Well today was baby moving day. Both Rosita and Angelina and their Moms were moved into the big pens with the other donkeys. We did Rosita first, I have spent the entire day stressed outside watching and trying to protect her, like I really could do anything! I have said before Lacey, Rosie's Mom, is not the best mommy. We moved them into the pen and she basically took off on her own and left her baby to fend off every one by herself. The girls were just curious and sniffing and following. Diego my loving gelding is very curious and really takes to the baby, after some time he was like a protective uncle. But the "Daddy" Raffie was a little too aggressive. Thank God for Diego, he ended up protecting Rosie and kicking Daddy off. I think things have calmed down finally, and by this evening when hubby got home from work Rosie was very happy to have some hugs from him.
Well then we went to the other pen and let loose Angelina and her Mommy Macey. We had a little nervousness, with Daddy Black Jack for about 10 minutes. Then Mom told him how things would be and everyone was calm and back to eating... I got a couple of minutes of video of Lina stretching her legs for the first time... Freedom! Is she cute or what!
We then put Cheyenne into the Momma pen... she is due anytime...
Awwww, how CUTE!! Love how she flips her tail while she runs .... like it's her engine crank! =) Glad to hear they're all doing well... and come on Cheyenne!! We're all rootin' for ya!!
Oh i must show this to the grandkids they will love this Michelle....so sweet and such personality....Okay Cheyenne we are all ready and waitin'!! (((HUGS)))) Patti
WOW! She is as fast as lightening. She sure can run fast!! How cute!!
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