I have added a link to your blog/candy on the sidebar of mine. Many thanks for the chance to win! Wishing you all the best in the next year and beyond.

angie worthington said...

happy blogversary!!!...adding you to my long list of blogs that i stalk!...

CraftyRia said...

I love that blog candy! It's wonderful and I'd love to win it!

I posted a ink on my message board: The Crafty Table Here is the link:

retiredheather said...

Congrats Michelle. what a lovely package. I have posted it on my sidebar and will certainly help spread the joy.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I love blog candy - and yours is top of the line! I will be adding you to my favs!

Nicola said...

I'm here every day. I just love your blog. You make the most awesome cards. I love seeing your donkeys, dog & cat. All of it.


I have posted on my blog Nic's Blog


AnnS said...

Happy Anniversary Michelle. I follow your blog and love all receiving all your posts. Thanks for the generous candy.

Diamond Doll said...

Congrats on yor blogaversary, wow what fab candy, all those images whoo hooo.
Trish (-:

Sharri C said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!! Hope your next year is as much fun. SharriC

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary Michelle! I hope you have many more fun filled creative ones. I love your cards and I really enjoy donkey / Libbie day. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I'm off to tell everyone on my blog about your candy!

Janet said...

congrats on your one year:) I love donkey day!! Eeyore is my fave (i have a HUGE collection!) I am following your blog and going to post a link!

Heather "Hev" said...

Congratulations Michelle :)

I will add you to my Guilt Free Candy Store

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway and blog, sorry I dont have a blog .....but wondered if I could be considered anyway/ retirednrse/jo

BethW said...

I think we should all thank you for the joy and smiles you bring into our lives.

Gail S. said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary!!! I love to not only visit to see what new things you have created but to catch up on your donkey's and Libbie!! Thanks for a chance to win. Gail S.

Patti Smith said...

Gosh it doesn't seem like a year....I have so enjoyed your blog and your talent....keep it up...I can't believe how many visitors that you've had know I've got you on my blog roll....(((Hugs))) patti

gocanucksgo said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!!!! Love seeing your amazing creations and the pictures of your miniature donkeys =) Keep up the amazing work !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations....How exciting!!! And thanks for the chance to win those awesome goodies!!

Cynde said...

Michelle Congratulations to you my Dear! Your Blog is always so much fun to read and check out. I love all the cards and projects you do. Your so very talented! You have such a giving heart and share it with all of us! I love donkey and libby day too! Heck I love anyday at your Blog, your always so much fun to hang out with! Best wishes for another Great Year ahead.

Abby said...

Happy Bloggy-versary! Love your blog background! Awesome stuff! Glad I found your blog! Here's a link to my post at Ally Scraps: Thanks for the awesome RAK!

Kelly Schelske said...

Yay!! Congrats Michelle ona fabulous year of blogging!!

I've linked to you in my sidebar:-)

Hugs, Kelly

Kerry Phillips said...

Hi Michelle!

Whoo-hoo Happy Bloggoversay!! I'm a newbie to the blogger land {just created mine at the ending of last year} Your blog is one that I totally enjoy "following". Your cards are great and your furry family members are cutie-patooties! Thanks for the chance to win such a SWEET package! I'll be sure to spread the word on my blog.


Nanda said...

Hi, congratulations with your blog! I always look at your cards as soon as I get a message by email. They are lovely. Every saturday I look forward to your photo's and storys of the donkey's and little Libbie.

Thank you for the opportunitie to win a great candy!

Jayne Hayward said...

Well done on your 1st Anniversary and what truely lovely candy you are giving away. I am already a follower of your blog and love all the items you create. I have placed a link in the side of my sidebar on my blog to spread the word.

Your truely an inspiration to others.

Jayne xx

kay said...

hi,congratulations on your first anniversary.i have only been blogging for a week and am already addicted.have linked you on my sidebar.

Dawn said...

Wonderful blog candy - cool colours too...

Will add you to my Candy Box!


Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

Happy blogaversery!Love to read the storys at donkey day.
Will spread the word about your candy on my blog.

Stampin Cats said...

Congrats on the blogaversary. I love all the stories of the animals. That new puppy is just too cute. I have pygmy fainting goats. I would love to have a donkey. Need to check to see if donkey's get along with goats, sheep, and llama's. I'll spread the word. Love the new banner.

Donna said...

I am already a follower and I've linked you to my blog candy alert on the sidebar of my blog: This looks like a wonderful prize. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your one year blogoversary - i love those miniature donkeys!! too cute - i don't have a blog but if i did i'd put your link on it! thank yo for the opportunity to win some blog candy.

Anonymous said...

congrats on your one year blogoversary - i love those miniature donkeys!! too cute - i don't have a blog but if i did i'd put your link on it! thank yo for the opportunity to win some blog candy.

scotspanda said...

lovely candy and a lovely blog too :o)

I have linked you to my candy box


Amanda xxx

Saskia said...

Congratulations... for the 1-year-blog!! Super!! I just started about a month ago...

Thanks for sharing some lovely candy!! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me!!

You are on my 'candy-bar'!!

Greetings from Belgium,

Saskia xx

Linda said...

That's some good lookin' blog candy you have there! Congratulations on your one year anniversary. I love your critters :)

Oma said...

Hi Michelle! Happy Blogoversary! I have already posted your candy on my blog. I have the birthday candle punch so if I win, I will give it away on my blog when I reach a year of blogging.

Anonymous said...

congratualations on your 1st anniversary which is paper. Great candy and lots of paper here. Love the blog. Only have a blog on docrafts but have left a message on there at

Keep up the good work. Aunty Sue

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Hi Michelle, Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! I have just found your blog by visiting Oma's blog (she's wonderful). I have just signed up to follow you and will be visiting often. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great day.

Tracy said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary!! I'm in the same boat you were a year ago as I just started up my blog, something I never though I would do.

Christine said...

Hi Michelle congrats on your blogversary, love your little donkeys, thanks for the chance to win your brill candy off to link you to my side bar have a good week.

hugs Christine xx

scrappyjacky said...

Lovely blog candy...and congrats on your first year.

Scott Franson Photography said...

Congratulations, love your blog and all the inspiration you give us.
I've linked you to mine and I'm a follower.

Lou Sims said...

Fabby selection of goodies and many congrats on your "Blogaversary". I have linked you giveaway on my blog.

Kristen said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary!! What a great selection of blog candy!

Mina said...

Dosent time fly when your having fun lol...fantastic candy, thanks for the chance to win..I have linked you in my candy bar on my blog xxx

Annelies said...

Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog every day! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Michele said...

Hi Michelle, congratulations on your blogoversary! Thanks for the chance to win such amazing candy.
I have linked your candy on my sidebar.
Michele x

Sherri Thacker said...

Congrats on 1 year of blogging! I love your blog and love to read about your gorgeous donkeys! sherri

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't wait to browse through your blog as it is my first time here. The fire sounds scary, glad you are okay!

The Crafty Blonde said...

Fab blog candy, thanks so much for the chance to win. I already follow your blog and pop over most days for a peep at your new creations. Will put a link on my blog for you.
Lyndsey xx

Pricousins said...

I've emailed my friends about this! thanks!

Oh I follow too!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the chance to win that wonderful candy!
You can find the link to your blog on my sidebar.

Katie L Oakley said...

Happy Blogoversary Michelle!
Great candy, would love to be in with a chance! Have shouted you out here!
in my side bar - am already a follower :) xx

Sapipzi said...

Happy blogoversay to you,
Happy Blogoversary to you.
Happy blogoversary,
Happy blogoversary.
Happy blogoversary to you!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki said...

Thanks for a chance at your candy
And your blog title .. Really does make yah smile lol
Added a link into my blog thanks

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Happy Blogoversary Michelle! Wow yes, this year did go so quick didn't it. I'm so glad I found your blog and that we are friends, Big Hugs, Nikki x

BettyBoop67 said...

Congrats on yor blogaversary, wow what fab candy, :)Sue xx

Donna said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Michelle, my doesn't a year fly by so soon, love all the donkeys on your blog. I have put your blog candy on my sidebar, and thank you for the chance to win these lovely goodies.

Deana said...

Happy Blogiversary, Michelle! Can't wait to look through the rest of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win this FAB candy!


Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

Michelle .... thanks for such a great opportunity !!!!

I already subscribe and read every post (although I don't always post). Love the baby picts and feeding time!

I'm posting a comment on a website I moderate at...

Keep them coming and congrats on your bloggy bday!

Debra said...

Happy anniversary!!! I'd love to win ......thanks!


Cathy Spicer said...

Congrats on your succesful year! I love reading your blog and you have on my Google Reader list so I always know when you've posted. THANKS for sharing your talent with us!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first year. I've enjoyed your blog daily for about 9 months or more. Love your work and your donkeys.
I don't have a blog but presume I can enter for your canday anyway.
Joanne said...

Congratulations for your blog anniversary!!
great candy, thanks for the chance to win. I've left a link on my candy box,

hugs elisabetta

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with your blog anniversary and thank you so much for the chance to win this amazing candy!!
I'll link you..
X, Ava (your newest follower)

Donnas Den said...

Congratulations on reaching your 1yr blogoversary. Candy looks great. I've put a link to it on my sidebar.

Glad to read that no-one was hurt in the fire.



Rosette said...

Hi Mich, I am already your follower.. have been for months now. wqell I bless the Lord that everything went ok for your house, and for having you share your lovely talent with us for the past year. Congrats.. and to many more!! Thanks for the lovely chance.. it would be a blessing to ME this time if I won!! Off to link you. xx

Joyce B (Burchboo) said...

Blogaversary congrats heading your way. Hope you have equally continuing success with your neat blog and thanks for the chance at some awesome blog candy.

StampinCathy said...

Happy Blogaversary to YOU! I know there will be many more with your creative and inspiring projects. Of course I can't forget about all the daonky talk about those cuties. WoW!! This is some amazing celebration candy you are sharing with your readers. Thanks for a chance.

CLARE said...

Congrats on your 1st year, lovley candy I'm drooling. I have linked you on the side of my Blog

Unknown said...

Congrats on your anniversary!! I always enjoy your blogs about your cards but both my kids and I love to hear about the donkeys as well. Thanks for a great blog! I already subscribe to you on feedblitz!

Ann Kranitz said...

Sorry I just noticed my comment was left under my daughters email account (Lindsay). It was actuall from me!!

Crazy Creations said...

I love your blog Ive been following for a while now .I love all your cards your on my side bar on my blog .Great job !!!!!!

iriniee said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary and thank you for your generous and pretty blog candy.

I will link you in my blog.

Your cards are very pretty.


PaperSunshine said...

Congrats on one year already! Wow! I found your blog through looking for cards made with Magnolia stamps and have been enjoying your donkeys (and doggies) even more! Best wishes on another successful year :)
Lori K.

Tanja said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I follow you... *gg*

Hugs, Tanja

Ila said...

Congratulations Michelle!! Your blog and creations are Totally Fabulous!! I always look forward to your updates!!....I've added your Wonderful Candy to my sidebar...Hugs,Ila

Stampin Mindy said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary! I enjoy visiting your blog. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

Julie Temple said...

Congratulations!! I love visiting your blog, not just for your talent, but I ADORE the donkeys...LOL! Thanks for the chance at your goodies, I will link you!

Rubber Hugs,

Alice said...

WoW! So beautiful candy, I love Making Memories goodies! Thanks for a chance to win!! I put a link to my candybar, bye!!

Eva Sanz said...

Hola Michelle feliz aniversario de tu blog no te escribo nunca por que no se ingles pero si te veo a diario.
Besos y gracias

Brenda H. said...

'So glad to hear that you are all safe after the fire. (We've had a fire at our place too and lost almost all of our animals...very scary!)
Happy go girl! Thanks for sharing all your creations and fun pics with us! What yummy candy....thanks for being so generous and for this chance to win! Keepin' my fingers crossed...
~Brenda H.

Brenda H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fi said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! This is such a gorgeous candy!

I've linked to it on my blog and will be keeping my fingers crossed!


Linda Crowder said...

I already follow you and I will post you on FaceBook and on my blog. Thanks for the wonderful candy. And thanks for all you do and what you share. I enjoy your blog so much. I can't believe you are only one year old?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary! I've put you already a long time ago on my list of favourites. Keep going on with you gorgeous blog and thank you for the chance to win this great candy!

Beti said...

Hej hoj!
I just found your lovely blog and found out about candy, so why not sign in;)
I've added your candy to my sidebar to spread the word!
Have fun!
xx Beti

Linda said...

Hi - what a great blog - happened across it through a link from another blog - off to read about the donkies

Jilli said...

Happy blogaversary! What fab candy you have on offer. I have added you to my sidebar here.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Gosia said...

Hi Michelle , ongratulations on your 1 year blobaversary
and thanks for the chance to win...
I added you to my blog

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win such a great prize pack.

I added you to my blog post.


Cazzy said...

Congrats to you and the donkeys Michelle on your blogerversary.

The candy is yummy, I hope I can join in from the U.K.

Cazzy x - going to link now.

Helen said...

Congratulations on your first blogoversary! I've put a photo and link in the sidebar of my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win the yummy candy!
Helen x

Elaine said...

Well Happy Blogiversary! You've got fabulous card and I'm glad I found you (through you post on SCS about the edge punches)....I'd love to win that stash - it's a great assortment of goodies!

Here's to another INCREDIBLE year -- and many more days of crafting!

Cheers :)


CJJohnson said...

Did it, it's on my site

Kenia said...

Great blog. I added your link.


А@A said...

I added your link to my blog
Thank you for the chance to win

Julia said...

I love your site, & the new one is very nice. Congrats on your 1 yr. ann., doesn't seem that long, :).
I love your work, & so glad I am using copics, I thank you for that as I started because of your work.
Keep it up & will be having a 2 yr. before long.

ScrapyCrafts said...

WE love your blog.....and LOVE YOUR CANDY
We have added you to our blog

Jenny V. said...

Happy blogoversary! Yummy candy! I have blog your candy on mines. Thanks for the chance to win.


Jills Scrappy Daze said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary and thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy.
Will add a link on my blog.
Jill x x

ReginaDelNord said...

I love blog candy! Happy BlogAnniversary!
Kiss from Italy

Sheene said...

to the coolest blog candy host
you're the grooviest there could be
thanks for the chance to win these tasties
wish you'd pick me!

hugs from the Philippines!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Very nice candy!

I linked you on my sidebar.

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary Michelle, would love to be entered into the yummy candy draw, link is on my jubbly list, right bar. Always a delight to come visit your blog and I'm definitely following. thanks for this wonderful chance.

Beverley said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. Your candy looks fab. Have added a link on my sidebar. Bev x

Giselle said...

Congratulations on your blog..
Great candy.. Thanks for the chance..
Giss xxx

Abby said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!

kat9 said...

Congrats on making it a year. Wonderful Blog. I hope I make it someday but I am just starting with my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Hello! Candy super! I am from Russia!
Thank you for the opportunity vygrat a charm:)
Here is a link to my blog -

Michele Roos said...

Happy blogaversary. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Michele x

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Happy Blogoversary Michelle! Fabulous candy. I'm off to post a link on my blog now. Hugs, Lainy xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Michelle

I love your work and my kids enjoy the stories of the donkeys :)

and thanks for the chance to win :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!
Happy Blogoversary!

Jacilynn said...

Happy Birthday! Your blog is fabulous. One of the best out there. Great Candy. Fingers Crossed.

CraftyC said...

Your candy is gorgeous and congrats on so many hits in 1 year. I already follow you and will add a link on my blog!

Кристина said...

I would be so happy to get your wonderful candy! Thank you for the opportunity!
And a link in my blog is here:

Dancing Lady said...

Happy blogversary!!!!! And thanks a lot for this chance: it's a fab candy..and now it's on my blog! ;-)

Carla D said...

Hi Michelle,

And I've left a link on my sidebar for this fabulous Candy.
And if I win I would like to have a picture of monkey Cheyenne. It's because my daughter has the same name :o)


Anne said...

fantstic candy Michelle. Loving it!
I'll leave a link on my side bar for you

Yaneri said...

Huge blog candy giveaway! Amazing! Thank U for being so sweet to us!! Congrats on your blogoversary!!!

Your candy blog is in my side bar

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

Happy Blogoversary. I look forward to your cards and photos of Libby and the Donkeys each week. Thanks so much for the chance to win some goodies . I added you to my blog and I am already a follower of yours. Have a great week.

Shannon said...

I love the new look on your blog! I already follow you because you are such a creative girlie! I have linked you on my blog!

fili e colori said...

Happy Blog anniversary!
I've put a link on my blog.
Silvia from Italy

fili e colori said...

Happy Blog anniversary!
I've put a link on my blog.
Silvia from Italy

fili e colori said...

Happy Blog anniversary!
I've put a link on my blog.
Silvia from Italy

fili e colori said...

Happy Blog anniversary!
I've put a link on my blog.
Silvia from Italy

fili e colori said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
fili e colori said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
fili e colori said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
fili e colori said...
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fili e colori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fili e colori said...

sorry, I have had a problems with Internet explorer

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary! And what a selection of blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win it, and I'm looking forward to many more blog entries.

Manuela said...

What a yummy candy! Thank you for the chance to win it. I've linked you on my blog .


Chris (catt871) said...

You know I love you blog!!! I've added you to my Candy Jar on my blog!!!! :)

~*Joni said...

Michelle what an awesome giveaway for a great blog! I wanted to introduce myself as I am following in your incredibly talented footsteps as the Guest DT for June-July. CONGRATULATIONS! Your work is awesome (luv the torn cork with Ian!). I am off to spread the word and link it all back here!

cathy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Your blog candy is lovely! Thanks for the chance to win.

Riina said...

Congrats on you Blog-o-versary and thanks for the chance to win this deliciously-looking blog candy! :D

- Rhynah

Char in So Cal said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Time flies when you are having fun, doesn't it?! {smile}

Thanks for the op to win your YUMMY candy and CHEERS to many more years of blogging!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
darn spammers! lol

Felis_bunte_Welt said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Your candy is beautiful. I linked you on my sidebar.

Alex said...

Lovely blog candy, thanks for the chance! I will put a link in my candy list on my sidebar to spread the word and am a follower now!
Love and hugs,

Eve said...


Congrats on your blog anniversary!
You have nice candy! :)


Laura (Faerielore) said...

congratulations on your blogaversary, what beautiful candy thank you for the chance of winning, i have just linked you to my blog (in my side bar) good luck everyone xxx

Alenka said...

Happy blogaversay!Candy is great. Thank you for the chance to win.I have linked you on my candy bar on my blog.
Hugs Alenka

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Congratulations on your anniversary. Your blog looks great. Aren't Copic markers the best? Thanks for the chance to win a prize.


moi said...

Congrats ob blogoversary. Thank you so much for the chance to win such generous candy. I'm going to put a link to your candy on my sidebar.

Hugs, moi

Anonymous said...

Wow, a year old. Congratulations.

You are scheduled to be posted to my blog post this Friday.

Moni said...

Waw gorgeous candy and lovely blog! I become your follower and linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni

Moni said...

Waw gorgeous candy and lovely blog! I become your follower and linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni

Sandra said...

Happy blogoversary!
And congrats on becoming a DT member!

I've put a link on my sidebar


Dominga said...

hi....Congratulation on the blog.Thanks for the chance to win!!!Sorry but do not speak Englis well. Kisses fro Italy.
My blog:

Jilly said...

Happy blogaversary. great candy thank you or the chanc to win, I have linked the candy in my sidebar. I already subscribe to your newsletter so follow you that way

Olga said...

Warmest congratulations from Russia with Blogoversary!
I'm a newby in "real" scrapbooking (I made a digital ones for a pretty long time and now would like to get some new experience so began to scrap in “reality”) so your candy would come VERY handy.
Thank you for the chance and good luck to you in all of your undertakings!
I've linked you in my sidebar

tnapay said...

congratulations on your one year of blogging. :-)

more power and thanks for this chance at winning these yummy goodies.

posted your blog candy here:

have a great day! :-D

Brittany said...

Fun fun blog candy!! Congrats on your one year!! I'm deff. following and linking your candy to my blog in a post!!!! :)

maeski said...

Thanks for the beautiful treats! Congatulations.

Mae in FL

Anonymous said...

hi! your blog is so sweet !
i have written a post about this article here=>
maybe i will win ;)
congratulations for this blogoversary :)))

Tracy said...

Congrats on your Blog BD.
Your creations are awesome

Steph said...

Lovely blog candy - thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary! Lovely blog candy! Count me in. :)

abackman66 at hotmail dot com

Sorry, I don't have a blog.

Anonymous said...

ciao io son alessandr, ti scrivo dall'italia, vorrei iscrivermi al tuo blog candy e sperare di essere la fortunata vincitrice... ti fccio tanti complimenti
ciao ale

Malin E said...

What a lovely blog you have! Time goes very fast!
I love to be in om the blog candy and I made a link on my blog!


Liza said...

Great candy Michelle and congrats on your blog anniversary. I'm off to link now.

Liza x

Carmen O. said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! Mine is coming up the end of this month too! I'll post your blog candy as soon as I'm done here. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Mouse40 said...

Happy blogaversary!Your blog looks great.
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I became a follower and posted a link on my blog:

Just a little bit Crafty said...

Oh my goodness, what fab blog candy. It's your blogoversary and you are giving the gifts. I would love a chance of winning this great pack. I have added a link on my blog.
Cheers, Irene

Heidi said...

Hey Michelle- congrats! I will join your celebration. I am having blog candy on my blog- for my birthday hope you'll join me! I got you on my blog candy roll call too! Thanks!

Kukusinka said...

Hi Michelle!
Happy blogaversary!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Posted about your candy in my blog:

Annita said...

Congrats on your 1 st blog anniversary !
love your work !

Gypsy said...

Hi Michelle!
Conf´grats from me. I like your blog and I like your stories about your donkeys.

Hugs from Germany

Naoual said...

Oooh, this candy looks just YUMMY! I just love pink. I'm already a follower of your fab blog, love your cards. I'm off to post a link to your candy on my sidebar.

Congrats on your first blogoversary! Here's to many more!

xx Naoual

Teri said...

Gorgeous candy Michelle! Thank you for the chance to win.

Teri xx

Unknown said...

Congrats Michelle on your Blogoversary, gorgeous candy, have put a link to it on my blog


Jan x

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