We are still feeding Alfalfa to the youth pen once or twice a week - mainly just for Rosie, but they all get some it is just too hard to separate her out to feed her, plus the others just don't eat it like she does - she loves it! If you look close at Rosie.. the first one on the right, she is smiling.. well she looks like it anyway - :0)

Gloria was more interested in the the fresh water - we wash and fill their buckets every evening - so they have clean water, they love the new water as it is cooler that what has been in the bucket all day. Look close here too... you can see her tongue is out and she is swishing the water around in her mouth.

Just after I snapped this photo of Gloria I heard another resident of our property. Nearly every evening we see this hummingbird whizzing around the tree in their pen. We think she has a nest in the tree - not that we would ever find it. But can you believe I got a photo of her? No zoom here.. just lifted my camera up from taking Gloria's photo and snapped!

Patti is such a sweet donkey - very slow and very loving. She also needs a toothbrush! LOL I had just rubbed the end of her nose, and this is how she said thank you.

Vicki... sigh - boy she has caused lots of lost sleep and stress - it was all false alarm. She just isn't ready yet to have this baby - Oh its coming and I don't think it is far off, but not today. I really think she is finding all of this pretty funny.

Wanted to show you how my apples are doing! I showed a photo weeks back of my baby apples - I think then I had 5 or 6 of them... now there are only 2 left. The tree is very small, like 4 feet tall and seriously we didn't think it was going to make it when we planted it. But it is going strong and is that a fabulous Granny Smith apple or what? I see some homemade apple pies... well years down the road, but it is living and doing well now and I can bake the two apples when they are ready!

Hope you enjoyed all the photos today - No Libbie photo this week - sorry, she just wasn't in the posing mood last night - more in the attack her sister the cat, tear up the newspaper and pull all the rugs upside down moods. LOL
NOW... I know I told you last week, that I would post my blog candy this past week. But something I had wanted for it was back ordered - but I think it will be here today and I should be posting the goodies tomorrow!!!
Have a wonderful Saturday - what are you doing this weekend for fun?
HUGS and-

Michelle thank you for sharing all of your photos of your "family". I love following the group but am still trying to keep them all straight.
thanks much
Thank you once again for my Saturday smile, my postie also brought me a package from you today but I am going to be very good and keep everything until Tuesday...thanks in advance. Sue :o)
Michelle, Thank you again for another Saturday morning that made me smile and laugh. I just love how these beautiful babies smile for your camera. It just tickles me and makes me smile too. That hummingbird picture in the air is awesome. I just put a hummingbird feeder in my kitchen window and that same say got 3 beautiful visitors and I get to see them visit everyday when I am cleaning up the kitchen. They are so cute. Your apple tree is going to get bigger and better every year. That is a gorgeous granny smith on the tree now. I want to get a couple McIntosh trees for the kids and a couple pear trees. I remember as a kid going to my friends house after school and picking bartlett pears off the tree in her backyard and they were AWESOME :)
Wonderful pictures again and that apple sure looks juicy. Well I have to say I missed Libbie this week. Give her an extra hug from me
Love all the pictures!! Sweet Vicki still holding out... As long as it's healthy! I sure have good thoughts for fabulous results for all of you, this time. Your apple is so prettt. Great pictures, Thanks for sharing! Your hubby really puts the size of the donkeys into perspective for me. I always forget that they really are just small sweet little things!! They are so Cute....Thanks again for sharing. Hugs Cynde
Awww Michelle, I do hope everything goes well with Vicki, cant wait to see the new one when it arrives, thanx for sharing these fab pictures with us.
Trish (-:
Thanks for sharing once again Michelle, all pics are a joy to see and that apple tree is fab actually producing fruit!
Hee I just LOVE Donkey Saturday - they just look the happiest wee donkeys ever... lotsa smiling and posing and brilliant Humming bird photo Michelle too...
Hi Michelle, your saturday post is the hilight of my week. I dont have much to smile about at the moment so thanks so much for sharing the fab photos of your big family! Fingers crossed for Vicki!
Keryn :D
What beautiful smiles! LOL! What's a bit of tartar between friends!
If that is not a WIDE donkey, I don't know what is...is she ever gonna bring it out to the big wide world?
These donkeys are so cute! You can't help but smile when you see them!! I hope a healthy little donkey is on the horizen for you soon.
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