Wednesday, September 24, 2008

HeeHaw Blog Candy!

Well I have been going through my stuff and trying to decide what is the perfect thing to celebrate my almost 25,000 Blog Candy. I wanted it to be something special. Something New and Different and "ME". Well I made a phone call and order something that just makes me Happy all over!

Yes... I am going to offer up Both of the SWEET LITTLE DONKEYS from Alota Rubber Stamps!!! I am also going to put lots of Ribbon and Flowers in the box so you can embellish these cuties up! The value is sure to be well over $50.00 on this loot! How is that? I am soooo excited to share these Adorable Donkeys!!!!!
Ok... so here is what I would like you to do to qualify for my goodies -
1- Spread the word - place a link in your blog, call a friend, scream it from a roof top what ever is best for you.
2- Leave a Comment on this post... so I can put you in the drawing.
3- How about Following me? Or subscribing? Just click the links on my sidebar.
And that is it! I will draw for the winner on a special day to me. What would have been my Daddy's Birthday - (Miss ya Dad! Know you would have loved my Donkey Babies!) So at 8PM Central Time here in Texas on October 8th I will do a Random Number Generated drawing and announce the winner! That is two weeks from today.
So Please help me celebrate three things - my almost 25,000 Blog Hits, My Dad's Birthday and those fabulous new Donkey stamps from Alota Rubber Stamps!
Thanks and Good luck!
HUGS and-


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Else Slipsager Petersen said...

What a great blog candy - hoping for luck even though I seem to be the first.

Love your blog - you make some great cards

Danni said...

Oh how fun!! Love your blog and will gladly put this on my blog and follow you!!

Maria's Cards said...

Hi Michelle, Found your blog through Sue's (slumbercards) Love these little stamps never seen them before. I will post a link on my blog and follow you too.Maria x

Annie said...

oo wow Michelle! those donkey stamps are adorable, I'd love to play with them! I've put up a link on my blog and you are allready on my 'keep an eye on' listing! hugs, annie x

Gina said...

Wow what super candy you are very generous, I am off to link your candy right now :)
Gina xxx

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Oh my gosh Michelle, these stamps are just the cutest! Can't wait to see you make some cards with these as i'm sure you have a set for yourself too ;-) I've put a link on my blog to tell everyone about your candy. Huge Congratulations on all those wonderful hits! Big Hugs, Nikki x

Mette said...

How kind of you to offer those cute little guys as candy. They are just adorable.
I have posted a link on my blog and I will gladly follow yours with such lovely creations and the cute donkeys.
Mette, UK

Leanne said...

Wow your blog is fantastic!! Absolutely love your creations! I am 'following' you and also have put you on my blog list!
Thank you for offering such fab candy xxxx

TinaJewel said...

Awww...what cute donkey stamps! I am subscribed to you in my google reader and love reading about your little donkeys!
I linked to you on my Blog, too.

jane said...

Hi Michelle.
I love your blog so much I tjeck it several times a week.
You make some truly beatuful things and I adore your donkeys.
They always makes me smile, kind of silly I know..
I´ve linked to your blog from mine, and had you on my blogrole for quite a while now.

love from Denmark

StampinCathy said...

Congrats on 25K! WOW you know how to celebrate. The stamps are just to cute. Love your creative and inspiring style. I don't have a blog, I'm just a blog surfer. I didn't sign up to received your updates. Since I found you, I don't want to miss your creations.
Thanks for a chance.

Beth said...

Wow! This is so generous of you Michelle! I love your blog and I've left a link here!

Wendalyn said...

Congrats on your 25K... And what great Blog Candy to give away. I bragged about your Blog candy here

And I am following your blog. That is really neat i must put that on my blog also...

Suzanne said...

OMG what a great way to remember dad and celebrate your success with your wonderful blog. These stamps are just so cute I love them not quite as good as the real thing but cute just the same. Sue :o)

Debbie said...

Oh WOW Michelle these stamps are Amazing what a fab way to celebrate,Huge Congratulations on all those wonderful hits, Hugs Debbie x

Lim said...

You are so clever my friend. I never see these cute Donkey stamps before. You are a trip, really. I don't know how you have time to do so many amazing cards, work with your donkeys too and have all this amazing ideas LOL..
Really, a wonderful Candy Blog.

CraftyC said...

Congraulations on your 25,000 hits. I would love to follow your blog!! Your candy is fantastic......

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle
A fellow donkey lover I see, aren't they just the cutest creatures on earth?
Love your blog candy and am now just off to post it on my blog!
Jane x

Becky said...

These are just to adorable. I would love to follow you (blog) :) How generous you are.

Donalda said...

Oh Michelle I would love to help you celebrate all three, that is so sweet to do the blog candy with your dad's memory. And the stamps are just adorable dear. October is really a bad month for me I lost my mother and husband in this month but what better way to make it better To help you celebrate dear. Congrats on the hits dear

Ann Hedvig said...

Wow, these stamps are sooo cute. I have never seen them before, but would love to try them :o)

Brocéliane said...

wow Michelle, your blog candy is amazing and I am in love with those stamps:)

Here is the link

Have a nice evening :)


Lena Katrine said...

Wow! What a great candy! Those stamps are just so cute - I would love to win those!
I am now following you - you make lots of pretty things!
You are wlkome to visit me in my blog too!

Michelle said...

This is my first visit ~~ very cute ~~ love the donkeys (your real ones, & the ones floating around your blog, lol). I will add a post to my blog announcing your blog candy, & I'll also add you to my blog roll, if you don't mind!

Michelle said...

This is my first visit ~~ very cute ~~ love the donkeys (your real ones, & the ones floating around your blog, lol). I will add a post to my blog announcing your blog candy, & I'll also add you to my blog roll, if you don't mind!

Kelly Schelske said...

Hi Michelle, Fantastic blog candy, the stamps are adorable!! I see that under Links to thsi Post is mine, but not really sure how I got it here it is as well:-) Hugs, Kelly

Crafting Creatively: Charming Edwin & Double Challenge again!!

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle

Gorgous stamps and candy you have on offer, I have been a follower for a couple of weeks now. I would love for you to enter me in.


Marcea said...

oooh these are adorable. Keeping my fingers crossed for this one. Added a link on the right hand side of my blog and following you

Catherine said...

OM Gosh, they're adorable, thanks for the chance.

1. will spread the word.
2. just left a comment.
3. i'm now following you :)

If I don't win...i'm buying these set =)

Anonymous said...

Wow - great blog - great candy.

Gave it a shout

Gail S. said...

What cute stamps!! Congrats and what a great way to remember Dad! I don't have a blog but I will "shout it from the roof" and tell the ladies I work with that like to stamp (I also have a co-worker that has 2 donkey's - Ike and Gabby)I enjoy reading your blog and love the cards you make and the great pictures you post. Thanks for a chance to win!
Gail S.

Kristine said...

These are sooo very adorable!! =) Love both sets, and you're right...they are sooo YOU! Congrats on your 25,000 hits and that's so sweet to think of your pappa. I've posted this wonderful candy to my blog HERE

Bunny B said...

I am a subscriber :) Congrats on your superb hits! Woohoo!! Blogged!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anita said...

What beautiful stamps! I subscribe to your blog and I love all your beautiful cards. I will post a link on my blog (

Claire said...

OH wow , this is awesome. Congrats on your many hits.


Nicole Bailey said...

Thats a lot of hits!!!!!!
Super cute blog, i'll be sure to come back!

Oma said...

I have you in my google reader so read your posts everyday. Love your donkeys. Love the cards as well. Love the candy too! I am new to card making and would love to have some stamps, - I'd be happy to get stamped images as well.

Carmen O. said...

Congrats on 25k hits, I just made it to 1000 the other day. You really have some awesome cards to get inspiration from. I blogged about your blog candy on my blog and will follow you to get inspiration. Thanks for having this giveaway!

Monds & Mayberry said...

Congrats to you! Can I just say how much I love the stamps. Soooo cute!!

christina d said...

How neat! I love the donkeys. I will give it a big shout out for you. Happy Birthday to your Dad too! I get e-mail updates so I can keep up with what you're doing and how all the little donkeys are.

Anonymous said...

soooooooo cute ...sooooooooofun love you and thanks for offering such a nice treat!

Anonymous said...

I followed the link from Bunny-Zoe's blog. Cute stamps! I never would have thought to look for donkey stamps. Happy Birthday Michelle's Dad! Michelle, your cards are cute!! I will be subscribing for sure and for certain.
Heather P.

Anonymous said...

Aw! How cute! I can picture some super cute cards with those stamps.... come on lucky star! Shine on me! :) Thank you!

Cindy J.

TA Carbone said...

Congratulations on 25k. I already follow your blog and truthfully I couldn't wait to get my hands on the rubber so I ordered the one sheet full of donkey smiles :) Just love your blog


Stampinsilvia said...

Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know I love your blog so much I decided to take the plunge and follow you! I also posted a link on my blog for your AWESOME candy! Thanks for the chance at such sweet goodies!

Anne said...

I can see why these little guys make you smile--absolutely adorable! Off to check out the rest of your entries.

Patti Smith said...

Oh what awesome blog candy girl..your blog just keeps getting better and better...(((HUGS))))

Dannette said...

Oh my goodness, totally cute stamps! I hope I am picked, I would love to use those!
Congrats on your 25,000 hits, and heres to 25,000 more!
Hugs, Dannette

Anonymous said...

Great blog candy. Those donkeys really make me smile. I have added a message to my blog about your candy and have added a link to my blog so I can follow your blog. I didn't click on your sidebar though, I did it a different way because that is the only way I know how to do it, lol.

Ginny said...

I love, love LOVE Alota stamps and aren't these the cutest. Glad I stumbled across your blog today and I've made a link on my blog too :0)

Wish your dad the best for the 8th..must be a lucky's my dad's birthday too ;0)

cheers from "Down Under"

Misty Leach said...

omgosh, nothin cuter than a cutie pie donkey! I'm an eeyore fanatic, and if I win, these stamps will go to the best home ever and I will ink them regularly, just as they are meant to be treated!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jannette said...

Those donkeys are just too cute! I've just signed up as a subscriber to your news letter. I can't believe what I've missed. Your work is wonderful!

Jannette D.

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Oh YES I will celebrate all the wonderful things together with you! What a REALLY nice blog candy, of course I have to try it! You know I love the cute Alota donkeys and the cute little turtle ;)

Congratulations to all the bloghits, this is really fantastic!

Here I told all my friends and blogvisitors about your candy :)

Jay Jay

COCO said...

FANTASTIC your celebrate 25000 hits !!!!!!!
and very fab blog candy !!!!!
me, me !!!! I love the cow!!!!!!
good luck !!!!

Sew This N That said...

ooeeeerrrr Michelleo! Have you won the lottery? that sure is a big prize....I know that I would feel like I had won the lottery if I won your blog candy ***fingers, toes even eyes crossed***
I am going to *Shout about it* on my blog
**Hugs** Heather x

Iris said...

Hy Michelle, what a great price to win. The 8th of October is also a special Day for my, cause it´s the birthday of my daughter (nearly 7 Years old).

Here I´ve told all my friends about your blog and the very nice candy.


Vicki said...

Are those just the cutest stamps ever? Thanks so much for a chance to win them. Just found your blog and I'm subbing now.

Andrea said...

Hi Michelle, congrats for 25.000 hits! This is a great candy. The new stamps are so cute. Thanks for the chance to win thi.
I post your candy on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea

Renee G said...

this looks like a fun stamp set!! I hope i win! I will put a link on my site...

Bastelfrosch's Kreativseite said...

I must win this wonderful stamps!!!
Congratulations to 25.000 hits!

Jill said...

congratulations on your 25,000 hits, and thanks for the chance to win some fab candy. I'm sure you dad would of loved your donkeys ( I have put a link on my blog Jill x

flatis stempelwelt said...

ooooooh wow Michelle! those donkey stamps are adorable, I'd love to play with them!
I hope i win! I will put a link on my Blog
Hugs, Sonja xxx

debby4000 said...

congratulation on 25,000 hits and what a fantastic candy. Have linked you on my blog, wouldn't mind these little darlings to play with.

Petra said...

Wow Michelle, what a blog candy.
I love donkeys and you are so lucky to live with them.
I adore your work..every card is so beautiful.
A well..enough of the honey for now..hope I win ;-).

gila said...

Hallo Michelle,

was für schöne Karten du machst.

Du machst ein tolles Blogcandy, gratulier zu deinen vielen Besuchern.
Ich hab dich hier sehr gern verlinkt

Patricia said...

Hello Michelle, what a great blog you have.. lovely. And also the blog candy ofcourse. ;) I also am gonna follow you!

hugs back,
Patricia from Holland

lalalla said...

congrats! lovely stamps, sooo cute donkeys:) here is my blog

Heidi said...

WOW what a wonderful blog candy my friend.

Big hugs from

Anonymous said...

The stamps are great! I love them. I don't have a blog so I will tell some friends about your blog and candy. And I subsribe your newsletter.

Besides al this I want tell you that you make lovely cards. I look very often at you blog.

Greetings, Nanda

usafcole said...

This is the first time that I have visited your blog. I have added you to my google reader. I found you through Bunn-Zoe's Blog.

Congratulation on your 25,000 hits!

It has been fun looking at your work and being inspired. Have a great day. Thanks, also, for a chance for some blog candy.

Anne said...

What a great blog! Fantastic candy too, these stamps are gorgeous. Keeping my fingers crossed I'll be first out the draw! x

Lisa said...

These are super cute!!! I will definately put a link on my page.

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

Oh mygoodness, Michelle, I've never seen those stamps!! They are ADORABLE!!! Love them! Thanks for the chance to win them!!

BethW said...

Wow-that is a lot to celebrate. Stamps are adorable-congratulations-you're the best.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in for a chance to win. I do not have a blog, but I'll spread the word through e-mail to my stampin friends. Thanks for offering the candy

Rosalien Zwackhalen said...

Wauw, 25.000 hits?? I just reach the 2000 :) lol...Congratulations. And the word is spreading in blogland about your great candy. These stamps are new to me and I love them. Wouldn't it be great to win them on my birthday, oktober 8?? I'm going to be 50 then, wauw, sounds old already..:) Good luck to everyone. I post about your candy on my blog. You can see it here


Stampin Cats said...

Congrats on the blog hits. Love the blog candy. I have signed up for the newsletter, signed up as a follower and posted on my blog. Thaks so much for sharing.

fishlips said...

Wow, 25,000 Hits...congrads...What neat blog candy the sets look just 2 cute and I just love your blog....Happy Happy Early Birthday....

Debby said...

Oh my gosh those stamps are the cutest! Who knew you needed donkey stamps? I must have them. I'm a follower and I will spread the word on my blog. Have a great day!

Heather Huggins said...

Super blog candy Michelle!!! Those stamps are really cute. I have hooked you up on my blog HERE

Kathleen said...

Amazing blog candy Michelle. And congrats on (almost)reaching 25,000 hits - sure you will have by the time you draw this.
Have added a link to my blog here.


okienurse said...

Wow awesome enticement to comment. Just wanted to say how cute the critters are and what sweet faces they have. My sister isn't a crafty person but I sent her your link on the donkeys running and now she tells me she will have to check back from time to time to see how the donkeys are doing. Thanks for sharing with us. It brings a smile to my heart.


MandMStudio said...

They are so cute.

ribenaruby said...

So generous of you to give these cute stamps away on a day which will be very memorable to you. Congratulations on the hits and I've done all that you requested.

Kelly L said...

These stamps are SOOO adorable. I saw them on the earlier post and was hoping you would be giving them away (fingers and toes crossed they come my way). I have been following you for a while, but I will definitely scream from my own little blog that you are giving away your cute little donkeys -- stamps that is *wink* Keep those pics of the babies' comin. I LOVED the videos, too! :) Kel (going to see our babies for the weekend --Open Alpaca Farm Day, and I can't WAIT!)

Tina said...

Oh my gravy, those stamps are to check them out as well. Congrats on the hits!

I'll spread the word, I am now following you and have left a comment.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Michelleo congrats on the 25,000 hits I love to vist your blog you always have such wonderful cards, I have put a link on the side of my blog, join as a follower and I have you in my places I vist thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 25,000 hits. I just recently discovered your blog and am loving it. I don't have a blog but I've certainly put you in my favourites. Thanks for the chance to win these really cute stamps.

Anonymous said...

cute stamps

Gina Wrona said...

Definately one of a kind that I haven't seen before & so darn cute!

Gina Wrona

I'll pass the word thru email as I don't have a blog to post a link for.

Anonymous said...


My friend Gina Wrona sent me over to your blog for the candy. How sweet it is!

Carol Grant

Anonymous said...


I found your blog & candy thru my friend, Gina Wrona.


Trish Ashworth

MaggiLiz Creations said...

Just found your blog - it is great. Congratulations on 25,000 hits. I've added you to my favorite blogs and also subscribed to your feed. Thanks for making your blog available. I shall visit often.
Take care ...

Alyssa S said...

Wow! Your blog is fantastic - I love how you color :o) Thanks for the chance - these stamps are adorable! I've linked you on my blog and am now following you in my reader :)

Christine said...

whaou!!! this tamps are too sweet!! I love it!
Here is the link to my blog:

Linda said...

Count me in!!!! WHAT A DARLING STAMP SET!!!! This little donkey is so very cute and can be used in so so many ways!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Linda L Bien (SCS name)
Bedford TTexas

Denise said...

My blog is not ready yet but I will spread the word by email; Those donkey stamps are so cute. I never saw them before. Congrats on the 25,000 hits. I will surely link you to my blog.

Kathryn Callaghan said...

sweet candy
thanks for the opportunity to win
link left
thanks again

Shell said...

These are so cute! Can't help but smile when I see them!

Anonymous said...

so cute. found your blog thru Ink Something. Would love to have those donkeys.
cj55nfreern at cox dot net

retiredheather said...

Lovely blog candy. Congrats on your hits. I have joined your group and posted your candy here

Heather "Hev" said...

I have been a subscriber for awhile now and now I will follow you (get quicker updates that way ;) )

Congratulations on a wonderful achievement and I love reading your donkey tales and seeing what you have created.

Thankyou for the hours of pleasure :)

Jenny said...

Was für ein toller gewinn.Du machst klasse Sachen,toll.
Natürlich hab ich auf meinem Blog von deinem Candy erzählt.
LG Jenny

Sivic said...

Congrats on the 25,000 hits.
Wov, I love your blog candy!!
I've put a link on my blog to tell everyone about your candy and I'll also add you to my blog roll, if you don't mind!
Hugs from Sivic in Norway

Unknown said...

I LOVE the stamp sets they are sooo cute. Thanks for sharing with us.
Erica Munroe

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the hits!
What lovely stamps, such a cute donkey! I've never seen those stamps before (I live in Finland), so I have to check out the Alota Rubber Stamps site immediately. And hope that I win so that I can actually try them out. :)

I don't have a blog, but I will tell my friends about this competition.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the hits!
What lovely stamps, such a cute donkey! I've never seen those stamps before (I live in Finland), so I have to check out the Alota Rubber Stamps site immediately. And hope that I win so that I can actually try them out. :)

I don't have a blog, but I will tell my friends about this competition.

Karten-Stempel-Chaos by Inge said...

Hi Michelle, great blog candy, the stamps are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win! I post a link on my blog


tombecca said...

congratulations! love your blog and the donkeys are soo cute. thankyou for the opportunity to win some great blog candy. bev

❤ Kaia said...

Congratulations with almost 25 000 blog hits.
Love your donkey's, and want to join your blog candy.
I'v linked to your blog !!

Have nice day :o)

Angela said...

TOO CUTE!!!!!!! :)

Dawn said...

Super cute stamps!! Thanks for the opportunity to get my hands on them!

Holly Young said...

Oh what cute stamps! I'd love to win! I've mentioned you on my blog here, just shouted it outside my office and got some strange looks, and am going to subscribe to your blog too because I love the Whiff of Joy stamps and the card you made is fantastic! Who doesn't love that purple you used?

Leann said...

I was looking on the Alota site a few days ago & thought of you as soon as I saw these! So sweet!
I'll pop a link on my blog asap :)

Janet said...

great site! those donkey stamps are too cute!!
I have linked your blog and am following you as well:)

maxine said...

Hi Michelle Lovel blog candy. I have left a link on my blog.

Gill said...

wow! 25,000 hits, not surprising, your cards are awesome, congratulations, thanks for a chance to win those cute donkeys, I've linked you on my blog
lv Gill x

thescrapmaster said...

This is such a kind blog candy!!! Congrats on 25K that is amazing! I will be spreading the word on my blog. Thanks for all the wonderful cards.


Susie said...

Wow what a brilliant chance you are giving us.


have added a link on my blog

Bev said...

Now this is SOME candy Michelle - those stamps are just too stinking cute!!

hugs Bev x

Karen said...

Thanks for offering the cutest blog candy. I've decided if I don't win, I'm going to have to have the sets of stamps anyway. Love your blog site by the way!

Karen Sutton

Jilli said...

Fantastic blog candy, just adore those donkeys! I already follow you so thats done. I've added a link to your candy on my blog on the right hand side and now I'm leaving you a reply lol! Got everything crossed. Jillix

Anonymous said...

cute stamps

Anonymous said...

What adorable donkey stamps and such a different thing than most people use. I do not have a blog but did sign up for yours as your cards are great!

Pauline C said...

Congratulations on the 25,000 hits Michelle - love your blog and wow those donkeys are so cute! i have linked to you form my blog and would love to join your prize draw - thankyou
Pauline x

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful, your stamps are very very very cute !!!

Here is the link to my blog :

Loreen said...

Your work is gorgeous! Congrats on your hits =) I never realized how adorable donkeys are until now. I have a weird affinity to camels, but I think I may add donkeys to my list of loves lol

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful reason to celebrate Michelle! Congrats! I told my sister to come over this way, & I also subscribed. So glad that is an option now. I love coming here & visiting. Congrats again! kristin2timemom@

Deb Wood said...

Oh wow these are so adorable and I sure hope to win, but I'm also very grateful to have been introduced to your awesome blog!! Love that smilin' donkey and I plan to be kickin' it with you more often!! I added your blog to the list of blogs that I follow and added a link on my blog!! So Congratulations and May your Dad rest in peace, so sorry for your loss!

Melissa Bove said...

Congrats on almost 25,000 hits! WOW!! Those stamps are the cutest ever!! Would love to be lucky enough to win those!! {{Fingers crossed}} I have posted a link on my blog and for sure I am subscribing to your lovely blog!! Oh and Happy Birthday to your Dad! I am sure he is watching over you! Hugs,Melissa

Anonymous said...

What stinkin' cute stamps..and what a great give a way. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

kim3timemom@yahoo dot com

Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

This is my first time visiting your blog, but I love the colors and the posts! Not just the candy!

You have an adorable ass .. sorry couldn't help myself.... it's late and I'm tired! But seriously, that is such a great stamp set with lots of possibilities. I only hope I could get so lucky. Thanks for the opportunity; you're so generous.

Hope you have a wonderful WCMD and I've posted your candy on my blog.


Anonymous said...


Justine said...

I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog. Love your work. Did you design the Sweet Little Donkeys? I'll leave a shout out and link to your blog over on mine. Thanks for the opp to winn a great prize.

Tanja said...

Oooooh what a beautiful Candy, i love it!

Greetings, Tanja

Papirolina said...

wow, really gorgeous blog and lovely sweet candy :) thanks for that and hugs from europe (slovenia).

i left a link to your blog on mine.


Renata van Miltenburg said...

Hi Michelle,

First of all I'm sorry for your lost! Second, the 8th of october is a special day for me too becaus my hubbie celebrates his 42nd birthday that day! Third, I love those donkeys so I thougt I take a change! Now I'm going to leave a link to your blog on mine.

Take care and be strong the 8th!

XOXO Renata

diane zechman said...

Congrats on your blog hits Michelle! Wow- I never saw those donkey stamps did I miss them? They are super CUUUTE!

Jackie said...

how sweet are these... good luck to all... and thank you for putting up some scrummy candy...

Tara Godfrey said...

Heehaw!!! This is some stinkin' cute blog candy!!! You would have to be an ass not to want to get in on this candy.. ha ha ha ya get it ass!!! Thanks, Michelle, for offering it up such fab candy. I love your blog, your creations and your adorable little donkeys!!! I will add a post on my blog candy alert in the side bar and I am already following you blog,smile!!!

Heather said...

These stamps are gorgeous - it's so nice to see something different and the donkeys' are so cute.
Hugs Heather xxx

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Happy Crafter said...

Wow i would love to win this fab blog candy.I already have a link to you on my blog and will spread the word about the candy. You have a great blog and i hope i'm lucky :) Val.

Donna said...

Oh wow, these are so adorable, i would love to be in for a chance of winning them, one lucky person is going to be very very happy. I will follow you and i am now going to leave a link on my blog, take care Donna x

Dawn said...

Hi there
Your blog and donkeys are brilliant!
That is amazing candy too and congrats on 25 000 visitors - whew!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog too!


Chris (catt871) said...

Oh my word in Heaven.... I'm not sure I can take a chance to win those, I might have to go buy them right now!!! LOL THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! I've posted on my blog!

Vicki Wizniuk said...

Seriously???? (OK, can you tell I watched Grey's last night?) Wow, very cool blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win. Love your cards!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Cute donkeys, love to win this candy. I left a link on my blog, you can find it here:
Love, Natasha.

Leslie said...

What cute donkeys, I would have never realized how cute a donkey could be! How fun is that? Hope the weather is better out your way.
Hugs to you and thanks for the chance to win such fun Blog Candy!

Hugs, Leslie

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 25,000 hits! Those donkey stamps are darling.. and who would think donkeys could be so cute! It's nice you have such great memories of your Dad. Sorry, I don't have a blog. Just wanted to wish you well.


Cathy said...

Those donkeys are so cute. Thank you for offering such fab candy. Off to leave a link on my blog.
Cathy xx

Alice said...

I am Alice from Italy! Very beautiful blog and wonderfull blog candy!! I hope to win! I link you here in my blog, under the section "blog candy":
and I subscribed at your newsletter!

Sally said...

First Off -- Congratulations on your 25,000th post! I can only aspire to reach that amount. Those little donkeys are soooo adorable. I have listed your candy on my blog and have added myself as a follower.

Bubbles said...

Hi Michelle, how absolutely adorable are those stamps, and so perfect for you!!
Congratulations on 25,000 hits, it's no surprise with your gorgeous creations and beautiful donkeys, and how nice to do the draw on what would be your dad's birthday, so sweet.
thanks for the chance to win, I have put a link on my blog.
Joanne x

Nicola said...

I am a visitor to your blog on a daily basis. I just love your cards and your donkey updates.

This is the cutest candy I have ever seen. I have put a link to you on my blog.

I seem to be having spacing issues and can't edit them but it is there right at the top. You can see it here.


Karen said...

Fantastic number of hits and fab candy!
I've put a link on my candy roll to the right of my blog

Trine said...


This is my first time looking at your blog, and it is so much beautyful things in here! I love your donkey!
I think your daddy would have loved them to, because they are so cute!
(i am not good in writeing enlish)
I would love to place a link in my blog, and i gonna scream it from my rooftop! (-:

Have a nice weekend!
Hugs from Trine in Norway!

Mel said...

Hi Michelle
Gorgous stamps and candy they're adorable i`m a sucker for the cute stuff too :)
Congrats on sooooo many hits and a birthday wish for your dad,
i have posted a link on my blog and going to follow you as you have
so many lovely things to look at, Thanks for all the inspiration.
Mel x

CraftyRia said...

What an excellent blog! Thanks for offering this wonderful blog candy!

I linked you on my Crafty Table Message board:

Thank you very much!

RosaliaArt said...

great blog candy!!!
here is the link:

Anonymous said...

These stamps are just too cute for words. This is my first visit but not my last to your blog since I signed up to follow you. I would love to have these little guys just as much as the other 158 people before me! Congrats on the 25,000 hits. I will put a link for you on my blog right now...where I also happen to be offering blog candy at this time...however, it ends at midnight Saturday, September 27th.

Dawn said...

Hi Michelle
Have added the link to my blog now!


sheffsue said...

Now aren't they just the cutest little donkeys ever!! Would love to have those in my craft box.
Thank you for giving one of us the chance to get our mitts on these.

sue x

Jacilynn said...

Woohoo! Love your blog candy and would love to win it. I love your cards!

~Emma~ said...

Michelle what a fantastic blog you have! We sponsor an abandoned Donkey called Elsa so have a real soft spot for them! Even if I'm not lucky enough to win I am certainly going to buy these stamps...they are so cute!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and I'm off to link you. Hugs Emma.x

Stampin Mindy said...

THat is the cutest Donkey Stamp I've ever seen! Congrats on the 25,000 hits! Have a great day

Maureen said...

Found you through my SBS9 sister Sue (slumber cards)...great candy - thanks for the op to win and congrats on the 25k hits...I am celebrating my 5k hits so come on over and comment at my site!! LOL cute blog and cute donkeys!

Mae said...

OMG..these are so cute. I have not seen them before but I want them. I sure hope I am picked!!

bumblebee creations said...

Hello! WOW !!!! Love your site-I am totally new to blogging but quickly seeing that this is what it is all about! How fun! You have some really awesome cards-I just hope someday I am even half as talented as you are.I have posted yhour site on my new site and started to follow you as well!
Thank You!!

java diva said...

OMW, those are soooo you!!! Too cute! Miss you on Fiskateers!

Lisa Summerhays said...

Love them!! I hope I am the lucky one! Love your site!!!

kaz_za's crafty corner said...

this is my 1st blog link.. i have just created my 1st blog.. and put in my 1st blog card so i hope i do this correct.. will add your link.. and let everyone know about your candy... i love the stamps..!!! fingers crossed for

Heidi said...

OMG, OMG- Michelle I go away for a few days and you go and celebrate without me! I am so glad I got back in time to join you! These stamps are so YOU and how darned cute are they? I love them. Ok, gotta go check out your Saturday pics that I missed last week. Heidi

I will add you to my blog candy roll call too! Yeah- girl!

Anonymous said...

You have some beautiful cards, I just love those donkey stamps. I have so many ideas rolling around on what to do with them, I hope I get a chance to try some of them. What a great way to share your love of stamping. Congratulations on the hits I know I will be back.

LizzyWizzy said...

Congratulations for all 3 occasions :-)
Also love the card you made with the donkey stamp, really cute!

Emily said...

Hi, congratulations on an amazing number of hits! Your donkeys are lovely and so are these stamps. I have put a link to your blog candy on my blog here

Anonymous said...

I think these stamps are so cute - also love your blog. Thanks for offering such a great set for your blog candy.

Sandy D.

Holly's Hobbies said...

Very cute stamps! Congratulations!

Liza said...

This candy is so cute. Thanks for the chance. I've linked to you on my blog.

Liza x

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle
Just found your site from following Bev's link.You have some stunning cards.I don't have a blog but would love to be entered in your draw and will certainly be telling friends about your blog.


:) said...

hi there! the cards u make are wonderful!!! and i loooove ur donkeys :)
i put a link to ur blog candy on my blog, thx for offering this awsome stamps.

Blaack Sheep Designs said...

I posted on my blog for you...

heres the link

and I subscribe to your blog via bloglines.... ;)

Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

It's the first time I visit your blog and read about your donkeys.
I will come back later to reed more about them.
Like your cards.

Digi Stamp Boutique said...

Wow - What an amazing blog - you've got some wonderful cards..the donkeys are soooo sweet and what a lovely thing to do.

You are giving away some very cute and extremely generous blog candy....thank you for the opportunity xx

Lindsay said...

Hooray for all those hits!!!

Seriously tho, Im glad I found your blog, its great, you are quite the artist!

Thanks for the chance to win such awsome candy!

Rosette said...

Wow!! Can't possibly win with all these entries! lol ... but I'd bettet try... those stamps are too good to miss, and the flowers and ribbons you promised are all the more, cause i LOVE flowers to embellish! :) And you don't find 1 where I live! Aggghr.
Anyway, I'll kepp my fingers crossed. LOVE your baby donkeys.. they areadorable I should say, just like your cards :)

laurlynn said...

Love the donkeys!

Carly said...

Hi! These are soo CUTE. I'd LOVE to WIN them!! I think it's really cool that you have a donkey as a pet! I have a bunny, hamster, dog, and 2 cats. Love, Carlyxx

Carly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carly said...

I also posted your blog candy on my blog. Here’s My Post
Thanks :) xxcarlyxx

MADDY said...

I think those donkey stamp sets are just the CUTEST!! Here's my link to my post.


Lauren said...

Fantastic Candy! Congrats on 25, 000 hits!
There is a link on my sidebar!
Lauren xx

~Chris~ said...

Such cute Candy... Congrats on all the Hist.. I posted your Candy on my Blog...

Lise said...

What a cute little donkey set. It's adorable. COngratulations on your hits :))

Jeanette Timmerberg said...

Congrats on your 25,000 hits. When I found your blog, it made me laughing. Your donkeys are so cute. Your cards are so nice as well. Thank you for the chance to win such a nice candy. It would be so nice to get it. I linked you up here and subscribed to your newsletter, so I can´t miss news of your lovely donkeys.
Hugs from Germany

Cynde said...

Michelle Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy.
I shout it from the windows almost daily when I read your blog. Usually oohing and aweing over your beautiful creations. On donkey days I add alot of giggles too, cause they're just too cute!! Would love to win the donkey stamps. (But know I'll still be buying them if I don't)
Love your art and creations!
Thanks again

illyse said...

Hi Michelle,
I got your blog link from Susan (scrappydoo2u). Love love love those donkey stamps.. My daughter loves horses and those would be cute on my scrappy pages, and other projects!! Anyway.. thanks for your generous giveaway. I will be back again! :) Illyse

Kristin said...

What a lovely blog-candy! :D
Thanks for the chance to join!

You've made so many lovely cards! I'm impressed! :D

Wendy Swenne said...

Oh Wow, what a great blog candy! Thanks fot the chance to win!

And you have a really lovely blog. You make beautifull things!

I linked you up on my blog:



Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Wow! Such a lot of visitors! Well done. You have a fab blog and I love your cards.

I've linked you on my site here


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