We are torn this week... we are happy, we have sold 10 kids. But we are sad cuz 10 kids are now gone. It really does crush me when one of my babies drive away. Last week I told you that Popeye, Peggy and LuAnn had left us. This past week - Bobby and Mel were sold on Sunday. Thursday - Betty Davis, Janet and George left. And then yesterday Bluto and Ted went down the drive in a crate in the back of a truck. A few ... well we wave goodbye and wish them a good life. But then there are a few that really do hurt. Popeye is missed. Bobby really missed.... But honestly Betty Davis actually hurt. She had become so friendly that she like her Mom when she was young loved to stand up on Hubby's shoulders and stand on his back. He said he wasn't ever going to sell her.... But when this couple arrived, we could tell they were going to spoil her just as much as we would. And she would have a good life with them. Now I still have not convinced Betty's Mom Rhett... she is still out there yelling for her.
Yesterday when Ted and Bluto were being loaded up I snapped a photo of him... I think they have figured out, when strangers arrive.. if they point at you and either Hubby or I pick you up - you are not coming back... don't you think Bluto knows what is going on?
It is all ok, really. Ted and Bluto are going to be the pets of a six year old little girl as a gift from her Grandpa :0)
Earlier in the week the goats were in the back yard. Sometimes we let them out of their pen into the back yard to give Hubby enough time to get in the pen and set up their feed. It sounds like a good plan, but as soon as the goats hear the grain falling... they are all over it. Anyway... this one day, they were going nuts, as Hubby got a phone call and was held up. So I had a million goat in the backyard climbing the tree, going up and down the back porch, and then suddenly I heard a thud.... Some of the kids decided that if they jumped up on the back of Hombre, my donkey statue, that they could then reach the leaves in the trees. But so many tried to jump that they turned him over. But hey, it was ok, now more of them could fit on the side of Hombre!

They really are silly and a ton of fun to watch. Yesterday morning we were sitting out in the pen just after feeding them their hay. We had fed Coastal, and they prefer Alfalfa.... and Jill well she thought that maybe we hid the "good stuff" under the Coastal. And she was using her horns to dig to the bottom. When she wouldn't find it... she would run to the next pile and check it. Oops... she sort of had a problem at one point. She was tangled in a huge wad of hay... but she didn't let that stop her! She just took off for the next pile like nothing was different. But a few of the kids... well they saw breakfast on the go!
I told you they were entertaining! :0)
Last night just as the sun was starting to set I headed out to get a few more photos.... I was asked a couple of weeks ago how Gabby is doing now -
Hard to believe she is almost a year old... She lives in the girls sorority pen, and has bonded with a few of them really well. She is doing great and has not had any issues from her month of high fevers as a newborn. She is one of the calm girls. And always hangs back waiting her turn for lovings.
I looked over into the Boys Frat pen.. and Jose was just standing there quietly watching. All the other boys were vocal and running up and down the fence line. A few of the girls were VERY interesting to them. But Jose... nope sweet and calm...
Don't you just want to hug that handsome little guy?
I then went over to see about snapping a few of baby Flavio and some of the "adults"... well just as I got to the pen and was about to snap a cute photo of a group of the ladies.... the entire group heard "Dad" with the hay cart coming around the barn.... that is the sound of dinner. Sort of like hearing the ice cream man around the corner.... They were gone in a flash!
This was all I saw of them after that -
But then... I heard a banging noise.... UH OH!!! Peso was in a bit of a jam..... But before I ran to get Hubby... I had to snap a photo ;0P
You see it is somewhat like a puzzle if you get your head through one of the holes as a goat. If you go through, you have to know how to turn your head to come back. Once in a while, it is just too much for Peso to grasp. Hey he is handsome and gives us gorgeous babies... being smart wasn't a qualification. But you have to understand. Unlike Frankie our other Buck, Peso... he does not like being "handled" or for that matter even touched. So helping him out of this jam... well it sounds more like you are trying to take him to a BBQ and not as a guest... He screams like the world is ending. Hubby put on his gloves and went in to help. Just a few seconds later Peso was free on his own, strictly by accident... he turned just right and fell out of the hole. He then pranced and hopped all over his pen enjoying his freedom. He is too funny.
Now speaking of being in a bit of trouble.....
I was laughing at Peso and started heading back towards the yard to check on the dogs... uh oh
I told Hubby to not leave his good work shoes on the back porch... looks like this one is no longer in that good category... seems to be missing a bit of leather and a part of the shoe string. Chica... she was really enjoying it though - I snapped this from a distance over the back fence... she had no clue I could even see her....
Heard Libbie barking, and came around by the gate... she saw the neighbors dog playing in the donkey pen...
Normally I capture this shot from inside the yard and only see her from the back... Look how intense she is... there are "those dogs" on "HER" property.... only 10 inches tall, but totally in charge!
Well that is it this week. Sorry nothing great of Tuco... oh there were a few shots this week I wished I had my camera... like when he decided to play "pool party splash" in the water bowl in the kitchen... yep soaked everything... Or when he found the new bulk pack of 12 Mega rolls of toilet paper while we were gone... Lets just say He had LOTS of fun then... and then hid when I walked into the hallway. Or how about when he thought it would be fun to bring a cicada or as we Texans say around here a "locust" inside to play with then have as a snack.... Yes.. his is really in his teenage puppy times now! LOL
Hope you have a great Saturday - and I really hope that Animal Crackers gave you a smile to start the day!
HUGS and-