They all get so excited, they kick up a lot of dirt - lots of excitement and energy - it is so fun to watch. Maybe not for all of us - The three standards are trying so hard to be patient... not really but it looks that way in the photo - they actually were making lots of noise themselves and kicking at the fences. But I can pretend they are well behaved.

also got a photo of proof that Spring is coming - this tree next to the pen has just popped out in the last day or so!

Ok, now some Libbie shots....
I put the camera on the floor for these... different
angle, but still a cutie...

Then I thought this was too cute to not show.... this is what Libbie and Gato do every morning. They sit on
the rug in the kitchen and try and wait. It last just a few minutes - then Libbie starts running around barking. Breakfast is coming soon... just let me snap this one photo first!
I put the camera on the floor for these... different

Then I thought this was too cute to not show.... this is what Libbie and Gato do every morning. They sit on

Now I am going to get laundry started and then snap some photos of my BLOG CANDY... so after lunch I will get it up - I hope you will come back and see what I put together to celebrate my one year Blog Anniversary!
Hugs and-