I have been also sorting out and changing some of my desk drawers, as I sort things I am wanting newer things close at hand I guess you could say. Here are three more drawers -
First is my Bling Drawer - love this drawer. Is it good or bad that I need an entire drawer for my bling? Adhesive pearls, rhinestones and such are just so needed!
Then I have a Pan Pastel Tool drawer. I have always wanted to do more with my pan pastel paints. And I have played with them since getting them last year, just not a lot to show off you understand :0) - But I love playing with them
Next drawer - oh first.. if you look to the left of my drawers, you can see my Pan Pastel paints standing up ;0) Now the drawer, new stuff - I received a gift certificate to an online store, and have just been dying to use some of the Claudine Hellmuth Studio paints. They are Acrylic paint, but unlike the "cheaper" bottle ones I have used forever, these are suppose to be semi gloss and well... richer :0) I just got them, and haven't had time to play with them... but I hope to soon!
Here is a close up for ya ;0) If you have used them before... hints please?
Now I'll show off my clean shelf! I wait way too long to do this, one reason is it above my desk. My very wide desk - I have a heck of a time getting to it. So I tend to let it just stay as is... dust and all you could say.
But while cleaning, I decided it was past time and climbed up there and got everything down and dusted it off... then I decided it was time to put more recent things with some of my favorites. I do loving having a non-reachable place to display things. Do you have display space in your area?
The puppy pen was picked up this week as well. Our one left puppy just was not happy in it all alone, and I have no spine and just can't let her cry and cry and howl and scream.... So she is out free - doing ok with the run of the house. We have a few tiny accidents, but if we remember to take her out as soon as she wakes up or every couple of hours - then she is good! Wanna see this weeks photo?
We are still waiting for that perfect person to want to buy "Precious" but until then, or until we are so attached we can't let her go, she is part of our busy household. OH... and Hubby came clean and said Precious was fine for her when she was a slug in a kennel, and maybe even when her sister was still here and being the forceful one. But now, Precious just isn't fitting, he didn't like that for her name. She is getting her own personality and all though Precious.... we are now calling her "Mija" Which is locally Spanish slang for "mi hija" - translation - basically it is a term of endearment for a little girl around here. Perfect for this little precious puppy :0) Especially since her older sister is "Chica" which is girl in Spanish! I keep telling Hubby we are not keeping her.... but if someone doesn't come forward soon and want her... I am getting really attached to my little Mija :0)
HUGS and have a wonderful day!

Look at that face!! I hope nobody wants her (LOL) and you get to keep her!! What can you do? No buyers? Aw shucks, guess you just have to add her to the group.
What a sweetie good thing you only had two this time. I would keep her too she has the sweetest face and look at those eyes. Ann Lind
Mija is so gorgeous. I'm not sure I would be able to let her go to another family.
Like you, I'm terrible at getting rid of things in my stash; even though I haven't used them in years I still think that one day I'll need them. Lovely things on your shelf, btw.
I just wanted to let you know I love all of your organization posts. You posted one back at the end of June that I am now in the process of doing for my cling and clear stamps. I have bought a laminating machine and am organizing all my stamps by company.
I have a box always available to put my "unwanted" items into. I'm embarrased to say that sometimes I like something so much I end up with more than one item. Unfortunately when I discover it, it's often too late to take the duplicate back. Hopefully, with reorganizing that won't happen as often.
I'm very lucky that in my area (eastern Kansas) with have many stores that do garage sales so my "unwanted" items usually go to them and then what doesn't sell is donated.
Yes, we do need a whole drawer for bling! LOL! Just look at that sweet little face! After all is't just one more mouth to feed right? LOL!
Oh oh Mija just might be staying ;) She is so darn cute. The room is looking good. Lots of fun stuff to play with. too. hugs...
Awww, how could you not get attached to that face! What a sweetie...
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