But my camera was a great choice for me.
One it is a easy camera - and still really cool. But the main reason it was the perfect camera for me? Well I have all of my Dad's camera collection. He was a semi-professional photographer, a hobby but used it in his work. And well... he always had to have the best. So his camera lenses and accessories for his cameras were always top drawer. He had a film camera.... but his lenses were so good and after doing research cuz I didn't want to "waste" them. I found out that 2/3rds of them would fit a few DSL cameras... this Sony being one of them!
For taking my photos 80% of the time I use Dad's Minolta Maxxum AF Macro 50mm lens. Great for my cards, and projects in my pop up photo tent. It is vintage (really old) but it is still my lens of choice for my stuff. I even use this lens a lot for taking the close up's of the animals. It just captures so much detail.
If not using this lens and I want a more normal shot. I will use Dad's Minolta Zoomsi AF 28-105 lens. A great every day lens that is sharp and clear.
I have a shade cover on the end of mine, which works good for so many outside photos.
Taking photographs is a hobby for me. I love snapping photos of life around me. Animal Crackers I guess makes my point huh? And this camera makes it all so easy. Makes me look like I know more than I do most of the time.. LOL someday I would love to take some classes and learn more, then take a photoshop course to know how to make that program do all it is designed to do, instead of just the cropping and re-sizing that I do.
Hope you liked seeing camera - It is a standard piece of equipment in my craft room and life.
What do you use? You love it? Share with me ;0)
HUGS and