I do believe we need a Donkey sized Toothbrush here :0)

Lina was rubbing her lips on the fencing yesterday afternoon... I guess when you need to scratch and have no hands or fingers.. you use what you can. But Ewwww... she really does need her teeth cleaned - But she doesn't need braces - look how straight and perfect they are :0)
Hubby calls this little girl "Little Bitty One" she is tiny, and she is full grown. :0) Love these little bitty donkeys!

And she is really a pretty little girl, she gets her petite looks from her Momma....

Jolene. I didn't name her, actually that dumb Dolly Parton song goes off in my head every time I say her name, and I hate that song... it just sticks in your head forever. Just wait you'll be singing it later today... But oh well... Jolene is a stunning black faced petite donkey. We first bred her to Raffie, our spotted jack, - she just happened to be in that pen and well we were just curious of what we would get with two small donkeys. One black faced, and one spot - And that is where Josephine "Josie" came from. A brown adorable tiny girl. The next time we bred Jolene with Black Jack - two black faced donkeys - and that is where we got Pepita... I showed her a couple of weeks ago with Mirta...

a tiny all black donkey :0) You just never know what you will get... sometimes just what you think and others something completely different!
How is this a cute face?

Felipe, one of our boys for sale, he was actually saying... "Hello... cool water here... I am melting here!" He loves to drink the cooler water from the hose as I am filling the water bucket. Which I am doing twice a day already... Is it August or May?

Belle was enjoying the "Tire Bed" in the shade - she was asleep just before I snapped and it was a really cute photo. But then Libbie started barking her high pitched piercing bark, and woke her up. Still adorable thought.
I had wanted to get a good photo of all three dogs on the porch, they were SO ready to go into the air conditioning. Pant Pant Pant.....

But just before we went in, they got one last burst of energy and decided to have one last round of fun.

Libbie was saying ..."Uh cut it out, I want to go inside!" Libbie is kind of on edge lately. She is tired, and sleeping a lot. And late this week... she started nesting. Yep... we are getting close to her "due date" My calendar says June 3-10... but last time she was a few days early, so we are keeping a close eye on her, and have her birthing crate already out and ready for her to make ready.
Hope you enjoyed our Animal Crackers this week.
I love your Animal Cracker Saturdays! :) They always put a smile on my face! Great pictures, I love the one of Josie...she's soo pretty! Great pictures of the dogs, too, I love the look on Auti's face. :) Thanks for sharing!!
Hooray for Animal Crackers Saturday! The dogs are gorgeous, I hope Libbie will be okay. And I love the photo of Belle resting in the tyre.
Wow, the pictures are gorgeous again. Oh how I love to see these lovely donkey heads each saturday. Belle in the tyre is very adorable and of course the dogs (it is not difficult to love them). Good luck with Libbie. Hugs from Holland, Helen
Such sweet gfaces. Can't wait to see the new puppies :)
Love the animal pictures, as usual, Michelle. The last picture with the 3 dogs really made me laugh. Libbie sure can express disdain with a look.
Your pics. are so cute!! I love your little donkeys! Do they each have personalities? My father in law has a full size donkey "Pancho", and he seems really affectionate w/ my father in law...are they capable of loving? :)
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