I can't believe how big the chicks are! Almost full grown ladies now. Ok we are a few months from egg layers, but they are such pretty young ladies! They are loving their new outdoor pen. Of course they have not encountered rain yet... or cold weather.... or really hot weather... but they will get use to it all.
These girls are beginning to figure out me and my camera coming at them. Can't you see the look in her eye... Uh Oh... here she comes again!
Then she started strutting a little runway walk for me.
Such a pretty lady...
I found one of the little reds checking out their new hut.
Can't you see her thinking.. Nice new house, can we get a tv, maybe a feather bed and air now?
Now this older chicken was more interested in a bath. A Dirt Bath!
They all do it.. Chickens, Goats, Donkeys... that cool loose dirt just makes you feel so good! Not! But I guess it is good for them. This lady had the dirt really flying! LOL
Thought I would show off one of Hubby's favorite ladies...
He loves his Guineas. We only have two of the original three, but they seem to be healthy and going strong. They rule the goat pen and have control over all goats, except for the oldest, Paintbrush. They seem to respect her and never peck or chase her. They may not be gorgeous, but they are smart!
And it looks like we have some new temporary birdies....
This is a wood carving hanging on my back porch, and it seems that a wren has made herself a large nest with that "wood" wood duck to protect it. Can't wait to see if there are babies in there but for now we are giving Momma a little privacy. Will try and sneak a shot in the coming weeks now and then.
Hope you enjoyed my birdies this week. A little cold front is coming today.. whew. Was in the 90's here yesterday! I am so not ready for summer to hit. Liking our spring this year and would love for it to stick around a bit longer!
Thanks so much for joining me today - Hope you got a smile!
HUGS and