Monday, May 19, 2008

5000 Mark Blog Candy!

And to celebrate I think it is time for some Blog Candy! I can not believe I am already hitting the 5000 mark on my counter. So I have pulled together some items to throw a little party. We have to have some confetti for the party so I going to share some of my new favorite flowers, the Bridal flower confetti I have been using so much of lately, in creme, pink and blue. Then I have a new Fiskars Squeeze Punch... bling bling. Love these squeeze punches! I also found a set of Fiskars Clear Stamps Odle of Doodles, they are fun fun fun! I then added three packages of Cloud Nine Rain Dots and one package of ColorBox Metal Adhesive Dots. Then I stamped and stamped on my Papertrey Ink Cardstock with Brilliance Graphite Black Ink. You will see lots of Tilda's, some of my favorite House Mouse stamps, a couple of Whipper Snappers too... and of course my favorite new Donkey Stamp!

So what do you need to do to get these goodies... help me get over the mark. Link my blog and the candy to your blog, and then post a comment here and let me know so I can visit you too!
I will draw a random winner on June 2nd! Thank You for making my blog!


Donalda said...

Oh congrats on the hits dear and such a wonderful blog candy give away. The flowers there are just gorgeous I love those, maybe I will get lucky I have posted on my blog about your candy Here

Mary Dawn said...

i've gotcha linked up on my blog!

i've also added your blog to my feed reader, love your donkey smiles

nicky said...

omg what a wonderful candy, i hope i have luck! i leave the link too you on my blog!

Jeannette said...

Hi Michelleo, I'd love to win your Blog candy. Well done on passing the 5000 mark. I've linked you! Here's my Link to my Blog.

Sandra said...

Congratulations on hitting 5000!
An wow do you have some great candy for one of us. I put a link on my blog about the candy.


Jilli said...

Congratulations on your 5,000! Thats some fab candy you have up for grabs. I've added a link to your blog on my blog!

Just Me said...

CONGRATS!!!! Here is my blog with a link!

Suzanne said...

CONGRATULATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS!!! well done your blog is the best great cards and loads of fun. I already have you linked on my blog but I have also posted to let everyone know about your great candy. Sue :o)

The Crafty Den said...

Hi Michelle, this is the first time I've visited your blog but wow I've been missing out on such a lot of wonderful stuff. I'll definitely be visiting more often. You're offering such generous candy, I'm off to leave a link on my blog. Lots of love, Denise x

Karen said...

Hi Michelle, this candy looks great. Love the blog also. I have left a link on my blog.


Deb Neerman said...

Congrats on the blog hits!! I can see why!

Please enter me for a chance to win your yummy candy. I've linked you in my blog-roll: HERE.


Allison Rankin said...

Woo hoo...loving all those images...congrats!

Richelle said...

Congrats on all your hits!! love your blog and all the going ons with the donkeys...too cute!

csroyal said...

Congrats on the hits and a great blog! Fantastic candy, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh...I love the ones you stamped. Congrats on all of your hits. You have a great blog!!

Heather said...

Awesome blog candy! I'm crossing my fingers big time on this one. I love those Fiskars punches! I linked you on my blog!

Patti Smith said...

Oh my girlfriend congrats...I tell everyone about your blog..."My girlfriends at work will say did you see that card on your friend donkey blog!"I'm not sure how to link if you will drop me an email and tell me how of course you are already listed in my favorite blogs on my site...Congrats again on hitting 5000 in such a short about of time..(((HUGS))) patti

Rachel said...

Congrats on making 5000! I linked to you and mentioned your blog candy : )

Ila said...

Congrats on the hits...but it's no wonder cause your blog is Wonderful!! Great blog candy ....I've linked you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle
congratulations for the 5000 hits!!

I like your donkeys, Angelina is bonita (beautiful)!! just came to my memory, my grandmom had a donkey call Sapcho in Quechua that means peludo (a lot of hair) he was very nice with me.

Thank you for the fantastic candy.


n2kids said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I would link you to my blog if I had one, but I don't.

PattiM said...

Hi.... Great candy.... Love the stamped images..... I linked your blog and candy on my blog...

Patti M
(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!!

Annapurna said...

Lovely candy and love your blog header. Linked you up.

Kisa Peters said...

Congrats on your 5000 hits! I'm celebrating the same thing! Come sign up if you want! : ) Your candy is YUMMERIFIC looking!

Deana said...

Congratulations on 5000 posts, that's great.

Andrea said...

Hi Michelle,

congrats to 5000 visitors.

Thanks for the great candy, i link it on my blog:

Hugs, Andrea

Anonymous said...

What awesome blog candy! I can't link you because I don't have a blog. I love to come here to visit, though! Congratulations on your new mark!

Giovana said...

Congratulations on your 5000 hits, I just found your blog and I wanted to share the good news too!!!
I linked you on my blog. (under Just in case post)

God bless

Bunny B said...

Woot!! Congrats on your amazingly high hits!!! :) Blogged you HERE. Thanks!

bunnybox9 at gmail dot com

Tanja said...

What a beautiful candy!

I linked you on my blog

Greetings, Tanja

Sally said...

Welldone on reaching the 5000 hit mark, bet your chuffed to bits. Lovely candy your giving away. x

Heidi said...

Okay- linking you on my blog- I have a list of AWESOME blog candies over there!

Gia Harvey said...

Great candy - congrats on your hits! Link on my blog:

eba said...

I'm linking to you, and will be back to see more later! :)
Congratulations on passing 5000! That's great!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits! Love the goodies, especially the stamped images! wow!

I don't have a blog, so can't link you but do visit often and I'll send others your way! :)


Jean said...

How wonderful to have all those hits! Congrats and you'll find a link on my page. I am so happy to have a chance to win those Tilda images!! Thanks Michelle

Heather Huggins said...

Congrats on all the hits. You have a great blog. I've link you on my blog.
Now off to find that donkey stamp.

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

What a fun blog!! I linked to you from mine. Very generous blog candy too - love it!

Your Gato is so sweet I can't even stand it. What an amazing story too - she's {he's??} lucky to have you & your hubby as her new parents. {I just love cats}.

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

I forgot to leave my blog addy. Guess I woke up too many times last night with poor sick DS #1.

Velta said...

Congratulations on your 5,000 hits! Your art is beautiful, I went snooping on your blog! I would love to win this blog candy. Come visit me whenever you can!

Chris (catt871) said...

Congrats on 5000 hits!! I'm not surprised, your work is FAB!! I've got ya linked on my blog:

Thanks for offering such GREAT blog candy!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but congratulations on getting to 5000!!!

Mary Webb

christie said...

Congrats on the getting to 5000!!! I just love coming and seeing your cute cards and your cute donkies!!! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the 5000 visits! I come here from the papertake's blog and I find a lot of ispirations in your blog.

As soon as I can I add you in the list of my preferite blogs!

Bye from Italy!

marjolijn said...

Gongratulations on youe 5.000 blog hits.
What a great blog candy.
I've linked you on my blog

XXX Marjolijn.

Jen said...

Congratulations on getting over 5,000 hits! Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful blog candy. I've just put a link on my blog.
Jennifer x

Lene said...

Ohhh... what a nice blog-candy you have been making.

I will put a link to you on my blog...

Manda said...

Ooooh, gorgeous blog candy, how can anyone resist??? I'll link you right away. Congratulations btw. Mand xxx

Manda said...

I've linked your blog here Michelle, thaks again, Manda xxx

Janet said...

I put a link to your blog and candy on my blog. Here is my URL:
Thanks for a chance to win some awesome blog candy.

Tine said...

I have linked to your blog. You are welcome to visit my new blog here

I looked at your cards. Really nice! That is good inspiration for me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching 5000 comments. Thanks for sharing your ideas.


tracie said...

Hi Michelle congrats on 5,000 hits - its no wonder your cards and blog are fab. And what gorgoeus candy you have on offer - I've linked you to my blog. Have a good week. Hope you've received your goodies by now :-)x

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 5000 hits, I can understand why everyone is reading your blog. I love seeing all of your designs and updates on the donkeys. The donkeys are adorable. Please put me in for the drawing of the blog candy. Thanks.


Beth said...

Ooh, fab candy! I've made you a link. Congratulations on your blogging milestone!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5000 mark.
Great blog candy. would love to win.

Pink-Fashion said...

Hi beth your stuff is soooooo cute !!! omg

have a nice week bye

Nikki said...

Wow, your stamping is amazing! I have a lot of learning to do when it comes to stamping...

I have your blog candy contest on my blog at


Kelly L said...

Wow!! Congrats on your 5K blog hits. I will link you to my blog as well. Thanks so much for your generosity. I am sure whoever wins will be thrilled. :) Kelly

Anonymous said...

Awesome candy and blog! You're linked to mine.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog to link you to, so I'll just drop by to say hi and point you to this one...
It's one I visit daily and it's very inspiring.

Jenna said...

yay for the 5000 mark Michelle!!!

Congrats :)

Tamara said...

Blog Candy! Yeah!

Your linked...I hope I win! Thats some pretty nice stuff!

Karin said...

what a wonderfull cady. I've linked you up on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on this milestone!!!
I have linked you on my blog too:
Your bloglink.

Stampin Cats said...

Congrats on the blog hits. I do have you saved in my favorites, but I will link you to my blog. I don't have any fun video, but I do have pictures of my baby goats. They are so cute. Glad to see all the donkeys are doing fine. Hopefully we will have some more baby llamas soon.

michelle said...

Congratulations on 5000 hits ! your blog is wonderful and that is wonderful candy you are giving away thanks for the opportunity to win !! i have linked you on my blog !

Debby said...

Congrats on the hits and wow what a generous giveaway. I have you linked here

Have a great and wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I got you on mine...what fun!!

Amanda said...

well done on all those hits

Frenchy said...

What fun blog! So glad I stumbled across it!

Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits!
I've put a link on my blog and hope you'll get many more visitors!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Hi I'm Lil' Deb said...

You have a very nice blog. Congrats on all 5000 hits. Check out my blog and blog candy giveaway at

Risa said...

Congratulations on the hits!!!
Your cards are awesome and I'm glad to have had the chance to see your work.
I'm going to post a link on my blog and thank you for sharing and thanks for the opportunity.

BethW said...

No blog to link, but you know your blog is my one must see every day. Your donkeys have become the bright spot of my days. You are a wonder and I just cannot thank you enough for sharing with all of us.

Lori A. said...

Congratulations!! Unfortunately, I don't have a blog but wanted to say congrats anyway.

Monika/Buzsy said...

Yummy! I can always use some calorie free candy. :o)
Thanks for sharing!

Sian said...

Congrats on the 5k, and wonderful blog candy.

Minxy said...

Seems like you may have already surpassed your target, but if you have room for 1 more little one in your candy offer i'll just squeeze in :O)
Have done the linky thing :O)
Thanks for great candy and a great blog :O)

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog but congrats on getting 5000 posts !!!!


Marilyn said...

What fantastic candy! I don't have a blog, but I certainly enjoy reading your blog, along with a LOT of other blogs. "Blurfing" has become almost an obsession with me - at least all it takes is time, and not money! I love all the donkey pics and updates you give, but I also enjoy all the cards, which are great for my inspiration! BTW - I'm a fellow Texan, although I probably live a long way from you!

Brenda said...

Congrats on the hits! What wonderful yummy candy. I posted about it on my blog at Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday and I enjoy reading about your sweet donkeys as much as I enjoy your stamping! How about us poor folks that don't have a clue how to begin to get a blog? I just learned about 6 months ago what a blog was! Technology has soooo left me behind! Congrats on the 5,000 hits!
Judy T.

Theresa Momber said...

Congrats on 5K hits. That's awesome. I love your blog. It is so nice to have little bits about your donkeys and your new kitty. I have linked you up on my blog,

Good luck to everyone!

Julie said...

Hello! I have stumbled across your blog from another blog...isn't this blogging stuff so much fun! :)

I will go and link you on my blog now!

Jacey's Mom said...

I linked up to your blog.
Congrats on getting 5000.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 5000 hits! I love your blog! and what an awesome blog candy! too bad I can't enter, I don't have a blog.

Unknown said...

Awesome blog candy!
I linked you on my blog!
Thank you for the chance to win.

flatis stempelwelt said...

You have a very nice blog. Congrats on all 5000 hits.
I love your blog candy.... wow
Check out my blog
Hugs xxx Sonja

flatis Basteleien

Rima said...

Congrats on the hits on your blog!! I love your blog candy... I too am having a blog candy challenge, stop by & take a look if you get a chance.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your blog! I linked your blog to my blog.

Nina Castaldi Fickett said...

Awesome hit count! Congrats...I've linked your blog from my blog.


Beverly said...

Awesome blog candy!! We are linked! Thanks for a chance to win some yummies!

Nany said...

I create a link.. this is an awesome candy....very nice....

Stinne said...

I've linked your blog from my blog. It ´s some very nice stuff you have on your blog.... Fell free to come visit my blog

Karen said...

Great blog - Happy to have found it and not surprised you've had so many hits.
Have linked to your candy from mine -

Patty Tanúz said...

Wowowowow, you blog is so niceeeeeeee, I´m from Méxicoooooo, many kisses for youuuuuuuu, do arrive in time??????????? hehehe I like your cards!!!!! :-)

Patty Tanúz said...

Wowowowow, you blog is so niceeeeeeee, I´m from Méxicoooooo, many kisses for youuuuuuuu, do arrive in time??????????? hehehe I like your cards!!!!! :-)

gretchenhs said...

I did a shout for you on my blog today. I'd love to win some fun candy!!!
Here's my blog,

Thanks for the chance to win.

Renilde said...

Hi Michelle, you've a great blog! And I think you reached your goal already, so up to 6000 ;-)
You're link is here

Thanks for the chance! x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching over the 5000 mark. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Unfortunately i haven't got a blog, one of these days I will get someone to show me how, but I love surfing the net and finding new ideas. Thanks for sharing your expertise so freely.

from LoveandJoy Australia

Scrapy33 said...

Hi, I really like your blog and all your work, my blog is not done, but I am gonna tell everybody about your blog candy

Sandie said...

Well hello there.....just stumbled across your site. Congrats on reaching 5000 that's quite an achievement.

Love what I see of your blog so far - I am going to add you to my list and will also sit down with a cuppa and check out the rest of your blog.

The blog candy looks delish!!!!

Luv Sandie (Australia)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this GREAT blog candy. I just posted your info on my site :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! Wow, awesome blog candy! Love your blog!


Carolyn Sharkas said...

Love your blog, just found it. The images of the new donkey stamp are fabulous! I love donkey's and have begged my hubby for years for a miniature jack or jenny, but no go so far :(. Great blog candy.

Caroline said...

wow, what a great candy! Hope I'm lucky it would be like birthday and christmas all in one with so much to play with :-) Love your blog there's some amazing cards on it!

Have you linked on my blog

stampingtink said...

Good luck with reaching your goal! And thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy. Very generous and I hope I win! I've posted your link to my blog. You can see it at


Rachele Funk said...

OH I would just love to have all those stamped images! (The other stuff is awesome too, but the stamps are ones I want and haven't been able to afford!)

Thanks for the chance!

Kim's Life said...

I just love your cards! And I LOVE blog candy! Congrads on your 5000 hits! I have posted a link on my blog to your blog at

Hope you have a great day!

Lieve said...

Lovely blog.
I hope to get the 5000 one day.

I linked you:


Erin... said...

WooHoo for reaching 5000!! Your cards and candy are fantastic!! Here's to 5000 more!

I linked you on my blog:)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the donkeys! But my fave is moose! ;0) Love all your wonderful cards..

Hugs, Donna

Yesenia ( yesy) said...

i link you


Waooo!!! 5000 hints, congratulations

Jane said...

congratulation for the 5000 hints!

The link from your Candy is on my Blog


lg Jane

Unknown said...

I've linked to you!


Peppermint "Patty" said...

I love you blog! You have such fantastic ideas. Thanks for sharing all of your pointers and ideas with all of us in this wonderful word or scrapbooking/card making... I can't wait to try some of your ideas. Patty

Theresa said...

congrats on making it to the 5k mark...i am so far away from that right now, it will take forever for my blog to get there. heehee! but if you stop by and say hi, i will be one person closer. i have added your blog link to try to help ya...thanks for an opp to win some blog candy!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this - you're the first entry on my new blog - - check it out.

Sammi said...

CONGRATULATIONS on so may hits -- I have only found your blog through people posting about our candy and LOVE it! Thanks for the opportunity to win some candy :)

Stacey said...

Congratulations on reaching 5000 hits! Actually, it looks like you are now up to 6000+! Its obvious why ythough as your blog is absolutely gorgeous! ~x~

Anita said...

I see you've reached your goal, congrats on that!! I linked your blog candy in my blog by the way;) Great stuff in it!:)

Hugs, Anita

Jennifer Orbaker said...

Great blog! Congrats on all your hits! Hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. I have linked to your blog on mine:


Kristine said...

Hi Michelle!
Congrats with 5000 hits on your blog! And what fab blog candy you give away! Thanks for sharing your work with us!
I've posted about your blog candy at my blog:


Kim said...

Michelle~ CONGRATS on a huge accomplishment of hitting 5,000 hits! WOW...I can't wait til my blog has that many hits!

Your blog candy looks AWESOME and I would love to win! That would be a WONDERFUL bday present!

Please come and visit me at:


Susie Little said...

Great Blog!

Susie xx

Kimmie said...

June 2nd's my birthday!!!

Here's my link...

Anonymous said...

Wooohoo, what a great candy giveaway!
Glad I ran across your site today.

Unknown said...

Congrats on you 5,000 hits!!!! And thanks for this chance at some awesome blog candy!!!! I linked you up on my blog at

Dannette said...

All linked and ready to go! Love your blog and also love the candy! Congrats on your 5000 hits and here's to many many more!


Anonymous said...

awesome candy. I always enjoy checking out your new creations and your site is such a cheerful one! Ive linked you on my site

Jean Peters said...

Congratulations on receiving 5000 hits! Awesome Blog Candy too - thanks for the chance to win. I have linked you to my blog

sandyh50 said...

Congratulations on your hits! I've added you to my Google reader so I can read you whenever you post. I would Link you to my blog if I had one! Is that something I need to do, start a blog?!!


Valerie said...

WOO HOO for 5000 hits! way to go! I've added you to my friends so I can come back and visit plus I posted about your blog candy :o)

You have some SUPER cute cards!


meayla said...

ooh great idea,i`ve linked up too!!!keep up the good work

Gail S. said...

Congrats. I don't have a blog but I really enjoy looking at others and get sooooo many ideas. Your blog is such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing with us.

Lou Sims said...

Ohhhh what a gorgeous stash of "blog candy". I've also linked up too !

Well done on raching 5,000 hits.

Lou Sims said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello! What awesome candy you are giving away! Congrats on hitting 5000. I don't have a blog, but I love looking at others-thanks for the ideas and inspiration.
Chastity Broeker

BrandiLynn said...

congrats on 5000 I love those mongolias :D

Pink Heather said...

Wow. 5,000. That's amazing. Congratulations. I'm in for the blog candy ~ and for sending scrappers your way. Here's my blog with a link back to you...

Sherri Alspach said...

Ohhhhhh-- I just love your donkeys!!! I don't have a blog yet-- Hope to get one started soon but I love checking out everyone elses blogs!!! And ...... trying to win the candy!!

sherri alspach

Nicole said...

I hooked you up to my blog, too! Congrats on the HITS, that is AWESOME!!!!!


anderson.arts (at)

Donna in Louisiana said...

WAY TO GO on the high hits.... I Love to blog hop. So you have been added to my hopping list.

Torill said...

Love your new blog! And what a candy!!!
You are makeing beautiful cards!!!
Here is my blog.

oheidia said...

I have linked you and i would love to win Magnolia stamps. Thanks for the chanse to win! Those small donkeys are just adorable!!! I think i want some too in my back yard! :=)

Charith said...

Congrats on over 6000 now!!
I'm really loving your cards! I added a comment and link from my blog... hope it helps to get you even more hits to your fantastic blog!!
Super blog candy offer!! Thanks so much for the chance.

kc_froglady said...

I have added you here :)

Caroline said...

ooh :) goodies :D ..
I've linked your blog :)

JIB said...

Adding a hit to your list. You are linked here:



Jo said...

Congratulations on the hits Michelle! Lovely blog candy - have linked you on my blog.

Tina said...

Hi Michelle many congratulations on 5000 hits it does make you feel good hey.... here is my link to your candy... fingers crossed...
Crafty Hugs Tina x

Leslie C said...

Congratulations on the 5000 mark!

Anonymous said...

What a great Blog and congratulations!!!!

Monica said...

Congrats!! I linked you on my blog here:

Crafting Diva said...

Well done on reaching 5,000 mark I have linked you to my blog and my blog is

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but congratulations on how well you are doing. You have some really cute things. Thanks for sharing.


Victoria said...

Congrats on reaching 5000 hits! Great blog candy. I have added a link to your candy and blog on my new blog!
Take acre, Vicky x

Rønnaug S. said...

I like your blog and linked to it. Congratulation with 5000 ++ :)

Trudi said...

Congratualations! What a nice giveaway! I found out about your blog candy through Kim G. in WI so I had to check it out :) I've got you linked.

Jacqueline TresBella said...

Congrats! on hitting your mark! I just started on my blog and it must feel great to have that many hits. Your art is super cute! Sweet blog candy, I've linked you!


Christi Flores said...

Thank you for this awesome blog candy! I've got you linked here:

I love your blog!!

Katharina Frei said...

Hi Michelle, I forgot to tell you that I posted about your candy too. You can find it here Thanks for the great candy and your always so lovely comments on my blog!

Katharina Frei said...

Oh, now I have seen that you have already found my link to your candy...hihi
I am a bit slow today ;)

Tarasdesigns said...

congrats on your hits, I've added a link to my blog. I love reading about your Donkeys, so cute


Blaack Sheep Designs said...

I've linked to you blog...

I enjoy the animated donkey at the bottom of all your posts... you have a nice blog!

Rosella said...

I wish I was the only one who knew about this candy, I absolutely WANT and NEED it. (LOL! Pathetically selfish, I know) Thanks for sharing such awesome goodies with us. And Congratulations on your hits, very well deserved.
I've linked the candy on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching 5000 hits. Thanks for sharing your expertise so freely and offering such great blog candy, it would be lovely to win. So far I haven't found anywhere in Australia to buy the donkey stamps or tilda.

Diane said...

Congrats on all your hits! What a wonderful candy package you have there! I've posted on my blog...
Have a wonderful weekend and wishing another 5000 hits real soon!

tyrymom29 said...

Congratulations on 5000 hits woohoo !!! I just found your blog tru my aunts blog Diane ... WHat an awesome blog candy it would be lovely to Win !!!

Melissa said...

I just found your blog. Love the title. I hope I win the candy.

bastelfan-er said...


great blog and great blog candy... thank you for the chance to win!!!

And I also love the ws donkey too....

love, eva

ScrappyStuff said...

your site is FUN!
! thanks for the inspiration!

Jayme Downs said...

Great candy!! Congrats on the hits!! :) I linked your candy on my blog... :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits! I don't have a blog but I thought I'd say Hi anyway!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is my first time visiting your blog. I will be back often. What talent! Amazing coloring.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

come enter my contests, too!

Sew This N That said...

This is my first visit too :) and wow what a blog you have, you are very talented :)
I have linked you to my blog :)
As Arnie said "I'll be back" lol.

Heather x

❤ Kaia said...

I'm linking to you, very nice blog candy

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