This entire week has been all about the goats - the new kids mostly - I have been so worried and stressed over Iris. Little thing got sick, real sick and I didn't want to loose her - You see we lost another baby at birth on Saturday night. Lillie gave birth and the baby was enormous, I don't know if that was part of the problem or not. I missed the birth by probably 30-45 minutes at 2:30am. It was only one baby, and Lillie was so upset, as I took away her lifeless baby. As was I. I just couldn't go back to sleep after that.
Back to Iris... can you image that this face has been my stress all week?

She was so sick and weak. And then on top of that.... Lillie has stolen her. Yep... she lost her baby, and since her grand-daughter Chloe had three... she decided to take one. And actually if Iris would eat from Lillie that would be ok. It is a huge waste of a wonderful milk bag...

Told you... HUGE milk bag! But nope Iris isn't interested getting her meals from Lillie. She will let her heard her around, clean her and guard over her, but eating nope... not at all. So besides feeding Iris with powdered milk with her meds I have been having to get her from Lillie and take her to Chloe and stand guard while she eats. If I don't...Lillie comes and takes her away. Iris is doing much better now. Still not well by any means, but she is finally moving around more and not limp. I have become SO attached to Iris. We have had some really long discussions while I am bottle feeding her. But don't get me wrong her brother and sister as wonderful as well.
Is this a smile or what?

NO really... I swear Denim smiles!!! He is a real pistol. This dude is hysterical. And very friendly. I know all boys must go... but man... this one is gonna be tough!
His sister Belle ... she is gorgeous on her own as well, and it still amazes me how totally different these three kids are.

I tell Belle that her eyes could stare through a person. They are just so mesmerizing. (I think I spelled that right LOL) She is the most active of the three - but Denim is usually right behind her. She is the most daring though, I have caught her already trying to jump on the roof of their barn - they are usually at least 3-4 months before they do this.

Getting a group shot is nearly impossible... One or more of the kids is always looking away, making faces or just not paying attention at all. LOL KIDS...

Donkeys... Jazz and Macie are trying to find any healthy green grass that they can. Man it is getting scary dry here. No rain in forever, things are already dying as if it was middle of summer! And it is barely May! We need rain! Oh and yes.. both of these ladies are pregnant. But not close yet ( despite Macie being enormous LOL )
Diego -

He is my handsome Eeyore man... this isn't a super great photo of him. But it does remind me of his nick name Eeyore - You can also see how dry it is here. You would think that we live in a sand area wouldn't you. NOPE that is dry powder dirt!
Sorry no Dog photos this week.. to be honest, they were just a mess, and I was not happy with Autie at all. He rolled in some sticker burrs... not fun to get clean. Libbie was in trouble for barking at all the baby goats. And Chica... well she is usually a partner in crime with Autie. So not one sweet photo of any of them this week.
But one more photo to share for this special weekend -
I just so love watching the babies eat. Something so... well Peaceful.

This is Baby Yolanda and Mom Bella - Gorgeous. And I think a great last photo for Mother's Day weekend, don't you?
Hope you was mostly goats this week.. hope that is ok, it is just what my week has been all about. Have a wonderful day and a blessed weekend.
HUGS and -

Hi Michelle, really loved your post about your lovely animals. Poor Lillie she must be so desperate for her baby. Hope Iris continues to improve. Thanks for making me smile!
Hugs, Barbaraxx
KIDS !!! Gotta love 'em. :) Sue hope Lillie gets less depressed soon snd Iris continues her recovery. (You need your sleep, too.) Hugs...
Oh my goodness, all these babies are soo cute.
Oh poor Lillie...... :(
Oh my gosh...Love the pic of Denim!
Michelle they are all so very pretty! Denim is adorable. Wish I had the land to keep him, I'd drive down and get him when he's weaned. Poor Lily. Can you milk her and give it to iris? or any of the little ones in a bottle? Poor thing. Glad shes trying to mother iris. I do hope Iris continues to get better. Such a Cutie. I think the last photo is perfect for Mothers Day...Thanks for all the great photos. Happy Moms day to you have so many Critters and babies that rely and love you. You obviously do a very good job of it.
hugs, Cynde
Love the pics of the babies today. Poor Lilly! I would be devastated too if they were my babies...just like loosing a grandchild. Wish that Iris would become attached to Lilly. I wonder if feeding her milk to Iris would help her get used to the taste/smell? Thanks for sharing your awesome fur babies with us. Vickie
Thanks for sharing your stories. Hope Lilly will feel better soon; it's always sad to loose a baby. Hope Iris is recovering very well and very soon. Love all the pictures of the goats and donkeys. The other 2 goat kids are adorable as well. Big hug to them all.
wauw beautifull pictures, your storys about the annimals makes me happy! i realy enjoy it!!!! big hug for lilly and iris!!!
xx petra
Well written story & nice collection of pics.
thanks for sharing the post.
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