I guess the first thing is to report on the chickens since that was the biggest concern last week. I am sad to report that we lost one more. And it was Orchid, one of my heritage chicks. She was fine that night and the next morning she was so weak she couldn't stand. I have been so depressed. Still pampering my Rhode Island Red now known as "sick girl" - she seems a little healthier, but not really with it mentally all the time. Well as much as a chicken should be anyway. She is now eating a little on her own so hopefully she will continue to improve.
Hubby spent an entire morning and set up a misting system for them. Really helps cool things down but we are having to mess with it trying to get the pressure right. Too much.. not enough... back and forth.
Now we have three boys in our Heritage pen. And now Hubby has started planning the new pens... not sure when they will be built but he is working on the plan and gathering supplies.
Sam is really coming on with his "Adult" feathers and color - oh... and sound! Wow he can talk!
I think he knows he is good looking. Now Periwinkle one of the Lavenders, he is really laid back and still doesn't really crow. Maybe he just lets Sam and Leon have the spot light so he can flirt with the gals. Oh and Hubby says he needs to be referred to as "Perry" as it sounds better for a guy. But I like Periwinkle...
You know that crooked beak gets him some added attention from the girls. Since loosing Orchid he now has only one girlfriend now, Violet. She is walking there behind him. I really would love to gets some chicks from these two.
Now I am trying to not focus on talking about the heat this week again. But I thought this one was too funny. You have to share the shade around here... but these two crack me up... looks almost like the Guinea is filling Annie in with all the gossip. You see Annie has been living in Frankie's pen for the last few months. But this week we let all the girls being bred out and back into the girls pen. So who knows... maybe the Guinea thought Annie should be filled in on some things...
Now that Frankie is back to being a bachelor for a day or so he is right back to flirting with the young girls.
He is such a funny guy....
And another funny guy. I wish you could see in this photo what I was trying to show you...
This guy is SOOO dirty it isn't even funny. It is very dusty and dry, so those dirt baths are extra dirty. He was covered in dirt! Oh and You can almost see how grey his face is starting to get. Well he is over 20... and still a handsome man!
And a beautiful girl... Miss Libbie for sure!
We had baths this last week, and did lots of brushing and everyone was so good looking. I can't show you Autie and Chica... just too embarrassed. Just a couple of days and those two don't look like they had a bath or groomed at all. Chica loves to roll in grass dirt mud whatever. Now Libbie. She enjoys being clean and brushed and likes being pretty. :0)
Hope you got a smile this week -
Have a blessed weekend!
HUGS and