Plus we are still keeping a very worried eye on Baby Gabrielle "Gabby" She is acting like a normal baby donkey early in the morning and late in the day - and would love to be out of this little pen in our back yard and running in the large pen bucking and kicking. But I just can't let her out yet. She still is running fever EVERY day... starts climbing as soon as it starts to heat up during the day and by 5pm she is at or just over 104 mark! And that is just too warm to let her run and get more heated. We have stopped giving her ice baths, and are trying to let her body learn to regulate it on her own... I just pray her body will finally learn - the vet says that she could just have a life long issue with this and as much as the heat is effecting her, the cold could do the same - I pray not.... But I do think I am going to find a mini blanket to have ready just in case. She is a darling though :0) Totally sweet.
Ok so today is not Animal Crackers day - you are here to find out who won my Blog Candy from last week aren't you? Not to hear me whine about my chores, the heat and our sick baby donkey. Well I did the random number generator - and all though I still can't figure out how to copy the darn thing and paste it here... how do you do that!!! Without copying the entire web page.... but it did choose number 28!
And number 28 is.....
Rufus said...So glad to hear the news about Gabrielle! You are much more organized than I am! The only thing I could add would be that I keep my unmounted rubber stamps in large D ring storage binders, with a stamped index page. Thanks for the chance at some yummy candy! R/
So Rufus - If you can send me your mailing address - I'll get this out to you right away!!! :0) Congrats!!!!
Now for the tips - It seems that cute boxes is the number one choice of storage out there. I got lots of comments for them. I have quite a few cute boxes on my shelves. I love them. Ones I have bought -
And I have even decorated my own boxes -
So cute boxes are a favorite of mine too - I love all the ideas you have shared, and I am even peeking into a few of them and seeing how I can use them! Thanks again so much!
I'll keep working and I am already putting together more new stuff to share. See you tomorrow for an actual CARD I made! LOL Yep... did a bit of actual crafting this week!
HUGS and -

Lets hope Gabrielle makes a full recovery soon.
Love those boxes!~
Oh dear, poor Gabrielle. I keep hoping for her to get stronger.
Well done you for coping with all the chores on your own.
The boxes are lovely & congrats to Rufus.
I hope Gabby recovers fully.
I am totally addicted to pretty decorative boxes and have quite a few from Joann's and Michael's.
I'm glad your husband will be back to help with the chores. That's a huge undertaking for one person and I'm sure it wore you out. It should be alot easier when he's home.
Will keep my fingers crossed for Gabby. Hope that Hubby can start to help you out again. Think it is a tough job to do all this by yourself. Hugs from Holland.
First of all CONGRATULATIONS to Rufus with winning the candy, I´m sure, you´ll have fun with that.
Sorry to hear, that baby Gaby keeps having problems, and really hope, they´kll be solved sometime soon, and it wount keep following in the winter too.
Next I´ll just say I too just LOVE all your gorgepous boxes. I´m completely crazy about gorgeous boxes too and have made a fgaie part of them too, but unlike you, mine is almost all of them gone, as soo many others also seems to like them, so it often ends up with, I´m giving them awway. But now I´ve jsut seen a couple of new ideas here for some, so I guess, I´ll get back to do some more really soon now he he he. I love those,. you´ve shown here, that´s for sure. You´re always doing such an awesome job.
Have a great week-end ahead and don´t worjk soo hard outside, that you don´t have any energy left for crafty fn okay+ Take good care.
Congrats to Rufus! I love the boxes for storage too but they can get to be way to expensive! Hopefully this damnable weather will let up and we will have a mild enough fall that Gabrielle system can catch up and learn to regulate itself. You know it isn't that different then premie babies and it will sometimes take months for them to start regulating appropriately on their own. Bet you will be glad to see hubby tonight! Have a great week. Vickie
congrats rufus and omg those boxes are so pretty i adore them xx
I am praying for cooler temps for all of you. Hugs...
OMG, that's me! I hope that you have a nice normal fall and that Gabrielle's internal thermometer can catch up. I love all those boxes that you've shown, not to mention that adorable stuffed donkey. I know you've got quite the collection of 'em! Off to email you.
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