HI - well this was a fast week wasn't it? Other than the heat here.. yesterday was 103 degrees, the only new thing in our little donkey world is that Mirta and Vicki went into the big pen with all of their buddies - Had just a few stressful moments. I am such a worrier when we let them loose. Vicki was so upset about being "locked up" and away from her best friend Ellie Mae that when we opened the gate for her to go out she took off and forgot Mirta.... We had to literally pick Mirta up and carry her out to Vicki. Then she realized what she had done and loved all over her. Later in the morning Vicki was grazing enjoying the pasture grass and well... Patti stole Mirta. Yes.. stole her. Sometimes the older "Momma" donkeys want babies so bad they will try and take new Moms babies. They don't hurt them, usually they love all over them. I watched carefully for a few minutes as Patti walked Mirta across the pen and away from Vicki - after about 5 minutes we went in and got Vicki's attention and she realized that Mirta was not following her. A little "talk" between Patti and Vicki took place - and she got Mirta back. Poor Patti, she is still months away from having her next one, she loves the babies.
Vicki has been a great Mom ever since, very protective. Which I really like to see.
Here they were coming up for lovin' last night when we went into the pen. I just love the little pounce that the babies take off with!
Cali is getting so big! She is so pretty, just always dirty
And Mirta is still so tiny, her coloring is really much darker than Cali's -
I don't know why but I love the way this photo came out..
Then "Dad" got down and gave equal attention to the babies Cali and Mirta -
Well then then everyone wanted attention.. Ellie has a way of making sure you pay attention to her too - Adorable or what?
And Macie keeps getting wider... :0)
And Jazz is finally getting her little pooches on her sides too!
I tried to get Libbie to pose for her weekly photo... well she got new raw hide rings on her chew toy..... sorry guys she wouldn't stop "working" for nothing - very serious work getting the raw hide chewed down!
Look at those tiny little teeth working!!! Needle sharp teeth I might add - LOL
This has been the best toy I have gotten her. Well besides her baby Purple Dog. This thing keeps her from eating the furniture, the corners of the wall, the rugs, the door to bathroom, the edge of cabinet... I think you are getting idea here. This thing is great! The "bones" spin off and you put these raw hide circles on and then tighten them back on - she works hours at it. And the rubber parts clean her teeth.
Well I hope you enjoyed Donkey/Libbie day - I gotta get a move on I am so late this morning.. I'll be back tomorrow with the MichJay Challenge #2!!!
HUGS and I hope you have a great Saturday!