I would love to say it is another addition on our much too small house... but nope... more important it is a much needed addition to the goat barn. :0) We have dog houses that some love, but the little barn that Hubby built is their favorite place to be. They needed a shade area. NO walls so the summer breeze can blow through. So we decided to do an addition on the back side of the barn. This gives shade, protection from the rain and even more important... it is low enough to PLAY ON!!!!

They all love the shade and play under it, but some of them, especially the younger ones. :0)
Now I have to tell you about BAD Ted E. Bear!! We came home the other day and he would not let us park where I always park my truck. I took this photo with my phone...

Now he thinks this is his Truck - and honestly if I could figure out how to reprimand this guy I would. I know I should lock him into a pen somewhere... all three of the standards. You see they "play" with my truck. The push the mirrors in, if the tail gate is left down they push it up and down, and basically use the edges of my truck to rub all parts of their bodies... I even have a couple of bites out of my nice truck. Yep... Ted took a bite out of the side of the bed the very first week I had purchased my truck a few years ago. Due to their "wear and tear" on my truck, I most likely will stick with this truck until it is worn out - Then I guess we will all have to go to the dealer and pick out a new play toy -
I soooooooo feel for my Macie -

She isn't really close at all to delivering - still has a while to go, and she is already miserable. I keep saying she looks so big cuz her legs are so short, and that she is big boned, retains water, and then I realize those are my reasons for size.. LOL Hope this last month or so is easy on her.. and that she can find some shade and rest up -
Turned from taking Macie's photo and Lillie was saying hi -

She is living in our Buck's, Frankie's pen right now. She likes it in there, she is the queen - and rules the roost you could say. But she does miss all her ladies in her real pen ...
Look how big Juliet has gotten - Gorgeous too!

She stands heads taller than all the other youth girls in the pen.. her "mini" friends I call them - but she is totally bonded with them and loves playing with them :0)
Our only baby donkey on the property now.. our Yolanda - she has the same personality that all of Bella's babies have had. Super Obnoxiously Friendly. The neighbor Dr. has totally gone nuts for this girl. Lets see if he can talk Hubby out of her when it is time to wean her.

And I wonder why this boy is always stinky dirty and matted..................

My Autie boy... so darn cute you just can't get mad at him ;0)
Chica - Libbie and Autie - Being CALM!!!!

They are so funny - and it is really a rare photo. If you would like to know what they were doing... Chica and Autie are watching Libbie torture a beetle.. and wishing they could take it from her - but NO ONE takes things from Libbie....
Hope you have a wonderful Saturday - and that my furry children gave you a smile ;0)
HUGS and-